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demorandom.r#! /usr/bin/rebview -qs
File: %demorandom.r
Date: 17-June-2009
Title: "Random Number Generator Demo"
Version: 1.0
Author: "François Jouen."
Rights: {Copyright © EPHE 2009}
Purpose: {Some examples how to use randomr lib}
library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: 'all
type: [demo ]
domain: [math]
tested-under: all plateforms
support: none
license: 'BSD
see-also: none
; load random library
do %randomr.r
; some variables
psample: 500
baseline: 250
xpas: 1
yscale: 40
col: yellow
xy1: 0x59
xy2: 500x59
plot: copy [pen col line]
plot2: copy [pen col line]
; for fun
app-styles: stylize [
app_btn: button 60 edge [size: 1x1 color: 0.0.0 ] font [ style: none colors/1: black shadow: none]
; update slider
fix_slider: does [
either 0 = length? calc/data [calc/sld/redrag 1]
[calc/sld/redrag calc/lc / length? calc/data]
Clear_Screen: does [
x: 0
plot: copy [pen col line]
append clear visu/effect reduce ['draw plot]
plot2: copy [pen white line xy1 xy2 pen col line-width 2 line]
append clear visu2/effect reduce ['draw plot2]
show [visu visu2]
; Data visualization
show_law: func [lawname] [
buffer: copy calc/data
n: length? calc/data
normalized: copy []
; calculate mean
sigma: 0
for i 1 n 1 [ v: pick buffer i sigma: sigma + v]
m: round/to sigma / n .001
; calculate variance and SD
sigma: 0
for i 1 n 1 [ v: pick buffer i sigma: sigma + power (v - m) 2]
variance: round/to sigma / (n - 1) .001
sd: round/to square-root variance .001
; show data in normal reduced law (x - m /sd)
for i 1 n 1 [x: x + xpas v: ((pick buffer i) - m ) / sd y: baseline - ( yscale * v)
append plot to-pair compose [(x) (y)]
append normalized v]
str: join lawname [ newline " mean: " m newline "variance: " variance newline " SD: " sd]
visu/text: str
buffer: copy sort normalized
x: 0
;now show random value distribution in second window
visu2/text: "Sorted Normalized Data [(x-m)/sd]"
for i 1 n 1 [
x: x + xpas v: pick buffer i y: 59 - ( 29 * v)
append plot2 to-pair compose [(x) (y)]
show [visu visu2]
MainWin: layout/size [
styles app-styles
origin 5x5
space 2x2
at 5x2 box 875x30 bevel
at 95x2 text "Parameters" text "Sample" fsample: field 50 to-string psample [
if error? try [psample: to-integer fsample/text][psample: 320]]
at 5x35 app_btn 90 "Exponential" [ if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [append calc/data rand_exp]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
at 5x60 app_btn 90 "Exp with L°" [ if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [append calc/data rand_expm to-decimal expmp/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
expmp: field 35 "1.0"
at 5x85 app_btn 90 "Normal" [if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [append calc/data rand_norm to-decimal normp/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
normp: field 35 "1.0"
at 5x110 app_btn 90 "Gamma" [if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [append calc/data rand_gamma to-integer gamp1/text to-decimal gamp2/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
gamp1: field 35 "1" gamp2: field 35 "1.0"
at 5x135 app_btn 90 "Chi-2" [if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [append calc/data rand_chi2 to-integer chip/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
chip: field 35 "2"
at 5x160 app_btn 90 "Erlang" [ if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [ append calc/data rand_erlang to-integer erp/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
erp: field 35 "1"
at 5x185 app_btn 90 "Student" [ if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [append calc/data rand_student to-integer stud/text to-decimal stud2/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
stud: field 35 "3" stud2: field 35 "1.0"
at 5x210 app_btn 90 "Fischer" [ if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [append calc/data rand_fischer to-integer fisc1/text to-integer fisc2/text ]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
fisc1: field 35 "1" fisc2: field 35 "1"
at 5x235 app_btn 90 "Laplace" [ if error? try [ clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [ append calc/data rand_laplace to-decimal lp/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text ]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
lp: field 35 "1.0"
at 5x260 app_btn 90 "Beta" [ if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [ append calc/data rand_beta to-integer beta1/text to-integer beta2/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text ]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
beta1: field 35 "1" beta2: field 35 "1"
at 5x285 app_btn 90 "Weibull" [ if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [ append calc/data rand_weibull to-decimal a/text to-decimal lambda/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text ]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
a: field 35 "1.0" lambda: field 35 "1.0"
at 5x310 app_btn 90 "Rayleigh" [ if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [ append calc/data rand_rayleigh to-decimal ra/text to-decimal rb/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text ]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
ra: field 35 "1.0" rb: field 35 "1.0"
at 5x335 app_btn 90 "Bernouilli" [ if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [ append calc/data rand_bernouilli to-decimal bp/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text ]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
bp: field 35 "0.5"
at 5x360 app_btn 90 "Binomial" [ if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [ append calc/data rand_binomial to-integer ob/text to-decimal bpp/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text ]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
ob: field 35 "1" bpp: field 35 "0.5"
at 5x385 app_btn 90 "NegBinomial" [ if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [ append calc/data rand_binomialneg to-integer onb/text to-decimal nbpp/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text ]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
onb: field 35 "1" nbpp: field 35 "0.5"
at 5x410 app_btn 90 "Geometric" [ if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [ append calc/data rand_geo to-decimal geop/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text ]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
geop: field 35 "0.25"
at 5x435 app_btn 90 "Poisson" [ if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [ append calc/data rand_poisson to-decimal pp/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text ]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
pp: field 35 "1.5"
at 5x460 app_btn 90 "Rebol Rand" [ if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [ append calc/data random to-integer rpp/text]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text ]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
rpp: field 35 "10"
at 5x485 app_btn 90 "Rebol Real" [ if error? try [clear calc/data
for i 1 psample 1 [ append calc/data rand_real]
fix_slider show calc show_law face/text ]
[Alert "Error in processing"]
at 175x35 calc: text-list 200x475
pad 5 visu: box blue + 100 500x350 font [valign: 'top] frame navy
at 382x390 visu2: box blue + 100 500x118 font [valign: 'top] frame navy
at 370x2 text "X Step" fxpas: field 50 to-string xpas [if error? try
[xpas: to-integer fxpas/text]
[xpas: 1 fxpas/text: "1"]]
pad 5 text "Y Scale" fyscale: field 50 to-string yscale [if error? try
[yscale: to-integer fyscale/text]
[yscale: 40 fyscale/text: to-string yscale]]
pad 200 app_btn 90 "Quit" [Quit]
view center-face MainWin |