Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL[ File: %random-org.r Date: 17-6-2008 Title: "" Purpose: "Get really random numbers (come from atmospheric noise) from" Library: [ level: 'beginner platform: 'all type: [function tutorial tool] domain: [http parse scientific shell] tested-under: [View on XP] support: none license: 'pd see-also: none ] ] random-org: func [ "Get block of random numbers from" /size "Size of block (default = 100)" siz /interval "Number interval (default = 1 - 100)" min max /base "Numerical base - 2, 8, 10, 16 (default = 10)" base-num ][ if not size [siz: 100] if not interval [min: 1 max: 100] if not base [base-num: 10] load read rejoin [ siz "&min=" min "&max=" max "&col=1&base=" base-num "&format=plain&rnd=new"] ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage