[REBOL] Re: File versions: HELP!
From: arolls:bigpond:au at: 6-Jul-2001 22:00
Ok, from my understanding of your comments below;
- you have two cd's
- you want to go through the whole directory
structure of each cd
- for each .bat/.cmd file in the cd's, you would
like to look inside
- if you find a copy/isql command, you want to
check that the filenames supplied as arguments
actually exist on the cd ?
- if you are copying a _thai file, in one of the
copy commands, would you want to check that
the destination is also a _thai file as well?
- should the filename for the next isql command
also be _thai as well?
- will it be the same for _china as well?
- and same again except no _thai/china at all? ie. myprog.exe
- you want to report all discrepancies from the
above rules?
more comments below
> Hi all,
> I'm doing a very boring work with M$ SourceSafe and a
> couple of installation CDs.
> The two CDs contain:
> 1 - Program v1.1 installation for Thailand
> 2 - Program v1.2 *update* for Thailand
> The program runs on mixed system with DOS, OS/2 and NT
> so everything is installed copying the directory tree on the
> destination PCs and running the .BAT files.
> Under SourceSafe I have the Program v1.3 for both
> Thailand and China and the .exe files are suffixed this way:
> myprog1_thai.exe
> myprog1_china.exe
> myprog2_thai.exe
> myprog2_china.exe
> ...
> What I am actually manually doing is: open all the
> batch (.bat, .cmd) files in the directory tree and look for:
> copy %1/path/filename.ext %2/path/filename.ext
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> isql %1/path/filename.ext parm1 parm2...
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> checking if all the files are in the tree (with or
> without the "_thai" suffix) AND VICEVERSA!!!
> Can anyone help me with a script to check if files are
> the same (looking date and/or size)? I have no time to write
> and test my own and I am very weak with 'parse.
size? %file.bat
get in info? %file.bat 'date
> Mario Cassani
If you quickly respond I can help more.