Script Library: 1238 scripts


REBOL [ File: %color-converter.r Date: 18-Apr-2011 Title: "Color converter (RGB to HSL v.v.)" Purpose: {To convert RGB color values to HSL values v.v. and to show them visually} Author: "Rudolf W. Meijer" Home: E-mail: %rudolf--meijer--telenet--be Version: 1.0.0 Comment: "Needs RebGUI (" History: [ 0.1.0 [7-Apr-2011 {Start of project} "RM"] 1.0.0 [18-Apr-2011 {First release} "RM"] ] Library: [ level: 'beginner platform: 'all type: [demo tool] domain: 'graphics tested-under: [SDK 2.7.8 "Windows XP"] support: "Contact author by e-mail" license: { This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ( for more details. } ] ] ;---|----1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5----|----6----|----7----|- ; check that RebGUI is loaded ; --------------------------- unless value? 'ctx-rebgui [ alert "RebGUI missing! Get it from" halt ] to-int: func [d [integer! decimal!]][to-integer round d] to-hex: func [b [binary!]][rejoin ["#" copy/part at form b 3 6]] hsl-rgb: func [ hsl [tuple!] /local L S C H' X R G B mi ][ either 3 <> length? hsl [ 0.0.0 ][ S: hsl/2 / 240 L: hsl/3 / 240 C: (1 - abs 2 * L - 1) * S H': mod hsl/1 / 40 6 X: C * (1 - abs ((mod H' 2) - 1)) set [R G B] case [ H' < 1 [reduce [C X 0]] H' < 2 [reduce [X C 0]] H' < 3 [reduce [0 C X]] H' < 4 [reduce [0 X C]] H' < 5 [reduce [X 0 C]] H' < 6 [reduce [C 0 X]] true [[0 0 0]] ] R: to-int R * 255 G: to-int G * 255 B: to-int B * 255 mi: to-int L - (C / 2) * 255 (to-tuple reduce [R G B]) + mi ] ] rgb-hsl: func [ rgb [tuple! binary!] /local R G B Ma mi C H' L S ][ either 3 <> length? rgb [ 0.0.0 ][ R: rgb/1 / 255 G: rgb/2 / 255 B: rgb/3 / 255 Ma: max max R G B mi: min min R G B C: Ma - mi H': case [ C = 0 [0] Ma = R [mod G - B / C 6] Ma = G [ B - R / C + 2] Ma = B [ R - G / C + 4] ] L: Ma + mi / 2 S: either C = 0 [0][C / (1 - abs 2 * L - 1)] to-tuple reduce [to-int H' * 40 to-int S * 240 to-int L * 240] ] ] update-hsl: func [ /local hsl clr ][ hsl: rgb-hsl clr: to-tuple reduce [ to-integer rfield/text to-integer gfield/text to-integer bfield/text ] set-text hfield to-string hsl/1 set-text sfield to-string hsl/2 set-text lfield to-string hsl/3 if side/picked <= 2 [ lresult/color: clr show lresult set-text lcolor clr ] if side/picked >= 2 [ rresult/color: clr show rresult set-text rcolor clr ] ] update-rgb: func [ /local clr ][ clr: hsl-rgb to-tuple reduce [ to-integer hfield/text to-integer sfield/text to-integer lfield/text ] set-text rfield to-string clr/1 set-text gfield to-string clr/2 set-text bfield to-string clr/3 if side/picked <= 2 [ lresult/color: clr show lresult set-text lcolor clr ] if side/picked >= 2 [ rresult/color: clr show rresult set-text rcolor clr ] ] display "RGB to HSL v.v." compose [ at 0x0 label -1 "R" bold at 6x0 rfield: spinner 12 options [0 255 8] data 0 [update-hsl] at 22x0 label -1 "G" bold at 28x0 gfield: spinner 12 options [0 255 8] data 0 [update-hsl] at 44x0 label -1 "B" bold at 50x0 bfield: spinner 12 options [0 255 8] data 0 [update-hsl] at 0x8 label -1 "H" bold at 6x8 hfield: spinner 12 options [0 240 8] data 0 [update-rgb] at 22x8 label -1 "S" bold at 28x8 sfield: spinner 12 options [0 240 8] data 0 [update-rgb] at 44x8 label -1 "L" bold at 50x8 lfield: spinner 12 options [0 240 8] data 0 [update-rgb] at 28x16 text "Step size" at 50x16 spinner 12 options [1 10 1] data 8 [ rfield/options/3: to-integer face/text bfield/options/3: to-integer face/text gfield/options/3: to-integer face/text hfield/options/3: to-integer face/text sfield/options/3: to-integer face/text lfield/options/3: to-integer face/text ] at 10x24 side: radio-group 48x5 data [ 2 "left" "both" "right"][ switch face/picked [ 1 [ set-text rfield to-string lresult/color/1 set-text gfield to-string lresult/color/2 set-text bfield to-string lresult/color/3 ] 3 [ set-text rfield to-string rresult/color/1 set-text gfield to-string rresult/color/2 set-text bfield to-string rresult/color/3 ] ] update-hsl ] at 0x32 panel data [tight lresult: box 31x62 black rresult: box 31x62 black] at 0x96 lcolor: text 31 "0.0.0" font [align: 'center] at 31x96 rcolor: text 31 "0.0.0" font [align: 'center] return at 23x103 button 16 "Exit" [quit] ] do-events
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage
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  • (rudolf:meijer:telenet:be)