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[ALLY] Re: getting the screen-size Re:(4)

From: alex:pini:mclink:it at: 16-Aug-2000 20:08

>- Open Your Mind -<
Quoting from [agem--crosswinds--net's] message (16-Aug-00 18:08:20). a> how about "Virtual Coordinate Space" with automatic? [...] a> A virtual coordinate space makes it possible to develop a visual A> interface without needing to know the actual display size. a> This is to say, it makes it possible to use a virtual pixel space a> for aligning face objects. So, the resolution of a user's display a> does not need to be known before designing a visual interface. That way you risk aspect-ratio distortions. Tell me, Holger (the only one in RT I *know* knows what I'm talking about), are we going MUI-like? Alessandro Pini ([alex--pini--mclink--it]) You know what *is* a problem? No viewscreen! Who builds a bridge without a window?! "The same people who build a ship without an infirmary!" (J. Dax & Bashir)