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[REBOL] Re: Rebol Printing System

From: aroberts:swri at: 20-Jul-2001 13:56

I haven't used Rebol on my Amiga system yet, as its packed from my recent move! Lpd would not be a good choice for the OS though. There are two ways to print, in general for an Amiga, output can be sent directly to the par port or it can be sent to the prt port. IE. PAR: or PRT: The PAR does no translation whatsoever and is most like a straight binary dump. The PRT port will handle formatting for text, line feeds, etc. You could send a text file to either one and get ok results. The difference is PRT will insert all the proper format strings, etc to make the output look right. PAR will not. If you choose print to file from a program and then want to print the saved file, you would send it to the PAR, since all of the formatting is already done and the PRT would mess things up. I can get more info if you'd like, as I haven't messed with the specifics of printing in awhile. Hope this helps! Aaron