[REBOL] Re: How to find an Internet provider with Rebol CGI capabilities?
From: dhsunanda::gmail::com at: 18-Jul-2007 16:22
> No clue if those are good bad or indifferent.
Thanks for doing that. Here's a clue: they look very good compared
to the host that runs REBOL.org. Here's my latest for
that....Each of the numbers are the *best* result picked from a
dozen runs. The worst/average are often lower.
Console: 0:00:00.119881 - 4207 KC/S
Processor: 0:00:00.697961 - 1237 RHz (REBOL-Hertz)
Memory: 0:00:02.318384 - 20 MB/S
Disk/File: 0:00:05.510997 - 5 MB/S
About the only thing that can't get much slower is the Disk/File
number [it'll drop to a sluggish 4MB/S, but I've never seen lower].
Somewhere on the DevCon2007 videos is Carl and I agreeing that
REBOL.org needs to migrate to a host that has a computer built in
the current century. But neither of us are likely to make a move
on that for a while. It's a priority, but not a high enough one.
Still, it'll be good to know the fastest REBOL host around when we
do, so I'd appreciate seeing other people's benchmarks.