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Archive version of: slim-link.r ... version: 1 ... moliad 23-Apr-2004

Amendment note: new script || Publicly available? Yes

rebol [
    ; -- basic rebol header --
	file:		%slim-link.r
	version:	0.1
	date:		2004-04-22
	title:		"slim-link - steel library module linker"
	author:		"Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch"
	copyright:	"(c)2004, Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch"

    ; -- remark stuff --
    status:     'stable-alpha

	;-- slim parameters --
	slim-name: 	'slim-link
	;slim-requires: none
	slim-id: 0
	slim-prefix: 'slk
	slim-version: 0.9.5
    ; -- extended rebol header --
	purpose:	"link apps which have references to slim libs inside"
	notes:		"You need to install slim to use this library (get it at"
    e-mail:     ""
	original-author: "Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch"
    library: [
        level:			'advanced
        platform:		'all
        type:			[ dialect module ]
        domain:			[ external-library ]
        tested-under:	[win view 1.2.1 view 1.2.10]
        support:		"same as author"
        license:		'lgpl
        see-also:		none

	history: {
		v0.1 - 2004-04-22
			- first release
			- is capable of finding slim/open calls in a file and generate a stand-alone application out of it.
			- repack.r was used to confirm that it works (this includes glayout and lds-local available at
			- does NOT support nested library calls yet.
			- /link allows file! string! and block! datatypes... make it very flexible
			- script-header returns only the header part of an application
			- script-body returns only the body (code) part of an application
			- ALL comments are kept, in both libraries and code.
	license: 'lgpl

slim/register [

	;-    find-first()
	find-first: func [
		serie [series!] "the series to check"
		cases [block!] "the case which could match"
		/local case matches match tmp
		matches: copy []
		forall cases [
			case: first cases
			append matches tmp: find serie case
		match: power 2 31
		forall matches [
			if matches/1 [
				 match: min match index? matches/1
		matches: none ;clear memory
		either match = (power 2 31) [
			at head serie match

	;-    script-body()
	script-body: func [source [ string!] /local data ][
		data: script-header source
		if data [
			data: find/tail source data

	;-    script-header()
	script-header: func [source  [ string!] /local data blk][
		until [
			blk: load/next source
			source: blk/2
			((pick blk 1) = ('rebol))
		blk: load/next source
		either block? blk/1 [
			data: find source blk/2
			data: copy/part source data

	;-    LINK()
	; experimental tool, use with caution, and always verify script before sending to peers.
	link: func [
		source [string! block! file!] "Source code to link with slim modules."
			outsource ; the processed output file
			slim-call ; the text which represent each instance of a call to open/slim (to parse refinements)
		switch type?/word source [
			block! [
				source: mold/only source 
			file! [
				either exists? source [
					source: read source
					ask rejoin ["file: " source " does not exist, aborting"]
			string! [
				source: copy source

		data: copy source
		data: script-body data

		slim-lib: script-body read  slim/slim-path/slim.r
		data: insert data "^/^/^/"
		data: insert data ";--------------------------------------------------------------------------------^/"
		data: insert data ";--------------------------- LINKED WITH SLIM-LINK.r ----------------------------^/"
		data: insert data ";--------------------------------------------------------------------------------^/^/"
		data: insert data slim-lib
		data: insert data "^/^/slim/linked-libs: []"
		data: insert data "^/^/^/"
		write %/p/rnd/applications/SLIM-LINK-TEST/SLIM-LINK-TEST.r head data	
		;probe source
		source: mold load/all script-body  source
		while [ source: find source {slim/open} ] [
			;probe copy/part source 100

			;probe source			
			code: load  form copy/part parse/all source " " 3
			;insert code [lib:]
			;bind code 'data
			;change at code 3 to-word code/3
			print code/2

			;print "==========="
			;probe code 
			;probe type? code/2
			lib: slim/open to-word code/2 code/3
			;slim/verbose: true
			;reduce code
			;lib: slim/open code/2 code/3
			;do load reduce code
			;do code
			;probe type? lib
			;print "-------------------------------------------------"
			;print "-------------------------------------------------"
			;print "-------------------------------------------------"
			;print "-------------------------------------------------"
			;print "-------------------------------------------------"
			;probe code/2
			;ask "?"
			; use actual path to find the proper version of the module.
			lib: read to-file rejoin [lib/dir-path code/2 ".r"]
			data: insert data ";-  ^/"
			data: insert data ";- ----------- ^/"
			data: insert data ";--------------------------------------------------------------------------------^/"
			data: insert data rejoin [";- ---> START: " uppercase to-string code/2 "^/"]
			data: insert data ";--------------------------------------------------------------------------------^/^/"
			; append to slim linked-libs
			data: insert data rejoin [			
			"append slim/linked-libs '" code/2  "^/"
			"append/only slim/linked-libs [^/"]
			lib: script-body lib
			replace/all lib "slim/register" "slim/register/header"
			data: insert data "^/^/;--------^/;MODULE CODE^/"
			data: insert data lib
			data: insert data "^/^/;--------^/;HEADER CODE^/"
			data: insert data script-header head lib
			data: insert data "]^/^/"

			data: insert data ";--------------------------------------------------------------------------------^/"
			data: insert data rejoin [";- <--- END: " uppercase to-string code/2 "^/"]
			data: insert data ";--------------------------------------------------------------------------------^/^/"
			data: insert data "^/^/^/"
			source: next source
			;print "^/^/^/^/"
		;ask "====================="
		ask "done"
		return head data

comment {

; The following shows how easy it is to link an application with slim libraries in it.

 slk: slim/open 'slim-link 0.0				; slim-link is a module itself.  This allows us to find slim.
 data: slk/link %/path/to/reblet.r			; actually create the linked file
 write %/path/to/linked/application.r data	; save it out !
 slk/link supports file!, block!, and string! types, so you can build the application code on the fly and link it dynamically...
 slim-link is not yet capable of tracing slim calls within libraries, so if your libraries are loading libs... then the resulting app will not work.
 expect this for the next version. it will be the main feature of v0.2 (no ETA, user-demand will help make it sooner rather than later).
 slim-link will make any feature available in slim available in your linked app including the resources directories.  The difference being that the context
 of the lib is now the application itself, so you must transport the resource dirs relatively to the application.