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[REBOL] Re: evaluation result (or... goodbye)

From: laplace:worldnet at: 3-May-2002 19:14

I have many critics about rebol myself I will post about that one day. But as for this mail I talk about the details not about the principle of criticism (which I vote for). About the of what I have read there's nothing more than techno-marketing arguments that Sun promotes. That's why I have the impression that the decision was alreday taken and that arguments were just to apparently "rationalize" the decision. Shortly saif the argument could be resumed by "We take Java because it is Sun". So no need to make a long study about that. I have been consultant for somme Multinationals and I have some clients that asked me to justify TECHNICALLY their decisions to the management. So whatever I would really think is useless, I have to only find "good" arguments for the client.