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[REBOL] Re: <rant> Re: Giving up Rebol?/binary skip

From: anton:lexicon at: 12-Dec-2002 13:22

Alright guys, let's get on with it. There is much to discover in rebol, so get to it. I don't want to read pages of arguments - who does? Better invest that effort in discovering and documenting rebol internals so we can all benefit. And remember, this email list is being archived. Let's make sure that the searchable archive is as useful as possible. I want to see more CODE from you guys, and less talk. Here's my latest idea - a tool for reminding me the order of layers on a pizza: view center-face layout [ backdrop effect [gradient] h1 400 yellow "Pizza Layers" center h1 400 "Vegetarian" center green pad 0x20 space 0 style layer box 400x20 layer wheat "cheese" layer pewter "mushrooms" layer gold "pineapple" layer khaki + 0.10.0 "oregano + basil" layer olive * 2 / 3 "olives" layer leaf "capsicum" layer silver "onion" layer wheat "cheese" layer brick "tomato sauce" layer 400x40 main-color "base" ] Anton.