[REBOL] Re: Giving up Rebol?/binary skip
From: tim::johnsons-web::com at: 10-Dec-2002 13:36
* pat665 <[reboler--ifrance--com]> [021210 13:15]:
> >so send your feedback in and RT will hopefully tell you, when they'll fix it.
> A few days ago, I send feedback about my problem with email. No response.
> So why bother sending. My last problem was this :
> fp: open/direct/binary %file.dat
> fp: skip fp 10
Oh brother... don't me started! Oh, oh, here I go!
This bug has persisted for over 2 years. I've submitted a report on it.
I know others have. It's been discussed on this list more than once.
I consider it entirely unacceptable that RT has not fixed this.
Given the talent and resources at RT, I don't believe that this
should be that difficult for them to fix, given some time and attention.
I also want to say that this is an example of an oversight that makes
rebol vulnerable to criticism. At one time, I demonstrated rebol to
some other IT professionals,
(and I'm talking about some major organizations here -
not some at-home coder like me)
and they declined to go further with rebol for this very reason that
Patrick is citing above.
IOWS, rebol lost a couple of potentially very big clients...
Carl, you should be reading this...
-this IS a weakness - less the bug itself than the length of persistance.
> These lines freeze Rebol. I think this is a bug known as the seek bug. But I'am not
> * * * Robert M. Muench said * * *
> >The only thing I learned from all the years:
> >There is no silver bullet...
> I must agree here Robert. I have had a good look today at other programing languages.
> And it makes me very sad indeed. Python or Ruby seem fine ...
> but what did they give me that I cannot expect from Rebol ?
> * * * Gregg said * * *
> > Python is very popular these days, and Ruby is very strong in Japan...
> For me Rebol and Python were in competion in the past. Then I choose the smart little
one !
> * * * Joel Neely said * * *
> >One more chance? ... 8~(
> I think it's possible.
> >I'd encourage anyone to keep REBOL in his/her toolkit,
> >even if it weren't the first language for every task!
> It's like breaking up with someone and still being friends, isn'it?
> * * * Ammon Johnson said * * *
> > New indepth docs are being released,
> > Carl himself reads the list and responds to some of the emails
> Yeah, are being to ..., will be ..., in November, next week, have been delayed, next
month ...
> Even Carl himself seems less enthusiastic about Rebol !
> Hope I am wrong
> Patrick
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Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>