Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "resize window" Date: 31-May-2001 Version: 1.1.0 File: %resize-window.r Author: "Volker Nitsch" Usage: ["see help, demo. main trick: " [.. func [SIZE-DIFF] [layout [area SIZE-DIFF + 320x240]] {the first time it is called with 0x0, on resize with the difference to the original size} ] "or" [.. func [ORIG-DIFF LAST-DIFF LAST-FACE] [layout [area ORIG-DIFF + 320x240]] "the first time it is called with (0x0 0x0 none)," {on resize with the difference to the original size, to the last size, and the old face} ] ] Purpose: {{easy way to have a resizable window. also window close-button can be trappt.} {may be used with fresh face or modifying the old now} } Comment: [ "mostly extracted from inbuild ctx-edit" {bug in /view 1.2 kills detect-handler sometimes in list-window irreparable} ] History: [ 31-May-2001 {support for face-reuse and "fresh-fac with old data" added. some cleanup. examples} 30-May-2001 "posted" ] Email: %agem--crosswinds--net library: [ level: none platform: none type: 'tool domain: [GUI] tested-under: none support: none license: none see-also: none ] ] view-resizeable: func [ "view in a resizable window, support resize-calculations" title "title for window" screen-part "the part of screen to cover. [9x9 10x10] would be 90% ( 9x9 / 10x10 ), if not block, ignored" close? "this function is called on close-button. return 'true if window can be closed." fresh-layout "this func[orig-diff last-diff last-face] has to return a layout." /new "without this, does 'do-event if only window" /no-center /local detect new-size resize-window pane current-layout-box window-layout min-size current-layout fresh-layout1 last-size offset? ] [ context [ fresh-layout1: :fresh-layout ;copy it in context! current-layout: fresh-layout1 0x0 0x0 none current-layout/offset: 0x0 current-layout-box: none window-layout: layout [size current-layout/size origin 0x0 current-layout-box: box current-layout/size with [pane: current-layout] ] min-size: window-layout/size last-size: window-layout/size resize-window: func [/new-size] [ new-size: max min-size window-layout/size current-layout/size: new-size current-layout: fresh-layout1 (new-size - min-size) (new-size - last-size) current-layout new-size: current-layout/size current-layout-box/size: new-size window-layout/size: new-size current-layout/offset: 0x0 current-layout-box/pane: current-layout last-size: window-layout/size show window-layout ] if block? screen-part [ window-layout/size: (system/view/screen-face/size) * screen-part/1 / screen-part/2 resize-window ] if not no-center [ window-layout: center-face window-layout ] view/new/title/options window-layout title [resize] window-layout/feel: make window-layout/feel [ detect: func [face event] [ switch event/type [ resize [ resize-window current-layout-box/pane return true ] close [ if not do close? [return true] ] ] event ] ] if not new [ if 1 = length? system/view/screen-face/pane [do-events] ] ] ] /main ;example do [ ;create demo-text do [ echo %echo.txt probe system/script/header help view-resizeable print "" echo none ] my-text: read %echo.txt ;the usage-demo ;--------------- ; 0x1 * 123x234 gives 0x234, is a trick to get y only ;using the extra features look like ;view-resizeable "resize-window demo" [9x9 10x10][request/confirm "boo! really quit me?"] ;and the layout-function func [EXTRA-SPACE DIFF-SPACE OLD-FACE] windows: copy [] ;for windows-list ;---FRESH FACE, BASE OF DEMO context [t1: s1: tes: tds: f1: none new: view-resizeable/new "FRESH face, resize-window demo" 'layout-size true ;and the layout-function func [EXTRA-SPACE] [ layout [ across text "extra-space" text mold extra-space f1: field copy "enter something then resize" return t1: area EXTRA-SPACE + 300x240 para [] my-text s1: slider EXTRA-SPACE * 0x1 + 16x240 [scroll-para t1 s1] ] ] append windows new/window-layout ] ;---REUSED FACE context [t1: s1: tes: tds: f1: none new: view-resizeable/new "REUSED face, resize-window demo" 'layout-size true ;and the layout-function func [EXTRA-SPACE DIFF-SPACE OLD-FACE] [ either OLD-FACE [ t1/size: t1/size + diff-space s1/offset: 1x0 * diff-space + s1/offset s1/size: 0x1 * diff-space + s1/size ] [ old-face: layout [ across ;texts have to be fixed size now text "extra-space" tes: text 50 text "diff-space" tds: text 50 f1: field copy "enter something then resize" return ;extra-space is 0x0-dummi, just to show using the original layout t1: area EXTRA-SPACE + 450x240 para [] my-text s1: slider EXTRA-SPACE * 0x1 + 0x1 + 16x240 [scroll-para t1 s1] ] ] tes/text: mold extra-space tds/text: mold diff-space ;auto-shows in view-resizable old-face ] append windows new/window-layout ] ;---COPY DATA, FRESH FACE context [t1: s1: tes: tds: f1: none new: view-resizeable/new "COPY DATA, fresh face, resize-window demo" 'layout-size true ;and the layout-function func [EXTRA-SPACE dummi OLD-FACE /local lay] [ lay: layout [ across text "extra-space" text mold extra-space f1: field EITHER OLD-FACE [old-face/data/f1/text] [copy "enter something then resize"] return t1: area EXTRA-SPACE + 300x240 para [] EITHER OLD-FACE [old-face/data/t1/text] [copy my-text] s1: slider EXTRA-SPACE * 0x1 + 16x240 [scroll-para t1 s1] ] lay/data: self lay ] append windows new/window-layout ] ;---DEMO-STUFF little-window-list: layout [ title {resize the windows} across button "quit" [quit] mem-watch: field green rate 1 feel [ engage: func [face a e] [face/text: reform [system/stats / 1024 "KB"] show face]] with [append init [size: size * 3x1 / 5x1]] below tl: text-list 200x50 "resize by fresh face" "resize by reusing face" "copy data, fresh face" [ ;wild experimental hacking to get this running.. to-front: pick windows index? find tl/data tl/picked unview/only to-front old-detect: get in to-front/feel 'detect view/new/options to-front [resize] to-front/feel/detect: func copy third :old-detect copy/deep second :old-detect ] text "sometimes resize breaks by this. rebol-bug? but not meant for real use anyway." tl/size/x ] view-resizeable/new/no-center "window list" 'layout-size [quit] func [extra-space] [ little-window-list/size: little-window-list/size - extra-space little-window-list ] ;do %x-nonlocal.r nologlo;check if /locals are ok do-events ] ;
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage
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