Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "REBOL stress test" Date: 12-Oct-2003 Version: 0.0.1 Author: "Sunanda" File: %rebol-stress-test.r Purpose: { Run various things to see what limits REBOL has. Largest integer, largest decimal, depth of stack, maximum words definable, etc. } library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: [tool demo] domain: [debug] tested-under: 'win support: none license: 'pd see-also: none ] ] print ["REBOL Version: " system/version] print [" Build: " system/build] print [" Product: " system/product] loop 5 [print ""] ;; --------------------- ;; How large an integer? ;; --------------------- int-factorial: func [n [integer!]] [ if any [n = 0 n = 1] [return 1] return n * int-factorial n - 1 ] ;; --------------------- ;; How large an number? ;; --------------------- num-factorial: func [n [number!]] [ if any [n = 0 n = 1] [return 1] return n * num-factorial n - 1.0 ] ;; ------------------------- ;; How deep can you recurse? ;; -------------------------- ;; ;; (Adding logarithms to find ;; factorials lets you find larger ;; factorials than multiplying ;; the numbers. Though what you ;; get back is a logarithm, of ;; course) log-factorial: func [n [number!]] [ if any [n = 0 n = 1] [return 0] return (log-10 n) + log-factorial n - 1.0 ] ;; =================================== ;; Run tests using the above functions ;; =================================== ;; --------------- ;; Largest integer ;; --------------- test: "largest integer factorial test" ask join "press enter to run " test if error? capture-error: try [ n: 0 forever [ print [test " --" n " -- " int-factorial n] n: n + 1 ] ] [ Print ["failed on " n] ] ;; ---------------------- ;; Largest decimal number ;; ---------------------- test: "largest decimal factorial test" ask join "press enter to run " test if error? capture-error: try [ n: 0 forever [ print [test " -- " n " -- " num-factorial n] n: n + 1 ] ] [ Print ["failed on " n] ] ;; ----------------- ;; Print stack depth ;; ----------------- test: "Stack depth for recursion test" ask join "press enter to run " test if error? capture-error: try [ n: 0 forever [ print [test " --" n " -- " log-factorial n] n: n + 1 ] ] [ Print ["failed on " n] ] ;; ========================================== ;; Other tests not using predefined functions ;; =========================================== ;; ------------------------- ;; Stack size for arithmetic ;; ------------------------- test: "Stack depth for recursion" ask join "press enter to run " test if error? capture-error: try [ n: 0 n-str: copy "0" forever [ print [test " -- "do n-str] insert n-str "1 + (" append n-str ")" n: n + 1 ] ] [ Print ["failed on " n] ] ;; ------------------------------ ;; How many words can you define? ;; ------------------------------ ;; ;; Your console session will probably ;; be completely useless after this ;; test -- time to restart. test: "Maximum words test" ask join "press enter to run " test if error? capture-error: try [ n: 0 forever [ print [test " -- " length? first system/words] to-word join "zzz" n n: n + 1 ] ] [ Print ["failed with system/words length: " length? first system/words] ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage