Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ File: %diary.r Date: 20-9-2014 Title: "Diary" Purpose: { This programme allows you to simply keep a diary It writes to a plain text file the *** title *** and the body, automatically adding Date and Time. } Author: "Caridorc" library: [ level: 'beginner platform: 'all type: [tool] domain: [] tested-under: "Windows rebol view 2.7" support: none license: GNU see-also: none ] ] view layout [ across text "Title" font-size 32 Title: field 400x50 font-size 32 below across text "Text" font-size 32 Content: area font-size 24 below button "Save" font-size 16 [ write/append request-file/only (rejoin ["Date: " now/date newline "Time: " now/time newline "*** " Title/text " ***" newline Content/text newline newline]) alert "Saved" ] ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage