Script Library: 1241 scripts


REBOL [ title: "Musical Chord Spellings" date: 12-Dec-2013 file: %musical-chord-spellings.r author: Nick Antonaccio purpose: { Prints out the notes that comprise many common types of chords, with all 12 root note variations. Sharps are used to label all accidental notes (no flat notes). } ] ] notes: [ "A" "A#" "B" "C" "C#" "D" "D#" "E" "F" "F#" "G" "G#" "A" "A#" "B" "C" "C#" "D" "D#" "E" "F" "F#" "G" "G#" "A" "A#" "B" "C" "C#" "D" "D#" "E" "F" "F#" "G" "G#" ] chords: [ "major triad" [4 7] "minor triad" [3 7] "major7" [4 7 11] "dominant7" [4 7 10] "minor7" [3 7 10] "half diminished" [3 6 10] "fully diminished" [3 6 9] "major6" [4 7 9] "minor6" [3 7 9] "(major)add9" [4 7 14] "dominant9" [4 7 10 14] "dominant7(b9)" [4 7 10 13] "dominant7(#9)" [4 7 10 15] "major9" [4 7 11 14] "major9(#11)" [4 7 11 14 18] ] spellings: copy {} foreach [type intervals] chords [ repeat i 12 [ spelling: rejoin [pick notes i " " type ":" newline " "] append spelling copy join pick notes i " " foreach interval intervals [ append spelling join pick notes (i + interval) " " ] append spellings rejoin [spelling " | " newline] ] append spellings "^/^/" ] editor spellings
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage