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[REBOL] Modular pop-up (dialogue) window in Rebol/View

From: bwbasic::bwbasic::com at: 16-Aug-2000 8:11

I've been working with Rebol/View for a while now and I seem to be stumped as to how I can set up an error or debugging message which will act as a modular window, i.e., it stays on top until dismissed, and program execution does not continue until it is dismissed. I thought I had solved this with a loop that would do a do-events (see below), but whenever it executes do-events, it never iterates and in fact execution of the funtion is suspended until the main window is destroyed. Here's the code as it stands: REBOL [ Title: "current test routine" Author: "Ted A. Campbell" Date: 1999-08-15 ] ;--------------------- ; generic handler for debug and error popup messages ; myDebErr: func [ inString [string!] inTitle [string!] /local waitingForPanel t ] [ t: "" clear t append t inTitle append t ": " print "Enter iDebErr..." waitingForPanel: true inform layout title t with [ font: [ shadow: 1x1 ]] text inString button "OK" [ waitingForPanel: false hide-popup ] ] ; end of layout while [ waitingForPanel == true ] [ print "Waiting..." do-events ] ; wait... ; and here's the problem: ; code from this point is never executed until after the main window ; is destroyed print "This doesn't execute until after the main (first) window is unviewed..." print "Now (at last) returning from iDebErr function..." return true ; then return ] ; debug pop-up message ; myDebug: func [ inString [string!] ] [ return myDebErr inString "DEBUG" ] ; error pop-up message ; myError: func [ inString [string!] /local waitingForPanel t ] [ return myDebErr inString "ERROR" ] mainWindow: layout [ backdrop effect [gradient 0.100.0 0.0.0] title "Example" button "Error Popup" [ myError "Hello. This is an error message from myError." ] button "Debug Popup" [ myDebug "Hello. This is a debug message from myDebug." ] button "Quit" [ unview/all ] ] view mainWindow print "done" ---- Can anyone help me figure out how to build a truly modular dialogue box with Rebol/view? Ted A. Campbell [ted--campbells--net]