Script Library: 1238 scripts


Rebol [ title: "RebCannon" author: "Massimiliano Vessi" date: 17-12-2012 file: %rebcannon.r ;following data are for library ;you can find a lot of rebol script there library: [ level: 'beginner platform: 'all type: [tutorial game] domain: [scientific ] tested-under: [windows linux] support: none license: [gpl] see-also: none ] ] ;starting parameters n: 0 either not exists? %rebcannon.score [score-list: copy [] ] [score-list: load %rebcannon.score] if not exists? %cloud.png [request-download/to %cloud.png ] cloud: load %cloud.png vx: 5 + (100 * 0.5 * cosine 45) vy: 5 + ( 100 * 0.5 * sine 45 ) g: 9.8 an: 45 cannon: 10x10 wind: 0 wa: 100x10 random/seed now tt: 0 ber: 180 ;this scroll clouds when there is wind clouds-moving: func [] [ tt: tt + (wind / 5) if tt < -1100 [tt: 1100] if tt > 1100 [tt: -1100] compose/deep [draw[ translate (as-pair tt 0) image cloud -700x10 -650x50 image cloud -400x20 -360x70 image cloud 200x10 240x50 image cloud 400x25 470x90 image cloud 700x15 770x80 ]] ] ;this trace the parabolic arc of the projectile and check if you centered the target percorso: func [vx vy /local temp a b m q] [ sx: sy: 0 temp: copy select camp/effect 'draw color: random 255.255.255 append temp reduce ['pen color 'line 0x0 ] t: 0 while [sy >= 0 ] [ ++ t sx: ( vx * t ) + (wind * t ) sy: ( -1 / 2 * g * (t ** 2) ) + (vy * t) append temp as-pair sx sy camp/effect: compose/only [ draw (temp) flip 0x1] show camp wait 0.1 ] ;let's calculate the intercpet in Y=0 ; Y = m x + q reverse temp a: first temp b: second temp m: (b/y - a/y) / (b/x - a/x) q: a/y - ( (a/y - b/y ) / ( a/x - b/x) * a/x ) arrivo: (-1 * q / m) ;check target with a +/-5 px of approximation if all [arrivo < (ber + 5) (ber - 5) < arrivo ] [alert "Good, try next level" new-level ] reverse temp ] ;this recreate the random target arrow crea-bersaglio: func [ber][ compose/deep [draw [pen red arrow 1x2 line (as-pair ber 30 ) (as-pair ber 0 ) ] flip 0x1] ] ;new level recreation new-level: func [/reset ] [ until [ber: random 399 ber > 20 ] bersaglio/effect: crea-bersaglio ber camp/effect: copy [draw [] ] wind: (random/only [-1 1] ) * ((random 30) - 1) wa: 100x10 + ( as-pair (10 + wind) 0 ) if reset [ score: reduce [hits/text stats/text request-text/title "Type your name" ] append/only score-list score sort score-list reverse score-list save %rebcannon.score score-list hits/text: "-1" ;since it's always added 1 add the end of this function stats/text: "0 %" shots/text: "0" show [stats shots] ] hits/text: to-string ((to-integer hits/text) + 1) show [camp cielo bersaglio hits] ] ;main layout view layout [ cielo: box 400x200 effect [gradient 0x1 135.203.255 white draw [arrow 1x2 line 100x10 wa ] ] panel [ label "Power:" label "Angle:" return powcan: slider 100x15 0.5 [ ;power vx: 5 + (100 * value * cosine an) vy: 5 + ( 100 * value * sine an ) ] ancan: slider 100x15 0.5 [ an: 90 * value vx: 5 + (100 * powcan/data * cosine an) vy: 5 + (100 * powcan/data * sine an) cannon: as-pair (1.412 * 10 * cosine an ) (1.412 * 10 * sine an) show carro ] ;angle return text "Hits:" text "Shots:" text "Statistic:" return hits: text "0" 100 shots: text "0" 100 stats: text "0 %" 100 ] across button "Shot" [ percorso vx vy shots/text: to-string ((to-integer shots/text) + 1) stats/text: reform [( to-integer (to-integer hits/text) / (to-integer shots/text) * 100 ) "%" ] show [shots stats] ] button "New game" [new-level/reset ] aaa: button "Score list" [view/new/title layout [ title "Score list" panel [ across text bold "Hits" 40 text bold "Stats" 40 text bold "Name" 100 return sl: list 180x200 [text 40 return text 40 return text 100 ] supply [ count: count + n ;just to avoid errors on path! I added this check: either score-list/:count [ face/text: score-list/:count/:index ] [face/text: none] ] scroller 16x200 [ n: to-integer (face/data * (length? score-list) ) show sl ] ] ] "Score list"] button 24x24 pink "?" [notify {Try to hit the ground where point the red arrow. Contact: %maxint--tiscali--it} ] at cielo/offset camp: box 400x200 effect [draw [] ] at cielo/offset clouds: box 400x200 rate 9 effect clouds-moving feel [engage: func [f a e][f/effect: clouds-moving show f]] at cielo/offset carro: box 400x200 effect [draw [fill-pen black pen black box 0x0 5x5 line 0x0 cannon] flip 0x1] at cielo/offset bersaglio: box 400x200 effect crea-bersaglio ber ]
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