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world-name: r4wp

Group: #Red ... Red language group [web-public]
Hmm, then I hope Doc, that you always receive 50 EUR, when I send 
the donation? I would be surprised, if it was lower amount of money, 
and would have to use wire-transfer instead of the PayPal in such 
a case ...
Thanks Rebolek! You can send me the whole project source code if 
you want, it might be hard to pinpoint the cause of such kind of 
heisenbug without looking at the disassembled code.
use [gtk zmq] [
	view label "dialect"
	send "message"
If you still can't make it work, send me a copy of your DLL, I'll 
see what's wrong with it.
Or just send me a copy of your DLL at [nr-:-red-lang-:-org], I should be 
able to quickly see what's wrong.
Doc, Services like Plimus or Fastspring probably have option to get 
you wire transfer or at least check (or some send you prepayed visa). 
Not eactly meant for your case, but if you don't find anything else. 
You could (I hope) make a "products" with them and then. I used them 
for similar transactions when nothing else could come into play. 
Paypal wasn' working here either and even now it's very clunky to 
retrieve the $$ from it.
Arnold: Red source zip links are on github since the beginning. Maybe 
you can write such presentation/instruction section, submit it in 
a gist, put the link here and on the Red ML, discuss with others, 
and when it's ready send it to me so I can review and publish it. 
I need to advance on Red construction rapidly now, so the website 
is currently lower priority to me.
Ah, there's maybe something that you could do: I need to port my 
current Red test script in Quick-Test (QT) form. I can send you the 
script (very very simple) and the expected unit tests format used 
by QT, you would just have to convert it and check if all tests are 
reported as passing in QT...it's not a big task, but you will save 
me some time for advancing on the code. Interested?
(sorry that my question is out of topic... I was offline when I send 
it without noticing the unicode news:)
So, give me an email, I will send the exact script to you for you 
to try ....
Good news everyone: it seems I've removed the reception limitations 
on my Paypal account, so feel free to send new donations.
I've just got an answer from F-Prot, they just whitelisted the sample 
binary I've sent to them but didn't send me any info about their 
heuristics... So I think that in order to avoid loosing my time trying 
to get any info from those AV vendors, I'll just add a specific signature 
to Red generated binaries, so that they can be whitelisted by all 
AV vendors (when possible). I can't see what else I could do, except 
warn users about some crappy AV software.
Well, I do have something, but it's messy, buggy and incomplete. 
I can send you the AVR8 backend if you want to play with it, I don't 
want to publish it until it gets a stable and correct support for 
basic datatypes.
The cool stuff to show-off would be - bring your Red on your SD card/USB 
stick, plug-it-in, go to its dir = show "no-instal" option, show 
some GUI dialect, press a button, generate android app, and with 
one command or a dialect, push it to Google play. Then I can send 
you my friends short/long description, how long it took him to get 
his app there, downloading and installing all the JAVA crap and all 
dependencies ...
That could send a message to the overbloated world out there, and 
could win some audience ...
You answer makes me want to send you more money :)
It shouldn't have any effect on the generated code size. Can you 
send me the function?
gregg, I contributed only 50 eur, as i am setting up photo studio. 
but thanks for reminder, will send in another 50 :-)
Actually, I am trying to send 50 on a month basis. Now r3 gui project 
is temting too, but i would have to see the project outline, eg seeing, 
that cyphre will be paid to update the engine to use hw acceleration, 
etc. I would love View engine to be useable with Red too. I ca feel 
some excitement last few weeks, fort both r3 and red projects :-)
@Doc : Don't despair Doc. We are all behind you - even if I don't 
code for now, as I'm a first day addict, I'll follow your efforts 
regularly and other's too! May be some day I'll be able to send my 
own code ... for something useful !
Gerard: those are details that can be easily added once the cross-platform 
console will be implemented. If you or someone else will send me 
pull requests for such features at the appropriate time, I will be 
glad to accept them.
Marco: some antivirus have too aggressive heuristics, there's not 
much we can do for that. From time to time, I send some reports to 
AV vendors for notifying the false positive, most of the time, they 
take it into account.

Doing a quick test on virustotal using the latest console exe, it 
seems that my reports have been successfully processed, I don't have 
the old virus reported anymore (except with Panda): https://www.virustotal.com/file/a8c189ed790fd1d5bce2d86878e85445c21880dafb4220605df4ef2e4d4f4ce5/analysis/1356894544/

What AV are you using?
I've hacked Ladislav's INCLUDE to let me build .red scripts, and 
I built a console with my mezzanines. When you get back, I'll chat 
with you about it, and send it to test. It compiles fine, but some 
funcs fail if compiled in. If I then paste them into the console, 
they work fine. e.g.

negate: func [n [number!]] [n * -1]
Paul: feel free to open one and send us invitations, but I personaly 
have no time to post news on yet another channel  (I already post 
here, on Twitter and on red-lang.org, and answer questions on IRC, 
SO chat, ...)
Someone can also send you the compiled .class file, but you'll at 
least need the JRE installed :)
Do you want me to send you an error log it generated in the working 
Gerard, can you install this app on your Galaxy Tab: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.jtb.alogcat&hl=en

Once hello.apk has crashed, just switch to this app, and send me 
the logs by email.
OK Doc I'll try it later as I must go to work now and I'll send it 
back results to you later. Thanks
Hi Doc, I just sent you my log results to your red-lang.org email 
account - thanks - it seems the device is unable to locate the sdram 
card since there is no such sdcard on this device and no slot to 
put one too... may be there is another place to send files but I 
never looked at it and so I don't know where to send my files - the 
device is just using his own directories by itself and I never bothered 
about it until now ... I will have to look further to help you in 
this way.
Thanks Gerard! I'll have a look at your posts on RebelBB and will 
send you my comments, if any.
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
Hello everybody: I'm working on rebol2.blogspot.com (take a look!). 
If you want to write an article on Rebol, send me an in email with 
the article and I'll publish it. If you want to see a topic discussed, 
send me an email with a request, and I'll try to write about it. 
My email is [maxint-:-tiscali-:-it]
Look also at this page: http://www.maxvessi.net/rebsite/wr/if 
 your site is about Rebol and isn't the list on the left, please 
send me your link; if you know some site about Rebol and it isn't 
in the list, please send me a link.
I just released Rebol IDE v.5: http://rebol2.blogspot.it/2012/07/ide.html
 send your comments and suggestions
There are a lot of "undocumented" functions, if you kow their purpose, 
please send me an email
Also did some maintenance on the R2 binding. Simplified the send/receive 
interface and added the ventilator source/workers/sync example for 
parallel computing from the 0MQ guide
I can also send messages between the Red and Red/System versions 
of the programs
I changed the Red 0MQ interface to optimise the memory use during 
receiving of messages:


SEND and RECEIVE have been renamed to send-string and receive-string, 
because they currently handle messages as UTF-8 text. When Red gets 
a binary! type, versions for binary messages will be added, and there 
will probably be type agnostic SEND and RECEIVE wrappers again. Previously, 
you used

message: receive socket

to receive a string message. Now you pass a premade string! (similar 
to call/output in R2):

message: ""
receive-string socket message

This means that you can choose between creating new strings for each 
message (with COPY) or reusing the same string. In the latter case, 
some Red/System code in receive-string makes sure that no extra Red 
memory is used, and that all used system and 0MQ memory is freed 
again. By optimising memory use, this also improves performance of 
message throughput.
New World alpha release at

- Added better networking using cURL library, libcurl (OS X and Linux)
- Added tasks incl.:
	- task! datatype
	- task-id! datatype
	- TASKS native function
	- task? and task-id? mezzanines

 - Task support for many functions incl. HELP, SOURCE, FIRST, SECOND, 
	- KILL mezzanine to call TASKS/KILL

- Added inter-task communication using SEND and RECEIVE native functions
- Added support for messages to WAIT as: wait 'message

- Added preemptive multitasking using TASKS/TICKS to specify number 
of Virtual Machine instructions per task run (default is 200)

- Added timers for tasks triggered by WAIT native and READ native, 
when reading from url
- Task yield can be achieved by: wait 0
- Changed ;{ } comment syntax to ;( )
- Parens can now span several lines at the prompt
- Added system/console/paren
- Added support for pressing <Esc> to stop execution of main task

- Sending input via pipe to World started with a script will activate 
input without echo and without <tab>-completion etc.. (Not sure how 
and if this works under Windows.)
- Added support for picking 'Re and 'Im of complex numbers
- Better implementation of TRY

- New test versions of IF and EITHER, that can take other than block! 
- Added more tests
Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
Congratulations Jerry! I think Carl should get back to R3 at least 
just because of your book. Maybe you should try to send him an email 
about that?
I've send Carl an email about my R3 book in China and Taiwan. Not 
sure he got the email or not.
@Janko: rendering of 3d scene is similar to code in opengl.r found 
in rebol.org, and to control the printer I simpy send ascii gcode 
throu serial port.
Arnold, just FYI, I'm tinkering with your redcompiler script, and 
will send you my version soon. When I started with REBOL, many people 
were kind enough to pass on suggestions, to make my code more REBOLish, 
so I try to do the same from time to time. It's not a critique of 
your code, just ideas you can accept or reject.
Andreas has pointed out that the http scheme uses several async handlers, 
and tcp level handler can create events to send to the outer http 
handler :(
1. Saphirion public source works that way, I didn't change anything. 
So if you have some trick to make it better, your are welcome to 
contribute. I use MinGW to compile it.

2. "official" R3 has no graphic support, R3B is the public Saphirion, 
so some investigation is needed.

3.  Thak you, but I never found a R3 editor, I don't know of what 
are you writing. Where is R3 editor?

3.1 I'm a total beginner and too much documentation is missing. I 
just copied the "on-key" area action. I would strongly appreciate 
if you send me your version.

3.2 TO-DO list

3.3 I added F5 shortcut to execute code, but I have trouble to add 
keys combinations. How to control CTRL+S for example? There is anymore 
the old event/control and event/shift.

I'll never blame R3GUI anymore.
Reactors: I just packed everything on the docs dir we have as a start. 
So, yes, we need to sort it out, get rid of the old stuff etc. So 
feel free to delete it and send a pull-request.
Ok, I'll figure out how to send a pull request on these
Group: Rebol School ... REBOL School [web-public]
I hope it is not rude to leave a question here as opposed to be here 
for the disucssion live, ala IRC. Please forgive me if so, and if 
so I will ask again when others are present. I will break down my 
script into smaller part questions as time goes on. First thing, 
I am under the impression that if I can generate a random number 
between 1 and 1 billion and assign this result to an aribtray variable 
word like so

token: random/secure 1000000000

I want to email my newly generated random number to someone. So I 
thought of this:

send [person-:-example-:-com] "Thank you. Your number is token."

One second later I realized that will just the send the actial word 
token, not the number the variabkle word token represents.

Is the above a correct way to generate a random number?

How do I insert that random number into the body of the text of an 
email to send someone? (send [person-:-example-:-com] "Thank you. Your 
number is [token]" maybe?)

 Thanks for your help in advance, apologies for any breach of rules 
 or etiquette. 
You need to seed the random generator first eg. with the datestamp 
or something, and then generate your random number.  But a better 
way is to create a UUID if you want something guaranteed to be unique.

The library has code for windows http://www.rebol.org/view-script.r?script=guid.r

Just using random, something like this should work

random/seed form now/precise

send [person-:-example-:-com] rejoin [ "Thank you. Your number is " random/secure 
1000000  "." ]
Thank you all for addressing my concerns and for your answers about 
my first coding question.

Ahh.. rejoin. Reading up on it makes me better understand how some 
things are to be done in Rebol.

 Continuing to the final goal...

I have to extract an email address from a GET transfer. The methoed 
of sending the info to me is completely out of my control. An email 
address will be entered into a form on a website not controled by 
me. GET methoed will send the data to my script. The people who created 
the form on the external site advised that they label the email address 
as "trnEmailAddress".

 So now I want to see if I am correct in thinking how to extract and 
 use the email address. Will using the decode a cgi form command (I 
 know they are not commands in the tradiational sense)  work. How 
 does it work, does it create variables out of the GET (or Post when 
 using Post, but I am forced to recieve the info via GET) stream?

The GET stream in my case will include "&trnEmailAddress=person%40example%2Ecom. 
So can I do this?

decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string

send trnEmailAddress "Thank you. Rest of message." 

Thanks for your help.
Sunanda: Thanks again for issuing the World invitation. Everyone 
thanks for the continuing help.

I have read the cited document, but it just leaves me with more questions.

Is the following literal?

cgi-string: read-cgi
cgi-block: decode-cgi cgi-string
cgi-obj: make object! cgi-block 

 That is to say should I type exactly that? Or is cgi-string for example 
 a theoretical variable assignment that I could call anything? Are 
 they all proper commands, or is any part of that just for example 
 purposes?  I am thinking I should copy and paste it verbatium. I 
 am also thinking I mispelt verbatum.

 I am stuck with GET. Does this mean I can leave out some code that 
 makes up for  not knowing if the original data is POST vs GET? These 
 are hypothetical questions for better long term learning. I for now 
 will go with the idea that everything is as straight fowarrd as it 
 seems. I know that my GET stream will have "trnEmailAddress" in it 
 which is a field that will contains an email address.

 So will the following  generate a random number, extract the address 
 and email the same random number to that email address?

token: random/seed now/percise

cgi-string: read-cgi
cgi-block: decode-cgi cgi-string
cgi-obj: make object! cgi-block 

send trnEmailAddress rejoin [ "Thank you. Your number is" token "." 

 Graham: Thank you for the extra info on GUID, but Windows is not 
 involved here. I realize that random number generating really isn't 
 unless you have a monkey throwing darts at a numbered board. Regardless 
 extra effort to 
make a number unique is useful and your advice appreciated. 

 I do not think the corner cases will come up and the people who control 
 the original form assured me that web page issues warnings if the 
 form is not filled out correct which should help. I do realize that 
 people are idiots, systems are not fool proof, etc. What I am saying 
 is my basic needs are basic and I should be OK so I am not fretting 
 over those examples. It is great though to know the solutions are 
 out there when I need them.

Yes, the names of the words are arbitrary. -- you can chose your 
own names.

Whether the data came in via GET or POST makes no difference if you 
issue the READ-CGI just once.

If the CGI string was yadda.com?email=[me-:-test-:-com]&token=0
then the cgi-obj will look like this:
    make object! [
    email: "[me-:-test-:-com]"
    token: "0"

Note the values are strings, so you need to convert the email value 
to an email! datatype:

  send to-email cgi-obj/email rejoin [ "Thank you. Your number is" 
  cgi-obj/token "." ]
Here is an example:

cgi-obj: construct decode-cgi read-cgi

;check the input
all [
	in cgi-obj 'email
	trnEmailAddress: to-email trim form cgi-obj/email
	not empty? trnEmailAddress
] [
	;evrything seems ok

 send trnEmailAddress reform ["Thank you. Your number is" token "."]
print "Error!"
And now for something completely different. I have a php based form 
I want to make into a REBOL cgi program. It is to upload some fields 
into an article-base in my mysql database. Where action is article.php 
in the php version I changed this to article.r for the REBOL version. 
I have now the article form shown and when I fill in some fields 
(but not all) and send the form I get the cgi object ( I use safe-cgi-data-read) 
but the contents of the formfields is now empty? Any clues what may 
be the case please?
web forms do not send data fields when they are empty or "off", this 
is true for all types IIRC.
If you want the server-sideCGI to send updated values to the client-side 
JS for that JS to update the web form.....You may need to look at 
AJAX -- a way for JS to do just that.
The advantages of == or =? comparison over PARSE QUOTE would be lost 
if you serialize the data and save it to a file or send it over a 
network. REBOL syntax doesn't keep track of those distinctions.
I tested this on my Macbook just now and only the blue link is specially 
rendered. Functional though, it does send me to the designated page 
in Safari.
Can you send me a zip of your Uniserve folder so I can test that 
unfortunately, i dont have permissions to send files over altme. 
how else can i send? email?
love your r2 bindings for zeromq 
i've been trying to implement the push-pull ventilator example


do %zmq.r

pool: zmq/new-pool 1
socket: zmq/open pool zmq/push
zmq/serve socket tcp://*:5555

ventilate: func[][
  print "sending"
  u: form time/now/precise
  zmq/send socket to-binary u 0

wait 0:00:60 [


do %zmq.r

pool: zmq/new-pool 1
socket: zmq/open pool zmq/pull
zmq/connect socket tcp://*:5555

data: copy #{}

forever [
  zmq/receive socket data 0
  prin ["."] 
  print to-string data

...but the worker crashes
SUjoy, send me a reminder next week. I'm very busy the next few days, 
but have ported many of the 0mq guide examples. Mine use Andreas's 
binding, but it might still help.
Hello, all.

 Back in May I was here asking for lots of help in creating a simple 
 CGI script in REBOL. Wanted to say thanks. It was most appreciated, 
 especially considering how rarely you get new people my questions 
 must have seemed so simple to the point of boring the crap out of 
 all of you hardcore experts. My regular job has insane hours and 
 months pass by in what seems like minutes. The person I was doing 
 it for suddenly had other things come up on his website and business 
 that required attention first so it fell by the wayside. I intend 
 to pick it up where I left off this week during an evening when I 
 have more time. While I had a few minutes I had to send my thanks.

 And I see REBOL might become open source... good to see it  moving 
 forward instead of stagnating.
Thanks for the welcome back message.

 I left off asking about the mySQL driver. So I want to insert into 
 a database a random number the code already generated and associate 
 it with an email address that was provided by a CGI form. Have yet 
 to create this in the real world but for now let us assume I will 
 call the database "customers". The people who process the credit 
 card and collect the email address advised me that the address will 
 be labelled "trnEmailAddress".

 After finding the mySQL driver Here is what I figured out using placeholders 
 for things like password, etc. Would appreicate knowing if this is 

; Loads MySQL driver
do %mysql-driver/mysql-protocol.r
; Opens connection to MySQL server
db: open mysql://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/database

; Send query to database server. Enters random number from above. 
customers is probably the name of the database I will create

insert db ["INSERT INTO customers VALUES (?,?)" "trnEmailAddress" 

 Next I need to insert an existing PDF file (an e-book) into a directory 
 created by the script. The directory will be named after a random 
 number that was earlier generated by the script. I am astounded that 
 I can not find the command to copy a file. So the variable assigned 
 to this random number is called "token".

 So I have the following.

make-dir %token/

 How do I copy a file into this new directory? Also, is that the corecct 
 way to make a directory?
yes ,your right ... :) now if i want send meesage to user that value 
is correct or no ...should i use alert?
Group: Databases ... group to discuss various database issues and drivers [web-public]
make the changes, send back to Carl, he releases new version
Group: !Syllable ... Syllable free operating system family [web-public]
I got the browser to be unresponsive again and tried to kill the 
process using the System Information Processes tab, but that didn't 
work and the info applicaton became unresponsive as well. At that 
point the mouse didnt work either and when I tried to send the OS 
a ctrl-alt-del, that didn't do anything.
let me send that as well
Group: Web ... Anything related to the WWW [web-public]
Or do you send the output to some esternal receiver using messages 
 protocols ?
Group: !REBOL3 ... General discussion about REBOL 3 [web-public]
Probably it is a missed file on your fork. I didn't build R3 on Windows 
yet. Cyphre can send that file I think.
You can send me the binary directly... :-)
That's pretty much all the change I had to make to the prot-smtp.r


s: open smtp://smtp.host.com
read s

will send the preconstructed email.
The problem with writing a prot-send.r is that we have no guidance 
yet on where user variables such as name, email and passwords are 
to be stored.
Graham, put the settings in a structure that is local to the prot-send.r 
module and managed by it. Non-private module contexts are global.
Either that or don't have global settings at all, have the settings 
passed in a structure to the SEND function. Global settings are overrated.
and with the latest prot-smtp.r can now send attachments .. I tried 
a 60Mb one and it went fine.

same syntax as in R2

send/attach [carl-:-rebol-:-com] "Carl, need to remove the spam from blog 
comments" %attachment.exe
Lost text = I send a 60Mb avi as an attachment which went through
I can reproduce it like clockwork. It even crashes in the same spot 
every time. Send me your test binaries!
@GrahamC: Thanks A LOT for prot-smtp.r and prot-send.r.  I was able 
to send an email from R3, but only after changing a line from:

	ehlo: any [ port/spec/ehlo "rebol3 user pc" ]
	ehlo: any [ port/spec/ehlo port/spec/email ]
More prot-send.r testing.  Had the hardest time trying to get 'send 
to work with my mail server.  Found I had to change a line in prot-send.r 
to :

 smtp-port: [ scheme: 'smtp host: (user/smtp) user: (user/user) pass: 
 (user/pass) ehlo: (find/tail user/email 
) timeout: 600 ]

as EHLO on my SMTP host was expecting only the domain portion of 
the email address instead of the entire email address which is what 
I had been trying.
@GrahamC: I understand what you're saying, but how do mail programs 
like Outlook and Thunderbird figure out what to send EHLO?
Moving from the 'random topic back to prot-send.r, I found a somewhat 
serious bug with attachments and base-64 encoding.  I sent the exact 
same attachment using webmail and R3.

at position 32677 in the email sent by webmail (the headers are slighly 
different sizes and the base-64 line breaks are different between 
the two clients) we have the following data:




at position 32521 in the email sent by R3, we have the following 



I copied the three lines of data around where the problem occurs. 
 On the short line in the R3 data, the following sequence is missing:


You can imagine the kind of trouble that causes with binary data. 
I managed to send pdfs and mp3 larger than that with no errors ... 
and I think zip files so that it would test integrity but never did 
any checksum testing
Yes, I create a 32Kb buffer to send files in parts
SQL is more than the language, it's a storage and execution model. 
As long as we support the storage and execution model we can let 
the SQL servers/libraries process their own scripts. Our own model 
can just translate the R3-style port model (if we decide to do this 
as a port) into SQL operations, with the ability to send SQL code 
directly as a fallback.
The generic problem to solve is this: You somehow have to specify 
what should happen for different actions. 

Let's start with the "somehow have to specify what should happen". 
For this you have some options:

1. Write the application logic code in the GUI spec block. For sort 
stuff OK, for long not.

2. Just call a function from the GUI spec block and write the rest 
somewhere elese. That's IMO the best way. I used FSM and just send 
"application logic events".

The next part is the "for different actions". Same here:

1. Name them explicitly on-* and specify the code with one of the 
options above.BTW: IIRC R3-GUI has click and right-click blocks for 

2. Define an implicit mappging from block order to event type. 1st 
block = click, 2nd = right click, 3rd = double left, 4th double right, 
etc. IMO that's not a good style.

Overall what I never liked about VID was that is was not explicit 
enough. For big projects that's a must. For small you might skip 
this but if those projects get bigger, you are hit again.

world-name: r3wp

Group: Script Library ... REBOL.org: Script library and Mailing list archive [web-public]
When we added validation for the license field, we limited it to 
licenses that had actually been used by people contributing scripts:

I reckon there are way too many license variants already in the world 
-- it's the bane of the open source movement. (We had a list of over 
40 licenses that people in theory said they'd like to use when contributing 

But,. as the note on the page says:

f you'd like to use a license for a contributed script, and you can't 
see it listed above, please send us Feedback.
Mike, I'd rather wait until the volunteer who is doing the RSS has 
added the code, rather than bypass their efforts.

Meanwhile, you have several ways of finding out what  scripts are 
new or changed on REBOL.org:
-- we'll sen doyu a tailored email

    See Section 4, Notices
-- you can peek at your unsent notices to get advanced warning:

-- You can use the LDS API:
       do http://www.rebol.org/library/public/lds-local.r

      probe lds/send-server 'list-updated-scripts [5]   ;; what's changed 
      in the last 5 days?
-- Just eyeball the script library home page:
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
if you have access to the terminal server I can send you info on 
how to configure it so that you get the boot messages
has anyone any experience, of how to configure 'sendmail, to allow 
sending email from various domains? I run cgi script, I want to send 
email from particular domain (virtual host on my server - I host 
several domains), but it always goes away as one concrete domain. 
I have suspiccion I should somehow turn off email masquarading, but 
dunno how :-)
if the user sending the email (usually "apache" or "httpd" if you're 
on CGI) is in the trusted users list for sendmail, it will accept 
whatever you put in the From: header. are you calling sendmail directly 
to send the email?
Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
I send a zip and can give guidelines, then after a little while you 
come back with a few questions and maybe someone can document the 
and rebol may make speech recognition programs confused.

eg. send [steve-:-efish] "lunch appt"
should it launch a program to send the email or should it write the 
Group: Rebol/Flash dialect ... content related to Rebol/Flash dialect [web-public]
Oldes, making some progress thanks to your help. There is one example 
with soem embedded rebol code (the arc example). Is there a way to 
have rebol do some processing then expose what it does to flash? 
I want to write a function in rebol to take a string and create a 
block of characters which I then want to pass to flash. 

For example, I can hardcode a_block: ["h" "e" "l" "l" "o"] but I 
would rather send the string "hello" to a function and have it generate 
that block then pass it to flash. It seems that what I do within 
a "rebol [ ]" block is hidden from flash.
Group: Plugin-2 ... Browser Plugins [web-public]
just please send me a note privately if you find one :)
oh cool, can you send me the URL? i'd love to check it out
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
Doc: maybe if you ask Carl he'll send you the code for RAMBO. I know 
he's very open to this.
Maxim: I plan to support SSL natively in REBOL. I'm waiting for Carl 
to send me a test version of /Command with server-side SSL enabled. 
In the meantime, I recommand using a SSL proxy rather that Apache. 
See STunnel for example.
never got round to writing the code to send mail .. so it just receives 
I can send you a .zip though?  is your email address here valid?
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