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encrypt.rREBOL [
Title: "En-/decryption Functions"
Date: 20-Jul-1999
File: %encrypt.r
Author: "Bohdan Lechnowsky"
Usage: {
Put the command:
do %encrypt.r
near the beginning of your %user.r file. Once
it has been run, do the following:
>> write/binary %pass.r encrypt "password-here"
Whenever you need to assign that particular
password, do the following (this example shows
setting the default proxy password):
system/schemes/default/proxy/pass: decrypt read %pass.r
Purpose: "A basic encryption scheme."
library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: none
type: 'tool
domain: 'file-handling
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
hash: func [
"Returns a hash value for a string"
string [string!] value [integer!]
(checksum string) // value
encrypt: func [
"Encrypts a string"
string [string!]
/local shift-val codeword
codeword: "mycode" ;-- change as needed
shift-val: hash codeword 8
if zero? shift-val [shift-val: 5]
string: shift enbase/base compress string 2 shift-val
to-string load append insert head string "2#{" "}"
decrypt: func [
"Decrypts an encrypted string"
string [string!]
/local shift-val codeword
codeword: "mycode" ;-- change as needed
shift-val: hash codeword 8
if zero? shift-val [shift-val: 5]
string: shift/right enbase/base string 2 shift-val
to-string decompress load append insert head string "2#{" "}"
shift: func [
"Takes a base-2 binary string and shifts bits"
data [string!] places [integer!] /left /right
/local first-bits last-bits
if any [places < 1 places >= length? data] [
print "ERROR: Shift places exceeds length of binary data or is invalid"
return none
either right [
last-bits: copy/part tail data (places * -1)
remove/part tail data (places * -1)
data: head insert head data last-bits
first-bits: copy/part data places
remove/part data places
append data first-bits
return data
] |