Script Library: 1241 scripts
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Help for contribute a script

If you want your script to be properly indexed so that other users can easily find it in the Library, we ask that you provide a properly formed REBOL header that also contains a Library header. Think of it a little like providing a library catalog card for a book in a physical library.

The rest of this page describes the requirements for the header. It may sound complicated, but it is really quite simple. In most cases you could copy the header fields from a script already in the Library, and modify them for your own use.

Validly formed script

We need to Load your script to get at the REBOL and Library headers. Your script must be properly formed according to the rules of REBOL. If it isn't, you are likely to get a message like this:

Example of a badly formed script:

REBOL [file: %bad.r] if 1 = 1 [print [true]

Example of the message you will see:

Having trouble parsing your script: make object! [ code: 201 type: 'syntax id: 'missing arg1: "end-of-script" arg2: "]" arg3: none near: {(line 1) REBOL [file: %bad.r] if 1 = 1 [print [true]} where: none ]

Or you may simply be told Sorry: we couldn't find a valid REBOL header in your script. Either way, the problem is the same: the script is not loadable.
One possible reason this problem is that you have a long preamble before the REBOL header, and it contains invalid REBOL words (or commas etc). The simplest fix for that is to put the whole preamble into a {multi-line comment}.

REBOL header

We need these fields in the REBOL header

REBOL [ File: %... Date: dd-mmm-yyyy Title: "..." Purpose: {......} ]

You can have other fields in the REBOL header, but we need the ones above.

REBOL header: File

The name of the script -- eg %my-script.r or %yet-another-map.r

File should follow these conventions

  1. Start with a percentage sign, %, like any other REBOL file!
  2. Contain only lower-case letters, digits, or hyphens. This ensures cross-platform compatibility
  3. Don't start or end with a hyphen (%-my-script and %myscript.r- are not good)
  4. Should have a suffix (eg .r). It doesn't need to be .r, but that is strongly recommended
  5. Not be a reserved file name for any of the platforms that REBOL runs on (e.g. con or lpt1 are reserved under Windows)
  6. For a new script, has a name that does not clash with any other script in the Library

REBOL header: Date

Should be a valid REBOL date. We use this to index recent changes and additions, so you should really set it to today's date,
eg Date: 18-Feb-2025.

REBOL header: Title

A short string that descibes the script

REBOL header: Purpose

A string, possibly multi-line, that briefly describes the script. This is displayed on the View screen and other places. Purpose is optional, but highly recommended.

Library header

This is part of the REBOL header, and includes extra fields for cataloging your script. A basic library header looks like this:

library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: [tutorial tool] domain: [ftp game] tested-under: none support: none license: none see-also: none ]

The Library header is optional. You do not need it, but it does let you easily associate tags with your script.

Library header: Level

A single quoted word to say what level of user expertise is embodied in the script. That is, the level of REBOL understanding that a user should have. It doesn't have anything to do with the domain-specific aspects of an entry. Use any one of:
advanced beginner intermediate

beginner - These should be understandable even to those that are just evaluating REBOL. We don't want to scare off newcomers.

intermediate - This assumes a basic working knowledge of REBOL and the ability to use HELP and SOURCE to learn more. Script size isn't as important as complexity. That is to say, scripts can be large as long as they are straight-forward.

advanced - Examples of things that fall into this category would be: higher order functions, USE blocks - beyond very obvious usage, BIND, anonymous functions - again beyond very basic usage of the mechanism, dynamic layout generation in View, etc.

Library header: Platform

The platform(s) on which this script will run. Can be a lit-word or block. Use any combination of:

*nix all amiga be linux
mac plugin solaris unix win


Platform: [mac amiga win]

Platform: 'plugin

Most scripts will have no platform specified, which means they are expected (though not guaranteed) to work on any platform their target REBOL product runs on.

Library header: Plugin

If a script has a platform: [ ... plugin ...] entry (meaning it is certified as runnable under the REBOL browser plugin) it must also have a Library header of plugin to specify the settings needed by the plugin

Values are:

plugin: [size: pair! version: string!]


  • size -- the width and height of the window needed for the script to display properly. This value must be present. Minimum size is 100x100.
  • version -- specific version number of the plugin, if the script needs anything other than the most recent version
    • This is optional -- omit if you do not mind which version is run
    • The only version currently allowed is ",5,0,0"


rebol [ ... library: [ ... plugin: [size: 800x1000] ... ] ]

Library header: Type

Says what type of thing the script is, or how it is used. What its purpose is. Can be a lit-word or block. Use any combination of:

article demo dialect faq fun
function game how-to idiom module
one-liner package protocol rebcode reference
tool tutorial


Type: [idiom tool]

Type: 'fun

Type: [how-to function tool]


These are things you can just click and see something happen. They may be useful or not.

Demo - These are written to show REBOL off in some way. Good examples are Cyphre's graphic demos, Doc's v-balls, gel, and splash. Yes, you may learn something from their code, but their goal is to just look cool and show off. All demos will have a display of some kind, even if it's just a console. Scripts like rebodex.r and to-do.r might fall into two categories with a small change. They are good demos as they come with sample data, but they could also be Utilities if you were allowed to change the data they contain and persist those changes. Calculator is both a demo and a utility.

Tool - Tools and Utilities provide some kind of useful functionality. Some of them may also be good demos, easy-vid being a classic example. Effect-lab is another good example, because it shows you the effect block it's building up and you can copy it out for your own use.

Game - Games are games. If you can play it, it's a game.

Documentation Related

Things in this category may be documents of some kind other than a REBOL script, though scripts may also be included. Their intent is to inform, teach, etc.

Reference - Non-script entries would be things like dictionary.html or the view developer's guide from RT. It would also apply to easy-vid, view-ref, and other "active" documents.

How-To - The new REBOL Cookbook is kind of in line with this. They can be code without a separate article, or explanatory text may be included.

FAQ - Answers to simple questions. May be code or not. More concise than How-To's, but along the same lines. They should fit well as answers to a "How do I...?" question.

Article - These are items that are mainly text, but may also contain code. They are targeted at informing people about REBOL, not being technical.

Tutorial - I'd classify the REBOL Forces Articles as tutorials. They are explanatory, but contain code. Longer and deeper than a How-To.

Idiom - These are the little nuggets that show you the inner 'zen' of REBOL. There may be overlap between FAQs, one-liners, and Idioms. e.g. How do I concatenate strings? or How do I upload a file with FTP? Idiom entries should be small and well focused.


This is the area for things that don't do anything on their own.

One-liner - If it fits on one line, it qualifies.

Function - A function (like Round.r) or a set of functions (like prime.r) that can be called or included in other scripts. They usually return a result.

Module - A function (or set of functions) that does something (like lrwp.r or melt.r). Generally these would define a context/namespace to avoid collisions.

Protocol - A full-blown protocol (like mysql_all.r). You should be able to determine if something qualifies for this by looking for "make root-protocol" and/or "net-utils/net-install" in the source.

Dialect - Some dialect scripts might also fall into other categories. It doesn't necessarily mean that all they do is provide a dialect (i.e. set of parse rules). Andrew's ML stuff is a good example, as is make-doc. It just means that a dialect of some kind is a prominent component of the functionality, though it may also be just a set of parse rules (and docs to go with them of course).

Mode of running

Rebcode - Ther script runs in the Rebcode Virtual Machine.

Library header: Domain

What application area(s) the script addresses. All scripts should have at least one domain that they applies to them, and they may have more than one.

Not all application areas are "published". The user view, so far, is much more limited. i.e. just because we have a domain listed doesn't mean it will appear as its own group in the user interface of library tools or the web/html version.

Can be a lit-word or block. Use any combination of:

ai animation broken cgi compression
database db dead debug dialects
email encryption extension external-library file-handling
files financial ftp game graphics
gui html http ldc markup
math mysql odbc other-net parse
patch printing protocol scheme scientific
sdk security shell sound sql
ssl tcp testing text text-processing
ui user-interface vid visualization web
win-api x-file xml


Domain: [financial dialects gui]

Domain: 'ftp

Domain: [other-net financial protocol tcp scientific]

Patch - A patch is an updated version of a mezzanine that ships with a standard REBOL distribution. Some of them will come from RT and others will come from users. There are a couple different reasons people write patches. For RT, it's a way to fix bugs without having to do an entire release of REBOL. Patches from RT are considered "official", but that doesn't mean they're perfect of course. Some patches change behavior because someone thinks the original behavior is incorrect, or inadequate. These have to be treated carefully as having patched functions that behave differently can be quite confusing. If you write a patch, make sure to comment it clearly as to what the purpose of the patch is.

Library header: Tested-under

Notes about the testing environment used. This field is designed to give people at least a hint about where the entry is known to work, or maybe that it wasn't tested at all. A string, block, or none.


We've talked briefly about the following dialect, but have not yet committed to it or updated existing scripts to use it. Comments are welcome.

values: Given in groups, as follows: product version OS [opt notes] [opt tested-by] product: word! ; command view core base IOS SDK version: tuple! OS: opt 'on [word! | string! | block!] notes: opt string! tested-by: opt 'by [word! | string! | block!] example values: tested-under: [core W2K] tested-under: [view on "Windows 98"] tested-under: [ command 1.2.5 on [Win2K Me 98] "Sunanda" command 2.1.1 on [W2K] "Anton" command 2.0.0 on [linux] [Gregg Volker] ] tested-under: [ base 2.6.0 W2K {Patched in http protocol from Core 2.5.3} by GSI ]

Library header: Support

The standard header already contains a Home field, which should be used if it exists. The standard Author and EMail fields should also be used. The library Support field is there for the cases where the original author of an entry no longer supports it, or never did, but someone else steps up to fill that void. You may also include notes about any support you offer (e.g. "See my website for plug-ins"). A string, block, or none.

A block is the preferred format, since that makes it easy to include, and find, email addresses and URLs among the comments.

Library header: License

Conditions under which the script can be used. See for information about various open source licenses. A string, lit-word, block, or none.

See help on choosing a license for more details.

The standard Copyright field should also be used if appropriate.

Standard licenses are:

bsd cc-by cc-by-sa gpl lgpl
mit pd public-domain rvd

Library header: Replaced-by

This is an optional header -- most scripts will not have it. Use it only if you want to show that this script has been replaced by another.


  • Format is a file name . eg replaced-by: %new-script.r
  • The replacing file must already exist in the Library (so add it first)
  • The replacing file must not itself have a replaced-by entry
  • You can't replace a script with itself (replaced-by script name must be different to the current script's)
  • Library header: See-also

    Cross-reference to other scripts of interest. A string or none


    We've talked about using this simple dialect:

    some [[file! | url!] opt string!]

    where file! values would be links to other library scripts, url! values would be links to external references, with optional notes included for each. Since things are still in flux, we haven't talked about how relative paths might be included and such.