[REBOL] Re: How to find an Internet provider with Rebol CGI capabilities?
From: btiffin:rogers at: 18-Jul-2007 5:00
I've started up a web hosting service. Free Viewtop rebsites for the REBOL
faithful was the original plan, but that has expanded to full fledged
programming accounts. It's http://peoplecards.ca. Secure shell Debian
GNU/Linux 4.0 accounts, but I've been lazy and these are still rooted off my
Dev machine, not the speedy little server boxes. That also means I haven't
turned on an X-Window tunnelling on the ssh, so it's limited to terminal
sessions and REBOL/Core 1.3.2 and 2.7.5 for interactive programming on the
servers. (Well along with all the other Debian GNU/Linux goodies including
Digital Mars D compiler 1.010 etc.)
peoplecards.ca uses DocKimbel's most awesome Cheyenne web server and I just
installed 0.9.16 so it's good to go with RSP and CGI, and I might turn on the
PHP handler, but I think it needs some soak time first.
Downside...I'm a small, very small, shop. Things keep changing as I learn
more and add the bells and whistles, which I do slowly because I'm still not
convinced I understand all the ins and outs of the Internet Bugs and Thugs
and I'd rather not open a port for a service until I know I can reasonably
lock it down.
I'm charging $12.95 a month to customers, but REBOL coders get in free.
Name wise you'd be http://peoplecards.ca/rebol/pickaname but after a few more
tests, I'll be opening up virtual hosts, so http://pickaname.peoplecards.ca/
is an option too. Resource usage wise, we'd need to negotiate, but I'm
willing to provide as much as I feasibly can to advance REBOL.
Again, downside...I'm a small shop and I unplug everything but the Production
server for lightning etc...
On Wednesday 18 July 2007 02:59, Alessandro Manotti wrote: