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source code layout question

 [1/25] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 4-Jan-2002 8:42

Hi, all, WARNING #1: None of the code in this post is meaningful, and may not even be legitimate. It's only included for the purpose of illustration. WARNING #2: This is a controversial and sensitive subject with some folks. I'm not trying to start a flame war, and I have not interest in debating aesthetic opinions. I *am* very interested in objective criteria which identify strengths and weaknesses of the alternatives. That said... I've recently been pondering source code layout. I, like many of us on the list, have been writing REBOL in a style similar to the following, which I'll call Style B: foo: func [x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!]] [ either x = 0 [ z ][ either y = 0 [ head reverse z ][ while [x < y] [ y: y - x append z "x" ] foo y x z ] ] ] This style is fairly conventional for block-structured languages (i.e. descendants of Algol, including Pascal, c, Java, Perl, etc.) Some programmers use a variation on this style, which I'll call Style C: foo: func [x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!]] [ either x = 0 [z] [ either y = 0 [head reverse z] [ while [x < y] [ y: y - x append z "x" ] foo y x z ] ] ] LISP (and Scheme) programmers often use a bracketing style which emphasizes the indentation of actual content, and relegates the punctuation to a minor role. This approach would give us a different look, which I'll call Style L: foo: func [x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!]] [either x = 0 [z] [either y = 0 [head reverse z] [while [x < y] [y: y - x append z "x"] foo y x z]]] REBOL isn't Algol, Lisp, or c (etc...), so perhaps its style is not subject to the constraints of those languages. Here's my assessment of some of the strengths and weaknesses of these styles. (Again, I'm trying to deal with measurable features and human factors, regardless of what I personally like or dislike!) As all of these styles use indentation of source text to show nesting, that issue is irrelevant to a contrast. Style Pros Cons ----- ------------------------- ------------------------- B Familiar, even to people Deeply-nested code can used to other common require lots of lines that programming languages. only close blocks ("]"). Can be cut-and-pasted into May obscure distinctive REBOL console, since open REBOL concepts (e.g., the blocks signal that the brackets commonly written current expression is not around WHILE arguments are yet complete. not "required syntax" as with c parentheses and/or braces. Easy to insert/delete lines within a multi-line block while revising code. C Ease of insertion/deletion Requires more lines than as with Style B. other styles to express the same code. L Keeps short blocks on the Long runs of "]" at the end same line, thus saving of multiple nesting can be vertical layout space. difficult to count (and get correct. Inserting/deleting block content can require more editing work. I'm interested in any other comments on the objective pros/cons of these styles. For the sake of experiment, I've been experimenting with a hybrid style, which I'll call Style R. It is intended to meet the following criteria: * Use indentation to make nesting visible (as do B, C, and L). * Emphasize the idea of block-as-value (in contrast with the keywords-with-required-punctuation implication of B and C). * Avoid hard-to-read runs of punctuation (as in L). * As far as possible, subordinate to the other criteria, use as few lines as possible (to get the maximum code on a page or within a window). Guided by these criteria, the current state of Style R would lay out the above sample code this way: foo: func [x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!]] [ either x = 0 [ z] [ either y = 0 [ head reverse z] [ while [x < y] [ y: y - x append z "x" ] foo y x z ] ] ] If one wanted to be polite and include help strings, the code could be laid out as follows: foo: func [ "Computes a Euclid string for numeric data" x [integer!] "major argument" y [integer!] "corporal argument" z [integer!] "seed string, modified by evaluation" ][ either x = 0 [ z] [ either y = 0 [ head reverse z] [ while [x < y] [ y: y - x append z "x" ] foo y x z ] ] ] Objective comments (i.e., something other that "That's the ugliest thing I've ever seen!" or "Wow! You're an artist!" ;-) are welcome! -jn- -- ; sub REBOL {}; sub head ($) {@_[0]} REBOL [] # despam: func [e] [replace replace/all e ":" "." "#" "@"] ; sub despam {my ($e) = @_; $e =~ tr/:#/.@/; return "\n$e"} print head reverse despam "moc:xedef#yleen:leoj" ;

 [2/25] from: al:bri:xtra at: 5-Jan-2002 6:10

Hi, Joel. I prefer: Foo: func [ "Computes a Euclid string for numeric data." X [integer!] "Major argument." Y [integer!] "Corporal argument." Z [integer!] "Seed string, modified by evaluation." ][ either X = 0 [ Z ][ either Y = 0 [ head reverse Z ][ while [X < Y][ Y: Y - X append Z "x" ] foo Y X Z ] ] ] Why? * Title and Upper case for important words helps emphasize that these words are defined here. * Leading opening square bracket "[" allows cutting and pasting into Rebol console. * Block contents and trailing closing square bracket "]" all indented to same level to visually confirm nesting. * "][" for 'either provides visual cue for alternative case for 'either and continued blocks for functions. * For comments: Full stops inserted to make better sentences, along with initial capital. Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169

 [3/25] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 4-Jan-2002 18:38

Joel Neely wrote:
>Hi, all, >WARNING #1: None of the code in this post is meaningful, and may
<<quoted lines omitted: 5>>
>interested in objective criteria which identify strengths and >weaknesses of the alternatives.
Why do you think it could lead to flamewar? :-) It isn't rebo-2-another-lang comparison after all :-)
>That said... >I've recently been pondering source code layout. I, like many of
<<quoted lines omitted: 15>>
> ] > ]
OK, the rest of the code is cutted-off. I think that for me, only your B varian is acceptable, with 2 small changes - if something can be put on one line (one-liner), don't use new line after starting "[" - don't put starting "[" on separate line, so: foo: func [x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!]][ either x = 0 [z][ either y = 0 [head reverse z][ while [x < y][ y: y - x append z "x" ] foo y x z ] ] ;end either x = 0 - an example of comment, good for longer nested stuff ... ] as for example of longer either expression, probably something like this: either x = 0 [ head reverse z some other stuff here ][short stuff here] either x = 0 [ head reverse z some other stuff here ][ another at least two lines of code ]
>Objective comments (i.e., something other that "That's the >ugliest thing I've ever seen!" or "Wow! You're an artist!" ;-) >are welcome! >
That's the ugliest thing I've ever seen and yes, you are real rebol artist :-)) -pekr-

 [4/25] from: sunandadh:aol at: 4-Jan-2002 15:09

Hi Joel,
> I'm interested in any other comments on the objective pros/cons > of these styles.
I tend to write code in your "Style C" with two minor mods: 1. I Function headers much closer to "R-polite" 2. I tend to use comments on closing brackets, especially if they are well-separated from their opener: ] ; if ] ; func It makes block indentation more obvious to me, and that is the clincher for me. But I usually "translate" code to style B before posting to the list so that readers can cut'n'paste into the Console. I guess what we need is not a holy war over formatting styles but prettyprinter.r that will take arbitrary code and reformat it in various ways. Mold sort of does that (to Style B only) but loses the comments. I also guess a preferred formating style depends largely on what the expected lifecycle of the code is. I assume code is a high maintenance item, and leave it spaced out to make modifications (in my option) easier. As an example, I was never convinced by Carl S's "mental reduction" example in Zine/2. He reduces a Style B snippet: either (mode) [ data: find data "Active" ][ data: find data "Passive" ] to the one-liner: data: find data either mode ["Active"]["Passive"] Now that may be absolutely necessary in some circumstances where memory is tight. But my instinctive reaction was: "Arrghh no! What if I then need to perform an additional according to the value of 'mode?" The original is much clearer as to where that additional code should go. Sunanda.

 [5/25] from: carl:cybercraft at: 5-Jan-2002 12:41

On 05-Jan-02, Joel Neely wrote:
> foo: func > [ "Computes a Euclid string for numeric data"
<<quoted lines omitted: 11>>
> foo y x z > ] ] ]
I rather like that, in that the relationship between the opening and closing brackets is much easier to see than with conventional styles, it creating obvious vertical lines. It's only drawbacks I think are three extra spaces on some lines (minor) and not being able to cut and paste it into the Console - a major disadvantage, I think. If it wasn't for that, it'd be tempting to switch to it. And when there's no nesting, the code becomes very clear... if x = 0 [ y] either a = b [ c] [ d] while [h = i] [ j k l] for n 1 10 1 [ print n] quit My current style (such as it is:) is much the sames as Petr's, ('either's blocks being on one line being fine with me, though I see your point in only allowing it with 'while's conditional block), so I'd write... foo: func [ "Computes a Euclid string for numeric data" x [integer!] "major argument" y [integer!] "corporal argument" z [integer!] "seed string, modified by evaluation" ][ either x = 0 [z][ either y = 0 [head reverse z][ while [x < y][ y: y - x append z "x" ] foo y x z ] ] ] And that's a line longer than your somewhat more clearer version. I try not to have more than one evaluation on a line though, unless they're within a block. So this I'd try to avoid - (usually:)... while [x < y][y: y - x append z "x"] Even though it'd save three lines. Pity about the cutting and pasting problem Joel. ): -- Carl Read

 [6/25] from: ammonjohnson:yaho:o at: 4-Jan-2002 18:14

Carl Read wrote:
>On 05-Jan-02, Joel Neely wrote: >> foo: func
<<quoted lines omitted: 20>>
>it wasn't for that, it'd be tempting to switch to it. And when >there's no nesting, the code becomes very clear...
I will draw the line just a little closer to the middle: foo: func [ "Computes a Euclid string for numeric data" x [integer!] "major argument" y [integer!] "corporal argument" z [integer!] "seed string, modified by evaluation" ][ either x = 0 [z][ either y = 0 [head reverse z][ while [x < y][ y: y - x append z "x" ] foo y x z ] ] ] Have the brackets begin on end of the line, but stack them at the end. This will include the readability on the end while mantaining the ability to cut & paste! I like, & I am convinced to switch. ;-) Enjoy!! Ammon

 [7/25] from: carl:cybercraft at: 5-Jan-2002 13:19

On 05-Jan-02, Andrew Martin wrote:
> * Title and Upper case for important words helps emphasize that > these words are defined here.
I used to use upper and lower case to distinguish variables from function names and the like in previous languages, (leading lowercase for variables, leading uppercase for functions or labels), but dropped it in REBOL, "there only being words in REBOL". Here's an example from one of my first REBOL scripts (before I'd been pointed towards the style-guide - all non-REBOL words I'd give the uppercase treatment to)... NoChange: [ LowWait: WaitAmount if WaitAmount < WaitMax [ WaitAmount: to-integer (WaitAmount * 2) if WaitAmount > WaitMax [WaitAmount: WaitMax] do UpdateSpeed ] ] And how we're supposed to write it... no-change: [ low-wait: wait-amount if wait-amount < wait-max [ wait-amount: to-integer (wait-amount * 2) if wait-amount > wait-max [wait-amount: wait-max] do update-speed ] ] Take your pick I guess, but the "proper" way seems easier on the eye (and the shift-key:) though its look could depend a lot on the font you're using I guess. -- Carl Read

 [8/25] from: philb:upnaway at: 5-Jan-2002 9:12

Hi Joel, Well for good or bad I code pretty much in style B in all the langauges I use C, C++, Progress, Rebol. I just like my braces or square brackets lined up !! Everything inside the brackets indented of course, unless it fits on a single line in which case save some space by having the close bracket on the same line. foo: func [x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!]] [ either x = 0 [z] [ either y = 0 [head reverse z] [ while [x < y] [ y: y - x append z "x" ] foo y x z ] ] ] of course everyone will have their own variation on one of the styles. Cheers Phil === Original Message === Hi, all, WARNING #1: None of the code in this post is meaningful, and may not even be legitimate. It's only included for the purpose of illustration. WARNING #2: This is a controversial and sensitive subject with some folks. I'm not trying to start a flame war, and I have not interest in debating aesthetic opinions. I *am* very interested in objective criteria which identify strengths and weaknesses of the alternatives. That said... I've recently been pondering source code layout. I, like many of us on the list, have been writing REBOL in a style similar to the following, which I'll call Style B: foo: func [x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!]] [ either x = 0 [ z ][ either y = 0 [ head reverse z ][ while [x < y] [ y: y - x append z "x" ] foo y x z ] ] ] This style is fairly conventional for block-structured languages (i.e. descendants of Algol, including Pascal, c, Java, Perl, etc.) Some programmers use a variation on this style, which I'll call Style C: foo: func [x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!]] [ either x = 0 [z] [ either y = 0 [head reverse z] [ while [x < y] [ y: y - x append z "x" ] foo y x z ] ] ] LISP (and Scheme) programmers often use a bracketing style which emphasizes the indentation of actual content, and relegates the punctuation to a minor role. This approach would give us a different look, which I'll call Style L: foo: func [x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!]] [either x = 0 [z] [either y = 0 [head reverse z] [while [x < y] [y: y - x append z "x"] foo y x z]]] REBOL isn't Algol, Lisp, or c (etc...), so perhaps its style is not subject to the constraints of those languages. Here's my assessment of some of the strengths and weaknesses of these styles. (Again, I'm trying to deal with measurable features and human factors, regardless of what I personally like or dislike!) As all of these styles use indentation of source text to show nesting, that issue is irrelevant to a contrast. Style Pros Cons ----- ------------------------- ------------------------- B Familiar, even to people Deeply-nested code can used to other common require lots of lines that programming languages. only close blocks ("]"). Can be cut-and-pasted into May obscure distinctive REBOL console, since open REBOL concepts (e.g., the blocks signal that the brackets commonly written current expression is not around WHILE arguments are yet complete. not "required syntax" as with c parentheses and/or braces. Easy to insert/delete lines within a multi-line block while revising code. C Ease of insertion/deletion Requires more lines than as with Style B. other styles to express the same code. L Keeps short blocks on the Long runs of "]" at the end same line, thus saving of multiple nesting can be vertical layout space. difficult to count (and get correct. Inserting/deleting block content can require more editing work. I'm interested in any other comments on the objective pros/cons of these styles. For the sake of experiment, I've been experimenting with a hybrid style, which I'll call Style R. It is intended to meet the following criteria: * Use indentation to make nesting visible (as do B, C, and L). * Emphasize the idea of block-as-value (in contrast with the keywords-with-required-punctuation implication of B and C). * Avoid hard-to-read runs of punctuation (as in L). * As far as possible, subordinate to the other criteria, use as few lines as possible (to get the maximum code on a page or within a window). Guided by these criteria, the current state of Style R would lay out the above sample code this way: foo: func [x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!]] [ either x = 0 [ z] [ either y = 0 [ head reverse z] [ while [x < y] [ y: y - x append z "x" ] foo y x z ] ] ] If one wanted to be polite and include help strings, the code could be laid out as follows: foo: func [ "Computes a Euclid string for numeric data" x [integer!] "major argument" y [integer!] "corporal argument" z [integer!] "seed string, modified by evaluation" ][ either x = 0 [ z] [ either y = 0 [ head reverse z] [ while [x < y] [ y: y - x append z "x" ] foo y x z ] ] ] Objective comments (i.e., something other that "That's the ugliest thing I've ever seen!" or "Wow! You're an artist!" ;-) are welcome! -jn- -- ; sub REBOL {}; sub head ($) {@_[0]} REBOL [] # despam: func [e] [replace replace/all e ":" "." "#" "@"] ; sub despam {my ($e) = @_; $e =~ tr/:#/.@/; return "\n$e"} print head reverse despam "moc:xedef#yleen:leoj" ;

 [9/25] from: ammonjohnson:yah:oo at: 4-Jan-2002 19:22

I guess I like the middle road. ;-)) Here's how I would code it: No-Change: [ Low-Wait: Wait-Amount if Wait-Amount < Wait-Max [ Wait-Amount: To-Integer (Wait-Amount * 2) if Wait-Amount > Wait-Max [Wait-Amount: Wait-Max] do Update-Speed ] ] Enjoy!! Ammon Carl Read wrote:

 [10/25] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 4-Jan-2002 19:38

Hi, Carl, Carl Read wrote:
> ... It's only drawbacks I think are three extra spaces on > some lines (minor) ... >
Those are there to make the content of multi-line blocks (or multiple consecutive blocks, where some may be multi-line) all line up indented under the controlling expression.
> and not being able to cut and paste it into the Console - > a major disadvantage, I think. If it wasn't for that, it'd > be tempting to switch to it... >
Actually, I've been cutting and pasting with it (just with a tad of cheating ;-). I simply type into the console do [ then paste in whatever I've cut from wherever, then type a final ] and press return. That bit of extra typing (which does take more effort than just using control-C...) wraps everything in an extra attention-span-preserving block to keep the console's attention until the input expression is explicitly closed by the last right bracket.
> My current style (such as it is:) is much the sames as Petr's
> I'd write... > either x = 0 [z][
<<quoted lines omitted: 6>>
> ] > ]
I've tried that myself, but it seems to break the symmetry between the two blocks managed by the EITHER. Conceptually I "see" them as being at the same "level" under the control of the first argument to EITHER; therefore I prefer a typographical structure that makes them appear "side by side". Having one of them on the same line as EITHER and the controlling expression versus the other being indented below seems to hide their side-by-side relationship. I've certainly written my share of either blahblahblah [t-option][f-option] when all will fit on one line, however. -jn- -- ; sub REBOL {}; sub head ($) {@_[0]} REBOL [] # despam: func [e] [replace replace/all e ":" "." "#" "@"] ; sub despam {my ($e) = @_; $e =~ tr/:#/.@/; return "\n$e"} print head reverse despam "moc:xedef#yleen:leoj" ;

 [11/25] from: philb:upnaway at: 5-Jan-2002 9:58

Hi Joel, using the extra do [ before pasting is a really neat trick .... it will sure come in handy. Seems like the console was designed by/for people who code in style A Cheers Phil === Original Message === Hi, Carl, Carl Read wrote:
> ... It's only drawbacks I think are three extra spaces on > some lines (minor) ... >
Those are there to make the content of multi-line blocks (or multiple consecutive blocks, where some may be multi-line) all line up indented under the controlling expression.
> and not being able to cut and paste it into the Console - > a major disadvantage, I think. If it wasn't for that, it'd > be tempting to switch to it... >
Actually, I've been cutting and pasting with it (just with a tad of cheating ;-). I simply type into the console do [ then paste in whatever I've cut from wherever, then type a final ] and press return. That bit of extra typing (which does take more effort than just using control-C...) wraps everything in an extra attention-span-preserving block to keep the console's attention until the input expression is explicitly closed by the last right bracket.
> My current style (such as it is:) is much the sames as Petr's
> I'd write... > either x = 0 [z][
<<quoted lines omitted: 6>>
> ] > ]
I've tried that myself, but it seems to break the symmetry between the two blocks managed by the EITHER. Conceptually I "see" them as being at the same "level" under the control of the first argument to EITHER; therefore I prefer a typographical structure that makes them appear "side by side". Having one of them on the same line as EITHER and the controlling expression versus the other being indented below seems to hide their side-by-side relationship. I've certainly written my share of either blahblahblah [t-option][f-option] when all will fit on one line, however. -jn- -- ; sub REBOL {}; sub head ($) {@_[0]} REBOL [] # despam: func [e] [replace replace/all e ":" "." "#" "@"] ; sub despam {my ($e) = @_; $e =~ tr/:#/.@/; return "\n$e"} print head reverse despam "moc:xedef#yleen:leoj" ;

 [12/25] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 4-Jan-2002 20:15

Ooops, I forgot another bit of trivia from my past! Carl Read wrote:
> I try not to have more than one evaluation on a line though, > unless they're within a block. So this I'd try to avoid - > (usually:)... > > while [x < y][y: y - x append z "x"] >
Ordinarily I do as well, but sometimes I cheat... I remember from my FORTH days (FORTH also eschews any pretense at syntax) the convention of using horizontal whitespace to break a run of words into "phrases", which might deal with the above something like while [x < y] [y: y - x append z "x"] Just another option, but not one so easily automated! -jn- -- ; sub REBOL {}; sub head ($) {@_[0]} REBOL [] # despam: func [e] [replace replace/all e ":" "." "#" "@"] ; sub despam {my ($e) = @_; $e =~ tr/:#/.@/; return "\n$e"} print head reverse despam "moc:xedef#yleen:leoj" ;

 [13/25] from: carl:cybercraft at: 5-Jan-2002 15:41

On 05-Jan-02, [SunandaDH--aol--com] wrote:
> I also guess a preferred formating style depends largely on what the > expected lifecycle of the code is. I assume code is a high
<<quoted lines omitted: 13>>
> 'mode?" The original is much clearer as to where that additional > code should go.
Well, I was convinced, and I now find the one-line version easy and natural to read. Also, adding any additional code /is/ simple... data: find data either mode [a: 1 "Active"][b: 2 "Passive"] or if you wish... data: find data either mode [ a: 1 "Active" ][ b: 2 "Passive" ] What that example shows is the added value a functional language gives you, another being the ease with which you can capture interim results of an evaluation. For instance... data: find data d: either m: mode ["Active"]["Passive"] would result in 'm holding what's returned by 'mode and 'd holding either "Active" or "Passive". To do that your way would require something like this... m: mode either m [ d: "Active" data: find data d ][ d: "Passive" data: find data d ] or perhaps more sensibly... m: mode either m [ d: "Active" ][ d: "Passive" ] data: find data d which cuts out most of the repetition, but even so, I'd still prefer this... m: mode d: either m ["Active"]["Passive"] data: find data d and would consider it more readable. (And yes, more readable than the one-line version, but sometimes capturing interim results within an expression is very useful, and that was more an example of the usefulness of a functional language than the line's readability.) -- Carl Read

 [14/25] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 4-Jan-2002 20:41

Hi, to all who wrote about upper and lower case... I freely admit that my bias against upper-case in programs is purely personal and subjective. I cut my programming teeth in the days of punched cards, punched paper tape, and KSR-33s and KSR-35s (those were the days when we used real Teletype clatter boxes as terminals, shoe-box-sized 110-baud modems were high tech!) To my eye, liberal sprinkling of upper-case characters is reminiscent of a few things (none of which are My Favorite Things ;-) 1) Antique I/0 (cards, teleprinters, greenscreens, and line printers -- all of which were usually upper-case only). 2) Human-Readable Documents Produced People Who Don't Know The Difference between titles and running text. (In my college/university teaching days, I read *LOTS* of bad term papers and essay tests!) 3) PEOPLE (INCLUDING SPAMMERS) WHO SHOUT IN EMAIL/NEWSGROUP POSTINGS BECAUSE THEY HAVEN'T GOT A CLUE ABOUT MANNERS. 4) Legal documents that think that LOTS OF RUNNING TEXT IN ALL CAPS IS SOMEHOW MORE IMPORTANT AND MORE LIKELY TO BE READ when every typographic expert I've ever read says that all-caps text is the least readable kind. Everyone is welcome and entitled to his/her views, but I think of upper-case as being similar to Jalapeno peppers and Tabasco sauce (a little goes a long way, and none at all is better than too much! ;-) -jn- -- ; sub REBOL {}; sub head ($) {@_[0]} REBOL [] # despam: func [e] [replace replace/all e ":" "." "#" "@"] ; sub despam {my ($e) = @_; $e =~ tr/:#/.@/; return "\n$e"} print head reverse despam "moc:xedef#yleen:leoj" ;

 [15/25] from: carl:cybercraft at: 5-Jan-2002 17:17

On 05-Jan-02, Joel Neely wrote:
> Hi, Carl, > Carl Read wrote:
<<quoted lines omitted: 21>>
> attention until the input expression is explicitly closed by > the last right bracket.
Ah - yes, that'd get us by. And example code to the list and such could include the 'do and its brackets, thus allowing, ahem, right-Amiga-C. (: I wonder what those at RT think of your style? They may have thought of it and rejected it for some reason. Anyone at RT listening? Two quite different styles amongst examples could be confusing unless most people switch over... -- Carl Read

 [16/25] from: nitsch-lists:netcologne at: 5-Jan-2002 7:02

RE: [REBOL] Re: source code layout question Hi Joel [joel--neely--fedex--com] wrote:
<snip> > Actually, I've been cutting and pasting with it (just with
<<quoted lines omitted: 8>>
> attention until the input expression is explicitly closed by > the last right bracket.
clever :) inspired me to vv: has[string][ string: read clipboard:// print string do string ] protect 'vv;avoid confusion.. now clip something and type "vv" in view-console :)

 [17/25] from: carl:cybercraft at: 5-Jan-2002 19:33

On 05-Jan-02, [nitsch-lists--netcologne--de] wrote:
> vv: has[string][ > string: read clipboard://
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> protect 'vv;avoid confusion.. > now clip something and type "vv" in view-console :)
Very nice - will be using it. (: -- Carl Read

 [18/25] from: nitsch-lists:netcologne at: 5-Jan-2002 9:53

RE: [REBOL] Re: source code layout question [joel--neely--fedex--com] wrote:
> Ooops, I forgot another bit of trivia from my past! > Carl Read wrote:
<<quoted lines omitted: 12>>
> while [x < y] [y: y - x append z "x"] > Just another option, but not one so easily automated!
automation, hmm, giving upper-case-letters some extra-spaces? while [x < y] [ Y: y - x Append z "x"] where is my %clean-script.r ? :)
> -jn- >

 [19/25] from: sunandadh:aol at: 5-Jan-2002 6:09

Hi Carl, Sunanda:
> > I also guess a preferred formating style depends largely on what the > > expected lifecycle of the code is. I assume code is a high > > maintenance item, and leave it spaced out to make modifications (in > > my option) easier. As an example, I was never convinced by Carl S's > > "mental reduction" example in Zine/2.
> Well, I was convinced, and I now find the one-line version easy and > natural to read. Also, adding any additional code /is/ simple... > > data: find data either mode [a: 1 "Active"][b: 2 "Passive"]
It's easy to think up simple changes that would make the one-liner difficult to maintain: If Mode is True position Data at "Active", unless Mean is 5, in which case leave Data's position unchanged If Mode is False position data at "Passive" unless Median is unset, in which case also unset Data Or If Mode is True and Data is a series position Data at "Active"; but if Data is an integer, set it to zero. The problem is that the one-liner makes two assumptions: first that Data is a series; and second that the result of manipulating it should be a change in its position). The longer code need make neither of these assumptions. Whether those assumptions are reasonable or not is not something we can't tell from such an artificial example. But I do try to write code remembering that maintaining it is much harder than writing it. So if I've been as clever as I possibly can in distilling it down to one-liners at time of writing, my successors (including an older me) have little chance of maintaining it. Maybe what we need is not just a prettyprinter.r but also an optimiser.r. That can produce runtime code which is as densely one-lined as possible while still functionally equivalent to the original. Any takers? Sunanda.

 [20/25] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 5-Jan-2002 9:23

HI, Carl and Sunanda, Carl Read wrote:
> On 05-Jan-02, [SunandaDH--aol--com] wrote: > > > I also guess a preferred formating style depends largely on > > what the expected lifecycle of the code is. > >
I think that's a very important point; the cost of modifying the code (at least for the most likely modifications) is certainly a factor in choice of coding style.
> > ... I assume code is > > a high maintenance item, and leave it spaced out to make
<<quoted lines omitted: 15>>
> Well, I was convinced, and I now find the one-line version easy and > natural to read.
I think now we're talking about idioms (idiomata? ;-) Every language (at least the non-trivial ones) in my experience has ways to express things that are not immediately obvious to the cultural outsider, and let's be honest about the fact that programming languages induce cultural groupings just as much as the so-called "natural languages". There's always a trade-off between expressing something in a manner that almost anyone from any culture could understand vs. in a manner that is recognizable to a native. To my view, this is another kind of optimization -- maximizing the bandwidth (and recognition) between writer and reader, rather than maximizing speed or memory economy. And, of course, optimizations often have the effect of making code more brittle or non-obvious.
> Also, adding any additional code /is/ simple... > > data: find data either mode [a: 1 "Active"][b: 2 "Passive"] >
A nice example of a REBOL-specific use of multiple-expression blocks!
> What that example shows is the added value a functional language gives > you, another being the ease with which you can capture interim > results of an evaluation. For instance... > > data: find data d: either m: mode ["Active"]["Passive"] >
> which cuts out most of the repetition, but even so, I'd still prefer > this... > > m: mode > d: either m ["Active"]["Passive"] > data: find data d >
But, to be fair, I think that layout can visually chunk the phrases in the one-liner to make the internal structure more clear: data: find data d: either m: mode ["Active"] ["Passive"] One could also expose the structure (though at a cost!) by using parens: data: find data (d: either (m: mode) ["Active"] ["Passive"]) I know I keep coming back to the issue of programming languages as as media of communication between humans (with the convenient side-effect that they is executable by a computer ;-), but my experience in software development includes a huge portion of time spent reading code that someone else (including an earlier copy of myself ;-) wrote. When attention is given to making the goals and meaning of the code self-evident (and I'm *NOT* talking about the use of comments), the subsequent work is much more efficiently performed. Also, I believe it was K.F. Gauss who said, "The purpose of computation is not numbers, but insight!" which I thoroughly believe. -jn- -- ; sub REBOL {}; sub head ($) {@_[0]} REBOL [] # despam: func [e] [replace replace/all e ":" "." "#" "@"] ; sub despam {my ($e) = @_; $e =~ tr/:#/.@/; return "\n$e"} print head reverse despam "moc:xedef#yleen:leoj" ;

 [21/25] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 5-Jan-2002 9:24

Hi, Volker, OUTSTANDING! I love it when people just make a problem go away! [nitsch-lists--netcologne--de] wrote:
> ... inspired me to > vv: has[string][
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> protect 'vv;avoid confusion.. > now clip something and type "vv" in view-console :)
-- ; sub REBOL {}; sub head ($) {@_[0]} REBOL [] # despam: func [e] [replace replace/all e ":" "." "#" "@"] ; sub despam {my ($e) = @_; $e =~ tr/:#/.@/; return "\n$e"} print head reverse despam "moc:xedef#yleen:leoj" ;

 [22/25] from: jasonic:cunliffe:verizon at: 5-Jan-2002 1:29

> now clip something and type "vv" in view-console :)
yeay that's great! ./Jason

 [23/25] from: richard-boyd:worldnet:att at: 5-Jan-2002 10:31

Very interesting post. Thanx. I prefer the Python style ... which I find much easier to read. Thus I format at per your Style C. I try to hide the brackets as much as possible as I find them distracting (and annoying) ... although they do help reading code such as posted to the newsgroup. But for my own code, I use TextPad with a REBOL syntax addon ... and Ctl-M to navigate code for matching brackets. I could live with your suggestion of Style R. As far as Styles B & C ... I immediately reformat them! -richard- Joel Neely wrote:

 [24/25] from: carl:cybercraft at: 6-Jan-2002 17:00

On 06-Jan-02, Joel Neely wrote:
> Hi, Volker, > OUTSTANDING! I love it when people just make a problem go away!
And I reduced it to just... vv: does [do read clipboard://] (: (I didn't find the printout helful.) Hmmm, or should it be... vv: does [ do read clipboard://] This might take a while to bed in Joel. (:
> [nitsch-lists--netcologne--de] wrote: >>
<<quoted lines omitted: 8>>
>> >> now clip something and type "vv" in view-console :)
-- Carl Read

 [25/25] from: carl:cybercraft at: 6-Jan-2002 13:34

On 05-Jan-02, [SunandaDH--aol--com] wrote:
> Hi Carl, > Sunanda:
<<quoted lines omitted: 29>>
> one-liners at time of writing, my successors (including an older me) > have little chance of maintaining it.
It's all a question of how readable the one-liner ends up being. I'd say to a REBOL programmer that... result: either whatever-1 [whatever-2][whatever-3] is as readable as... either whatever-1 [ result: whatever-2 ][ result: whatever-3 ] and probably more readable in fact. And as long as the one-liners are readable and hence can be converted into a five-liner with next to no thought, you have two payoffs due to a more efficient program and code that occupies a lot less lines. Look at the above two example: With the one-liner your eyes only need to scan left and right to understand it, (like a quick scan of the horizon), while with the five-liner our eyes are jumping back and forth vertically as well as horizontally. Humans are designed for reading one-liners... (: But I'm serious about the above, and the "left-right scanning" may be why Joel's... either whatever-1 [ result: whatever-2] [ result: whatever-3] seems so attractive. Having the blocks all on one line where possible is nice.
> Maybe what we need is not just a prettyprinter.r but also an > optimiser.r. That can produce runtime code which is as densely > one-lined as possible while still functionally equivalent to the > original. Any takers?
No, in that I would think it's probably impossible with REBOL. For instance, how would you optomize 'blk to allow for a later... change blk whatever Your "code" from REBOL's point of view is all just data, remember. -- Carl Read

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