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iota.rREBOL [
Title: "Iota"
Date: 3-Jul-2002
Name: 'Iota
Version: 1.0.0
File: %iota.r
Author: "Andrew Martin"
Purpose: {Makes a block containing a range of values, from Start to End.}
eMail: %Al--Bri--xtra--co--nz
Example: [
iota 1 10
iota/by -4 10 2
iota #"A" #"F"
library: [
level: 'beginner
platform: none
type: 'tool
domain: none
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
Iota: function [
{Makes a block containing a range of values, from Start to End.}
[catch throw]
Start [number! series! money! time! date! char!] "Starting value."
End [number! series! money! time! date! char!] "Ending value."
/By Bump [number! money! time! char!] "Amount to skip each time."
throw-on-error [
all [
none? Bump
Bump: 1
Block: make block! 100
for I Start End Bump [
insert tail Block I
] Notes