Script Library: 1241 scripts


REBOL [ title: "RebGUI Card File" date: 10-Mar-2010 file: %rebgui-card-file.r author: Nick Antonaccio purpose: { This is an implementation of the Card File program at using RebGUI instead of VID. Notice that the GUI is resizable, the text fields have undo/redo and spellcheck capabilities, requestors are modal, and all the other features of RebGUI are available. Taken from the tutorial at } ] REBOL [] do load-thru ; Build#117 write/append %data.txt "" database: load %data.txt display "RebGUI Card File" [ text 20 "Select:" names: drop-list #LW data (sort extract copy database 4) [ marker: find database pick names/data names/picked set-text n copy first marker set-text a copy second marker set-text p copy third marker set-text o copy fourth marker ] after 2 text 20 "Name:" n: field #LW "" text 20 "Address:" a: field #LW "" text 20 "Phone:" p: field #LW "" after 1 text "Notes:" o: area #LW "" after 3 button -1 "Save" [ if (n/text = "") [alert "You must enter a name." return] if find (sort extract copy database 4) copy n/text [ either true = question "Overwrite existing record?" [ remove/part (find database n/text) 4 ] [return] ] database: repend database [ copy n/text copy a/text copy p/text copy o/text ] save %data.txt database set-data names (sort extract copy database 4) set-text names copy n/text ] button -1 "Delete" [ if true = question rejoin ["Delete " copy n/text "?"] [ remove/part (find database n/text) 4 save %data.txt database set-data names (sort extract copy database 4) set-values face/parent-face ["" "" "" "" ""] ] ] clear-button: button -1 "New" [ set-values face/parent-face ["" "" "" "" ""] ] ] do-events
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage