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[REBOL] Re: Rebol Printing System

From: sqlab:gmx at: 21-Jul-2001 12:54

> I haven't used Rebol on my Amiga system yet, as its packed from my recent > move! Lpd would not be a good choice for the OS though. There are two > ways to print, in general for an Amiga, output can be sent directly to the
> port or it can be sent to the prt port. IE. PAR: or PRT: > > The PAR does no translation whatsoever and is most like a straight binary > dump. The PRT port will handle formatting for text, line feeds, etc. > > You could send a text file to either one and get ok results. The > difference is PRT will insert all the proper format strings, etc to make
the output
> look right. PAR will not. > > If you choose print to file from a program and then want to print the > saved file, you would send it to the PAR, since all of the formatting is > already done and the PRT would mess things up. > > I can get more info if you'd like, as I haven't messed with the specifics > of printing in awhile. > > Hope this helps! > > Aaron > --
I had a short look at amigaexchange and there are a few simple lp demons available. lpd distributes the jobs to PAR or PRT. AR