Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "Scrolling Fields" Date: 27-Mar-2006 Name: 'Scrolling Fields Version: 0.1.0 File: %scrolling-fields.r Author: "R.v.d.Zee" Owner: "R.v.d.Zee" Rights: {Copyright (C) R.v.d.Zee 2006} Tabs: 4 Purpose: {This script illustrates the use of fields and a scroller to display data. Similar to a text-list, scrolling fields provides greater control over the presentation of data. } Library: [ level: 'beginner platform: 'Windows type: 'tutorial domain: [GUI] tested-under: none support: none license: none see-also: none ] Notes: { The data may be edited at the bottom row of fields directly above the buttons. The new data presents itself in the scrolling fields - but the entry in the original data (listData in this case) is also changed. The carry through of an edit to the original loaded data works for strings, but did not carry through when a time data type was used. So all data in listData are strings. Scrolling fields data may be edited and updated. } ] listData: [ "MOUNT ISA" {-20°43'00"} {+139°29'00"} "06:47" "18:50" "TOOWOOMBA" {-27°33'00"} {+151°57'00"} "05:58" "18:00" "MAREEBA" {-16°59'00"} {+145°25'00"} "06:23" "18:27" "AYERS ROCK - ULURU" {-25°20'00"} {+131°02'00"} "06:51" "18:53" "ADELAIDE" {-34°55'00"} {+138°36'00"} "06:22" "18:22" "PERTH" {-31°57'00"} {+115°51'00"} "06:22" "18:24" "DARWIN" {-12°27'00"} {+130°50'00"} "06:51" "18:55" "BRISBANE" {-27°28'00"} {+153°01'00"} "05:53" "17:55" "HOBART" {-42°53'00"} {+147°17'00"} "07:17" "19:17" "MELBOURNE" {-37°48'00"} {+144°56'00"} "07:26" "19:27" "BROOME" {-17°57'00"} {+122°14'00"} "05:56" "17:59" ] dataLength: divide (length? listData) 5 gatherData: [ cityData: make block! dataLength latitudeData: make block! dataLength longitudeData: make block! dataLength sunriseData: make block! dataLength sunsetData: make block! dataLength forskip listData 5 [ append cityData first listData append latitudeData second listData append longitudeData third listData append sunriseData fourth listData append sunsetData fifth listData ] ] do gatherData populate: [ foreach face scrollingFields/pane [ if face/style = 'city [ face/text: first cityData show face cityData: next cityData ] if face/style = 'latitude [ face/text: first latitudeData show face latitudeData: next latitudeData ] if face/style = 'longitude [ face/text: first longitudeData show face longitudeData: next longitudeData ] if face/style = 'sunrise [ face/text: first sunriseData show face sunriseData: next sunriseData ] if face/style = 'sunset [ face/text: first sunsetData show face sunsetData: next sunsetData ] ] listData: head listData cityData: head cityData latitudeData: head latitudeData longitudeData: head longitudeData sunriseData: head sunriseData sunsetData: head sunsetData ] ; abbreviations for the fields: ; c for city -- l for latitude -- o for longitude -- r for sunrise -- s for sunset colorRow1: [ c1/colors/1: l1/colors/1: o1/colors/1: r1/colors/1: s1/colors/1: water show [c1 l1 o1 r1 s1] edit1/text: c1/text edit2/text: l1/text edit3/text: o1/text edit4/text: r1/text edit5/text: s1/text show [edit1 edit2 edit3 edit4 edit5] ] colorRow2: [ c2/colors/1: l2/colors/1: o2/colors/1: r2/colors/1: s2/colors/1: water show [c2 l2 o2 r2 s2] edit1/text: c2/text edit2/text: l2/text edit3/text: o2/text edit4/text: r2/text edit5/text: s2/text show [edit1 edit2 edit3 edit4 edit5] ] colorRow3: [ c3/colors/1: l3/colors/1: o3/colors/1: r3/colors/1: s3/colors/1: water show [c3 l3 o3 r3 s3] edit1/text: c3/text edit2/text: l3/text edit3/text: o3/text edit4/text: r3/text edit5/text: s3/text show [edit1 edit2 edit3 edit4 edit5] ] colorRow4: [ c4/colors/1: l4/colors/1: o4/colors/1: r4/colors/1: s4/colors/1: water show [c4 l4 o4 r4 s4] edit1/text: c4/text edit2/text: l4/text edit3/text: o4/text edit4/text: r4/text edit5/text: s4/text show [edit1 edit2 edit3 edit4 edit5] ] colorRow5: [ c5/colors/1: l5/colors/1: o5/colors/1: r5/colors/1: s5/colors/1: water show [c5 l5 o5 r5 s5] edit1/text: c5/text edit2/text: l5/text edit3/text: o5/text edit4/text: r5/text edit5/text: s5/text show [edit1 edit2 edit3 edit4 edit5] ] coloredAcross: false ; a switch to improve performance, otherwise, everytime ; the scroller's dragger is moved, most fields would have ; the color changed unColor: [ unfocus foreach face scrollingFields/pane [ if any [ face/style = 'city ;unColor is used to unhilight the row face/style = 'latitude face/style = 'longitude face/style = 'sunrise face/style = 'sunset ][face/colors/1: olive show face] ] coloredAcross: false ] editData: make block! 5 hiLites: [ ;determines which row to hilite engage: func [face action event] [ if action = 'up [ do unColor liteAt: to-integer remove form face/var if liteAt = 1 [do colorRow1] if liteAt = 2 [do colorRow2] if liteAt = 3 [do colorRow3] if liteAt = 4 [do colorRow4] if liteAt = 5 [do colorRow5] show scrollingFields/pane ] ] coloredAcross: true ] scrollingFields: layout [ size 1024x300 backcolor coffee origin 20x38 box 542x146 pewter origin 22x40 style city field 200x27 olive olive font-color green font-size 17 feel hiLites style latitude field 100x27 olive olive font-color green font-size 17 feel hiLites style longitude field 100x27 olive olive font-color green font-size 17 feel hiLites style sunrise field 60x27 olive olive font-color green font-size 17 feel hiLites style sunset field 60x27 olive olive font-color green font-size 17 feel hiLites below space 0 c1: city c2: city c3: city c4: city c5: city [print face/offset] return l1: latitude l2: latitude l3: latitude l4: latitude l5: latitude return o1: longitude o2: longitude o3: longitude o4: longitude o5: longitude return r1: sunrise r2: sunrise r3: sunrise r4: sunrise r5: sunrise return s1: sunset s2: sunset s3: sunset s4: sunset s5: sunset origin 544x38 scrollAll: scroller 16x136 olive brown [ unfocus if coloredAcross = true [do unColor] skipper: scrollAll/data * (length? cityData) cityData: skip cityData skipper latitudeData: skip latitudeData skipper longitudeData: skip longitudeData skipper sunriseData: skip sunriseData skipper sunsetData: skip sunsetData skipper if (length? citydata) >= 5 [do populate] cityData: head cityData latitudeData: head latitudeData longitudeData: head longitudeData sunriseData: head sunriseData sunsetData: head sunsetData ] across origin 40x205 style edit field 100x27 water water font-color green font-size 17 [ show scrollingfields/pane ] edit1: edit 200x27 edit2: edit edit3: edit edit4: edit 60x27 edit5: edit 60x27 return across indent 347 btn silver "Data" [do populate] btn silver "Update" [ append listData ["NEW PLACE" {-33°55'00"} {+111°11'00"} "00:00" "11:00"] do gatherData do populate ] btn silver "Source" [ clear showSource/text fieldCounter: 0 forall listData [ either fieldCounter < 4 [ append showSource/text join first listData "^(tab)" fieldCounter: fieldCounter + 1 ][ append showSource/text join first listData "^/" fieldCounter: 0 ] ] show showSource ] btn silver "Quit" [quit] origin 610x38 showSource: label 400x300 green font-size 12 top ] scrollingFields/offset: 0x30 s5/edge/size: 0x1 s5/edge/color: pewter view scrollingFields
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage