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jobbot.rREBOL [
Title: "Jobbot Email Server"
Date: 8-Sep-1999
File: %jobbot.r
Author: "Carl Sassenrath"
Purpose: {
The email server we use for processing job related
library: [
level: 'advanced
platform: none
type: none
domain: [email x-file other-net]
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
test-mode: off ; test mode (no send/save)
;---Setup options and controls:
archive: %msgs ; directory to hold msgs
counter: %msgcount.txt ; message counter
sender: %jobs--rebol--com
manager: %carl--rebol--com
target: [%brenda--rebol--net %carl--rebol--com]
insiders: [ ; don't send thank you to these people
mailbox: open [ ;--- Setup mailbox message port object:
scheme: 'pop
host: ""
user: "jobs"
pass: load %theword.r
set-net [%jobs--rebol--com]
if test-mode [ ;replace functions to prevent actual operation
save: func [file data] [print ["saving file:" file]]
send: func [to msgs] [print ["sending to:" to "From:" from]]
resend: func [to from msg] [
print ["resending to:" to "From:" from newline ];msg]
;confirm "Next?"
quit-mail: func [] [close mailbox quit]
thanks: {I got your message.
Thank you for contacting us at REBOL Technologies. We will
review your message soon.
process-msg: func [raw-mail] [
mail: import-email raw-mail
if any [
find first mail/from "MAILER-DAEMON"
find first mail/from "postmaster"
find first mail/from %jobs--rebol
find first mail/from %list--rebol
not any [
find mail/to %jobs--rebol--com
find mail/to %jobs--rebol--net
][probe mail/to exit]
save counter count: count + 1
save archive/:count raw-mail
print [count "From:" mail/from "Subject:" mail/subject "Date:" mail/date]
print who: first either mail/reply-to [mail/reply-to][mail/from]
sub: insert find/tail raw-mail "Subject:" reduce [" #" count ": "]
insert find sub newline reduce [newline "X-Tag: jobbot processed"]
either find insiders who [
print "internal"
send who thanks
foreach user target [resend user manager raw-mail]
do-jobbot: func [] [
print now
count: load counter
if tail? mailbox [print "no mail" quit-mail]
print [length? mailbox "new messages"]
while [not tail? mailbox] [
process-msg msg: first mailbox
either test-mode [mailbox: next mailbox][remove mailbox]
print [count "messages to date"]
do-jobbot Notes