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Archive version of: 3d-game.r ... version: 2 ... notchent 3-Jan-2017REBOL [ title: "HTML Form Generator and Server" date: 1-Jan-2017 file: %3d-game.r author: Nick Antonaccio purpose: { Creates an HTML form, with any fields, areas, check boxes, and drop-down selectors you specify, then runs a server to collect any data entered into the form by users. A cgi version is also provided, which can be run on most shared host providers. A little GUI app is also provided to demonstrate how search and browse collected data. Taken from } ] view center-face gui: layout [ style area area 500x100 across h4 200 "Form Title:" h4 200 "Data File:" return f1: field 200 "Form #1" f2: field 200 "form1.db" below h4 "FORM CHECK BOX OPTIONS:" a1: area {Uploaded To Server^/Private/Secure} h4 "FORM TEXT ENTRY FIELDS:" a2: area {Name^/Date^/Location^/Device Model^/File Name} h4 "FORM TEXT ENTRY AREAS:" a3: area {Description^/Notes} h4 "FORM DROPDOWN SELECTIONS:" a4: area {---COLOR^/Red^/Green^/Blue^/---OPTION^/AAA^/BBB^/CCC} across btn "SUBMIT" [ checks: parse/all a1/text "^/" remove-each i checks [i = ""] texts: parse/all a2/text "^/" remove-each i texts [i = ""] areas: parse/all a3/text "^/" remove-each i areas [i = ""] drops: parse/all a4/text "^/" remove-each i areas [i = ""] title: join uppercase f1/text ":" data-file: to-file f2/text unview ] btn "Save" [ save to-file request-file/save/file %formsettings reduce [ f1/text f2/text a1/text a2/text a3/text a4/text ] ] btn "Load" [attempt [ settings: load to-file request-file/file %formsettings f1/text: settings/1 f2/text: settings/2 a1/text: settings/3 a2/text: settings/4 a3/text: settings/5 a4/text: settings/6 show gui ]] ] poll: copy "^/" repeat i len: length? checks [ append poll rejoin [ {<input type="checkbox" name="checks" value="} i {">} checks/:i {<br>} newline ] ] append poll {<br>} repeat i len: length? texts [ append poll rejoin [ texts/:i {:<br><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="text} i {" SIZE="38"><br>} newline ] ] append poll {<br>} repeat i len: length? areas [ append poll rejoin [ areas/:i {:<br><TEXTAREA COLS="40" ROWS="3" NAME="area} i {"></TEXTAREA><br>} newline ] ] append poll {<br>} repeat i len: length? drops [ either find drops/:i "---" [ closer: either i = 1 [{}][{</option></select><br>}] append poll rejoin [ closer newline droptitle: replace/all drops/:i "---" "" {: <select NAME="} droptitle {">} ] ][ append poll rejoin [{<option>} drops/:i] ] ] append poll {</option></select><br>^/} append poll {<br><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="Submit" VALUE="Submit">^/} either exists? data-file [responses: load data-file][responses: copy[]] port: open/lines tcp://:80 l: read join dns:// read dns:// print rejoin ["Waiting on: " l] browse join l "?" forever [ p: first port if error? try [ z: decode-cgi replace next find first p "?" " HTTP/1.1" "" if not empty? z [ append z reduce [to-set-word 'timestamp now] append/only responses z save data-file responses received: construct z ?? received ] d: rejoin [ {HTTP/1.0 200 OK^/Content-type: text/html^/^/ ^/<HTML><BODY><FORM ACTION="} l {">} title {<br><br>} poll {</FORM></BODY></HTML>} ] write-io p d length? d ] [] ;[print "(empty submission)"] close p ] halt ; Here's a CGI version you can run on shared hosts: #!/usr/bin/rebol.exe -cs REBOL [title "HTML form builder (CRUD app maker)"] print "content-type: text/html^/" print [<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>"Formbuilder"</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>] submitted: decode-cgi submitted-bin: read-cgi if ((submitted/2 = none) or (submitted/4 = none)) [ print rejoin [{ <FORM METHOD="post"> Form File: <BR> <input type=text size="50" value="form1.html" name="formtitle"><BR> Data File: <br> <input type=text size="50" value="form1data.db" name="datafile"><BR> FORM CHECK BOX OPTIONS:<BR> <TEXTAREA COLS="40" ROWS="3" NAME="checks">} {Uploaded To Server^/Private/Secure</TEXTAREA><br> FORM TEXT ENTRY FIELDS:<br> <TEXTAREA COLS="40" ROWS="3" NAME="texts">} {Name^/Date^/Location^/Device Model^/File Name</TEXTAREA><br> FORM TEXT ENTRY AREAS:<br> <TEXTAREA COLS="40" ROWS="3" NAME="areas">} {Description^/Notes</TEXTAREA><br> FORM DROPDOWN SELECTIONS:<br> <TEXTAREA COLS="40" ROWS="3" NAME="drops">} {---COLOR^/Red^/Green^/Blue^/---OPTION^/AAA^/BBB^/CCC} {</TEXTAREA><br><br> <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="formsubmitted" VALUE="formsubmitted"> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="Submit" VALUE="Submit"> </FORM> </BODY></HTML>}] quit ] if submitted/14 ="formsubmitted" [ checks: parse/all submitted/6 "^/" remove-each i checks [i = ""] texts: parse/all submitted/8 "^/" remove-each i texts [i = ""] areas: parse/all submitted/10 "^/" remove-each i areas [i = ""] drops: parse/all submitted/12 "^/" remove-each i areas [i = ""] title: submitted/2 data-file: to-file submitted/4 poll: copy {<FORM METHOD="post" action="index.cgi">^/} ; EDIT ABO8VE TO MATCH FILE NAME OF THIS SCRIPT append poll {<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="formdata" VALUE="formdata">^/} append poll rejoin [ {<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="datafile" VALUE="} data-file {">^/} ] repeat i len: length? checks [ append poll rejoin [ {<input type="checkbox" name="checks" value="} i {">} checks/:i {<br>} newline ] ] append poll {<br>} repeat i len: length? texts [ append poll rejoin [ texts/:i {:<br><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="text} i {" SIZE="38"><br>} newline ] ] append poll {<br>} repeat i len: length? areas [ append poll rejoin [ areas/:i {:<br><TEXTAREA COLS="40" ROWS="3" NAME="area} i {"></TEXTAREA><br>} newline ] ] append poll {<br>} repeat i len: length? drops [ either find drops/:i "---" [ closer: either i = 1 [{}][{</option></select><br>}] append poll rejoin [ closer newline droptitle: replace/all drops/:i "---" "" {: <select NAME="} droptitle {">} ] ][ append poll rejoin [{<option>} drops/:i] ] ] append poll {</option></select><br>^/} append poll {<br><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="Submit" VALUE="Submit"> </FORM>} write to-file submitted/2 poll print rejoin [ {<strong><a href="./} submitted/2 {">} submitted/2 {</a></strong> created:<br><br>} ] print poll ] if submitted/2 = "formdata" [ append submitted reduce [to-set-word 'timestamp now] write/append to-file submitted/4 mold at submitted 5 print "<strong>Saved:</strong><br><br>" probe submitted ] quit rebol [title: "Search HTML Logs"] data: load %./form1.db view layout [ h4 "Search Phrase:" f1: field h4 "Search Fields: (CTRL to select multiple)" t1: text-list data ["text1" "text2" "text3" "text4" "text5" "area1"] btn "Search" [ foreach record data [ obj: construct record foreach field t1/picked [ if find (get in obj to-lit-word field) f1/text [ print rejoin [ mold f1/text " found in " field ", " obj/timestamp ] ] ] ] ] h4 "View Record (paste timestamp in field)" f2: field btn "View" [ foreach record data [ obj: construct record if (form get in obj 'timestamp) = f2/text [ editor obj ] ] ] ] |