Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "Load ini file" Date: 26-Aug-2010 Author: "Marco Antoniazzi" File: %load-ini.r Purpose: "Parses a Window's ini file." library: [ level: 'beginner platform: 'windows type: 'Tool domain: [file-handling parse win-api] tested-under: 'windows support: none license: 'bsd see-also: none ] Version: 1.0.0 History: [ [1.0.0 26-Aug-2010 "First version"] ] ] ini-str: { ; for 16-bit app support [fonts] [extensions] [mci extensions] [files] [Mail] MAPI=1 CMCDLLNAME32=mapi32.dll CMC=1 MAPIX= MAPIXVER= OLEMessaging=1 ; for ... [MCI Extensions.BAK] 3g2=MPEGVideo 3gp=MPEGVideo 3gp2=MPEGVideo ts=MPEGVideo tts=MPEGVideo [ResponseResult] ResultCode=0 } context [ set 'load_ini func [ini-file [string!] /nocomments] [ ini-file-rule: [any [ newline | comment_ | section-header ; must place this before attr rule | attr-value ] to end ] comment_: [";" copy name to newline newline (if not nocomments [repend parsed-ini-str [ {comment ";} name {" } newline]] ) ] section-header: ["[" copy name to "]" "]" newline (repend parsed-ini-str [to-tag name " [] " newline ] ) ; use tag to be sure it's a valid name ] attr-value: [copy attr to "=" "=" copy value to newline newline (insert back back back tail parsed-ini-str reduce [newline to-tag attr " " value " " newline] ) ; use tag to be sure it's a valid name ] parsed-ini-str: copy "[" parse/all ini-str ini-file-rule append parsed-ini-str "]" ;print parsed-ini-str load parsed-ini-str ] ] ;test ini-block: load_ini ini-str insert ini-block/<Mail> [<attr_1> 3] ; or to-block load {^/ <attr_1> 3} print ini-block/<Mail>/<attr_1> ini-block/<Mail>/<attr_1>: 4 print ini-block/<Mail>/<attr_1> remove/part find ini-block/<Mail> <attr_1> 2 probe ini-block halt
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage