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[REBOL] Re: Rebol/Apache?

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 3-Apr-2001 6:21

[jeff--rebol--net] wrote:
> Howdy, Petr: > > Sorry for the delay in responding-- been rather busy. > > No it shouldn't be too much work (maybe a week to update to > the latest apache module APIs), but it's not likely any time > soon. Bigger fish to fry. (-:
Ah, so ... it should be something magnificant then ;-)
> > ( Translation: "Bigger fish to fry" is a slang phrase > that means bigger opportunities to go after for right > now. (-: )
Thanks, I like your explanations so much :-) I should store them and start providing jeff's vocabulary :-) -pekr-