Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Library: [ level: 'beginner platform: 'all type: tool domain: email tested-under: Linux - Windows support: None license: GPL see-also: none ] Title: "SpamPopper" Date: 9-Sep-2004 Name: 'SpamPopper Version: 1.0.0 File: %spampopper.r Author: "Andrew Newton" Purpose: "Connects to POP3 Boxes - Deletes Messages Tagged as *****SPAM*****" Info: "Removes need to use Procmail or Qmail Scanner to delete spam tagged by Spamassassin" Info: "Address file is one mailbox per line in format user:%pass--host--com" eMail: %andrew--techanswers--co--uk Web: ] set '++ func ['word] [set word (get word) + 1] accounts: read/lines %accounts.txt curline: 1 foreach line accounts [ print pick accounts curline mailbox: open join pop:// [pick accounts curline] while [not tail? mailbox] [ msg: import-email first mailbox if find/match msg/subject "*****SPAM*****" [ print msg/subject print "^ Message Deleted" print " " remove mailbox ] mailbox: next mailbox ] close mailbox ++ curline ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage
  • email address(es) have been munged to protect them from spam harvesters. If you are a Library member, you can log on and view this script without the munging.
  • (andrew:techanswers:co:uk)
  • (pass:host:com)