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 [1/9] from: ammoncooke:yah:oo at: 1-Sep-2001 1:22

hi, having trouble getting styles to work, it must be a simple problem. Here's my code: mn-stl: stylize [mn-tm: text white bold return] proj: layout/offset [ styles mn-stl mn-tm "New" [nw-proj] mn-tm "Load" [ld-proj] mn-tm "Save" [sv-proj] ]0x0 ; this code returns: ** Script Error: mn-stl needs a value ** Where: do-boot ** Near: mn-stl: stylize [mn-tm: text white bold return] proj: layout/offset
Why? My guess is, "because Carl forgot to add the most important function of all:
>>? user-freindly
USAGE: USER-FREINDLY user /strong DESCRIPTION: Causes REBOL to be friendly to user ARGUMENTS: user -- Current user Refinements: /strong -- Very forgiving of code errors Just a guess" ;D Ammon

 [2/9] from: ammoncooke::yahoo at: 1-Sep-2001 1:52

seemed to be 'return'. I thought that return was to 'return' the next style (i.e. newline)? Guess not, just looked it up in the console. I still think Carl forgot to add the most important feature. ;D Thanks!! Ammon PS I sure enjoy talking to myself on the list, it makes me feel important. ;))

 [3/9] from: fsievert:uos at: 1-Sep-2001 9:44

> mn-stl: stylize [mn-tm: text white bold return]
'''''' Remove the 'return and it will work. CU, Frank

 [4/9] from: arolls:bigpond:au at: 1-Sep-2001 20:30

> PS I sure enjoy talking to myself on the list, it makes me feel important.
and wastes other people's time.

 [5/9] from: keithray::yahoo::com at: 1-Sep-2001 4:03

Hi Ammon, The problem with your little snippet of code is the placement of 'return'. Evidently 'return' can only be used in the layout. This is as it should be. Stylize is for defining the styles of buttons, text, and etc, but has nothing to do about their placement. The placement of these are left to the layout. For your code to work, just move 'return'. Below is my code, which works: REBOL [ Title: "Test" ] mn-stl: stylize [mn-tm: text white bold ] proj: layout/offset [ styles mn-stl mn-tm "New" [nw-proj] return mn-tm "Load" [ld-proj] return mn-tm "Save" [sv-proj] return ]0x0 view proj --- Ammon Cooke <[ammoncooke--yahoo--com]> wrote:

 [6/9] from: ammoncooke:y:ahoo at: 1-Sep-2001 5:28

thanks!! I simply tried 'return' cause a saw one of Carl's scripts using 'right', makes sense then for 'return' to be supported in styles, but alas... Enjoy!! Ammon

 [7/9] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 1-Sep-2001 15:42

----- Original Message ----- From: "Anton" <[arolls--bigpond--net--au]> To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 12:30 PM Subject: [REBOL] Re: stylize
> > PS I sure enjoy talking to myself on the list, it makes me feel
> and wastes other people's time.
Hey, Anton, as I can't see any smiley here, I would like to ask you being more tolerant ;-) There is nothing bad if someone becomes enthusiastic about something. Don't demotivate ppl, please :-) As for me, I can see RT more wasting our (and their too - answering redundant bug reports) time without existence of shared bug system, than someone asking some questions here :-) Thanks, -pekr-

 [8/9] from: greggirwin:starband at: 1-Sep-2001 11:08

Hi Anton, PMJI, but I'm a REBOL neophyte and I learn something from almost every message that I read. I know you real REBOLs may not, but this thread is a good example. If Ammon hadn't posted, I wouldn't have learned that you can't use 'return' in stylize. I'm sure I'll be posting a lot of messages and then finding the answer to my question 5 minutes after I send them. That's just how it is sometimes. I hope people will realize that I'm not trying to waste anyone's time, I'm just learning. --Gregg

 [9/9] from: ammoncooke:y:ahoo at: 1-Sep-2001 11:52

My point exactly, you see by typing the code into the email, sending it, forgeting about it, watching it come up & reading it I realized what was wrong. I sure hope this hasn't caused anyone serious trouble. MHA Ammon