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[REBOL] Re: Perl is to stupid to understand this 1 liner.

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 17-Dec-2001 22:48

Hi Joel, << That's an interesting (although severely non-trivial) approach to the development issue...>> Well, I never said it would be *easy*. :) <<...but I was describing a property of the problem space itself. >> Right. This is where my thinking diverges...I'm not sure to where. Rather than trying to identify all the ways a phone number could be formatted, because there are just too many of them even if we don't account for typographical errors in formatting, let's just say that a phone number is: A bunch of numbers with, possibly, some separators at the start or between them. Once you get to something other than a number, separator, or one of our "special" text strings (e.g. x, ext, pin), that's it. OK, that's a little vague, so we need to add some more rules. If it comes after <proper-name> 'at, that's a good clue. If it comes after <number|cell|...> 'is, that's a good clue. If it looks like one of the following, that's a *really* good clue. 551-1211 800-552-1212 1-800-553-1213 1+800-554-1214 800/555-1215 (800)556-1216 (800) 557-1217 800.558.1218 1.800.559.1219 If there are from 7 to 12 digits, and they're broken up into tuple-like groups, that's a good clue. If you find a proper name, and that name is in our address book, you can verify their number or maybe their country at least. Is this enough to handle all we might every want? Probably not. Do you want to allow things like 1.2/3)4(5-6.7 8.9? :) --Gregg