Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ File: %mp3-player-libwmp.r Date: 9-Aug-2009 Title: "mp3-player-demo-using-libwmp3.dll" Author: Nick Antonaccio Purpose: { Demo of how to play mp3 files in REBOL using libwmp3.dll ( ) Taken from the tutorial at } ] if not exists? %libwmp3.dll [ print "Downloading libwmp3.dll..." write/binary %libwmp3.dll read/binary ] lib: load/library %libwmp3.dll ; --------------------------------------------------------- ; Required functions in libwmp3.dll: ; --------------------------------------------------------- Mp3_Initialize: make routine! [ return: [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_Initialize" Mp3_Destroy: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_Destroy" Mp3_OpenFile: make routine! [ return: [integer!] class [integer!] filename [string!] nWaveBufferLengthMs [integer!] nSeekFromStart [integer!] nFileSize [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_OpenFile" Mp3_Play: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_Play" ; --------------------------------------------------------- ; Some more useful values and functions: ; --------------------------------------------------------- status: make struct! [ fPlay [integer!] ; if song is playing this value is nonzero fPause [integer!] ; if song is paused this value is nonzero fStop [integer!] ; if song is stoped this value is nonzero fEcho [integer!] ; if echo is enabled this value is nonzero nSfxMode [integer!] ; return current echo mode fExternalEQ [integer!] ; if external equalizer is enabled this value is nonzero fInternalEQ [integer!] ; if internal equalizer is enabled this value is nonzero fVocalCut [integer!] ; if vocal cut is enabled this value is nonzero fChannelMix [integer!] ; if channel mixing is enabled this value is nonzero fFadeIn [integer!] ; if song is in "fade in" interval this value is nonzero fFadeOut [integer!] ; if song is in "fade out" interval this value is nonzero fInternalVolume [integer!] ; if internal volume is enabled this value is nonzero fLoop [integer!] ; if song is in loop this value is nonzero fReverse [integer!] ; if song is in reverse mode this value is nonzero ] none Mp3_GetStatus: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] status [struct! []] ] lib "Mp3_GetStatus" Mp3_Time: make struct! [ ms [integer!] sec [integer!] bytes [integer!] frames [integer!] hms_hour [integer!] hms_minute [integer!] hms_second [integer!] hms_millisecond [integer!] ] none TIME_FORMAT_MS: 1 TIME_FORMAT_SEC: 2 TIME_FORMAT_HMS: 4 TIME_FORMAT_BYTES: 8 SONG_BEGIN: 1 SONG_END: 2 SONG_CURRENT_FORWARD: 4 SONG_CURRENT_BACKWARD: 8 Mp3_Seek: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] fFormat [integer!] pTime [struct! []] nMoveMethod [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_Seek" ; Mp3_Seek stops play. ALWAYS CALL Mp3_Play AFTER USING IT. Mp3_PlayLoop: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] fFormatStartTime [integer!] pStartTime [struct! []] fFormatEndTime [integer!] pEndTime [struct! []] nNumOfRepeat [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_PlayLoop" Mp3_GetPosition: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] pTime [struct! []] ] lib "Mp3_GetPosition" Mp3_Pause: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_Pause" Mp3_Resume: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_Resume" Mp3_SetVolume: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] nLeftVolume [integer!] nRightVolume [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_SetVolume" ; volume range is 0 to 100 Mp3_SetMasterVolume: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] nLeftVolume [integer!] nRightVolume [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_SetMasterVolume" ; SetMasterVolume sets output volume of wave out device driver ; (the master volue of all sounds on the computer): Mp3_VocalCut: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] fEnable [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_VocalCut" ; 1 enables vocal cut, 0 disables vocal cut Mp3_ReverseMode: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] fEnable [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_ReverseMode" ; 1 enables playing mp3 in reverse, 0 plays normal (forward) Mp3_Stop: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_Stop" Mp3_Close: make routine! [ return: [integer!] initialized [integer!] ] lib "Mp3_Close" ; There are MANY more powerful functions in libmp3.dll. ; The functions above will get mp3s playing, and enable ; some basic capabilities such as pause/resume, volume ; control, seeking (fast forward and rewind), looping, as ; well as some interesting tools such as reverse play and ; vocal removal (for stereo tracks only). ; The prototypes above should provide clear enough examples ; to demonstrate how to use all the other functions in the ; library: equalizer settings, stream playing, retrieval ; of ID field and recorded data info, effect application ; (echo, etc.), and more. I drew these function prototypes ; from the Visual Basic example that ships with libwmp3. ; Converting the rest of the functions should be easy... ; (Wrap everything in a nice GUI and we'll have a killer ; REBOL mp3 player (on my to do list... ;)) ; --------------------------------------------------------- ; Required REBOL code starts here: ; --------------------------------------------------------- ; 1st, call the Initialize function: initialized: Mp3_Initialize ; Then open an mp3 file (change the string to select a ; different file): file: to-string to-local-file to-file request-file Mp3_OpenFile initialized file 1000 0 0 ; Mp3_OpenFile initialized "test.mp3" 1000 0 0 ; Then start playing: Mp3_Play initialized ; --------------------------------------------------------- ; THAT'S IT - EVERYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL (wait for play to ; complete, pause, resume, stop, fastforward/rewind, loop, ; adjust volume, EQ settings, effects, release the library, ; etc.) ; --------------------------------------------------------- print "Here are a few example functions (after 10 seconds of play):^/" wait 10 print "pause" Mp3_Pause initialized wait 3 print "resume" Mp3_Resume initialized wait 5 print "reverse" Mp3_ReverseMode initialized 1 wait 7 print "back to normal" Mp3_ReverseMode initialized 0 wait 5 print "remove vocals" Mp3_VocalCut initialized 1 wait 5 print "back to normal" Mp3_VocalCut initialized 0 wait 5 print "fast forward 10 seconds" ptime: make struct! Mp3_Time [0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0] Mp3_Seek initialized TIME_FORMAT_SEC ptime SONG_CURRENT_FORWARD Mp3_Play initialized wait 5 print "rewind 20 seconds" ptime: make struct! Mp3_Time [0 -20 0 0 0 0 0 0] Mp3_Seek initialized TIME_FORMAT_SEC ptime SONG_CURRENT_FORWARD Mp3_Play initialized wait 5 print "wave volume set to 10 out of 100" Mp3_SetVolume initialized 10 10 wait 3 print "wave volume set to 100 out of 100" Mp3_SetVolume initialized 100 100 wait 5 print "system volume set to 0 out of 100 (off)" Mp3_SetMasterVolume initialized 0 0 wait 5 print "system volume set to 100 out of 100" Mp3_SetMasterVolume initialized 100 100 wait 5 print "" print "'status' holds the current status of mp3 play" print "For example, status/fPlay holds a value > 0" print "when an mp3 is playing. Current status is:" print "" print status/fPlay print "" print "All status values are:" print status ; --------------------------------------------------------- ; You can continually check the play status of the mp3 using ; the loop below. Here it's used to manually run a function: ; --------------------------------------------------------- Mp3_GetStatus initialized status while [status/fPlay > 0] [ ; wait .1 ; however often you want print "" print "" your-func: ask "Type a function to run (i.e., 'Mp3_Stop initialized'): " do your-func print "" Mp3_GetStatus initialized status ] ; --------------------------------------------------------- ; Close and clean up resources: ; --------------------------------------------------------- Mp3_Stop initialized Mp3_Destroy initialized free lib print "^/Done.^/" halt
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage