Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "Demonstration of a Package on" Date: 18-feb-2004 File: %lds-demo1-package.r Author: "Sunanda" Version: 0.0.1 Purpose: "Demonstration of a package, and competition" History: [0.0.0 18-feb-2004 {First version. Sunanda} 0.0.1 28-Apr-2004 {Add note about choice of downloader/installers. Sunanda} ] Library: [ level: 'beginner platform: 'all type: [package demo] domain: [game vid] tested-under: [win] support: none license: bsd comment: {images in this package are copyright Sunanda} see-also: none ] ] ;; This script is a *package*. What you see here is just the ;; stub. ;; To download and install the files in the package you need to ;; run a installation program. ;; If you are running View (1.3 or later): do ;; If you are running Core: do
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage