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font-styles.rREBOL [
Title: "Local Font Mapping"
Date: 4-Jun-2000
Version: 1.0.3
File: %font-styles.r
Author: "Allen Kamp"
Purpose: {Shows which fonts are being mapped to
the system independent font styles on your system}
Email: %allenk--powerup--com--au
library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: none
type: none
domain: [GUI]
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
example: stylize [
fixed text [font: [name: font-fixed]]
fixed24 fixed [font: [size: 24]]
sans-serif text [font: [name: font-sans-serif]]
sans-serif24 sans-serif [font: [size: 24]]
serif text [font: [name: font-serif]]
serif24 serif [font: [size: 24]]
view layout [
styles example
size 500x300
backdrop 0.0.0
title "Rebol Font Styles"
space 0x10
text {Shows which fonts are being mapped to
the system independent font styles on your system}
240.240.204 220
space 0x10
text white font [name: font-fixed size: 24] (join "font-fixed:" mold font-fixed)
text white font [name: font-sans-serif size: 24] (join "font-sans-serif: " mold font-sans-serif)
text white font [name: font-serif size: 24] (join "font-serif: " mold font-serif)
] Notes