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[REBOL] Re: IOS and presentations with Audio

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 23-Oct-2002 8:11

G. Scott Jones wrote:
>>Brock Kalef wrote: >> >> >> >>>A future look at what IOS could include if/when Multi-media Reblets are >>>made available. >>> >>> >>> > >From: "Petr Krenzelok" > >>Not heard of that one, but company that tells me that I need newer IE >>just pisses me so much, that I will never ever bother to visit once >>again. PPL should wake up - the world is not MS, period! Most ppl I know >>use Mozilla already anyway (as I push them to do so ... :-) >> >> >... > >Hi, Petr, > >You are so shy about sharing your opinion. Maybe you will overcome that >shyness one day! >:-) > >I agree that it can be very upsetting to browse to a website only to be >"told" what I need to do: need IE 6.x, need JavaScript 1.5xxx, need flash >6.x enabled. When I am just browsing, it can be frustrating. The _web_ >should be _universal_, at least for general browsing purposes. > >But your comment reminds me of a parallel coincidence (if not even a bit >ironic) that Reblets in _web_ pages, too, present a road block to general >web browsing. We are (or at least I am) sold on how neat it would be to >seamlessly have Reblets displaying extra functionality within a web page, >but it requires the hypothetical-and-unlikely-to-ever-surface-again REBOL >plug-in viewer. For general browsing/viewing, we would tick-off and alienate >some casual lookers in the same way you felt alienated when asked to get IE >6.0. Some would be curious and download the REBOL viewer plug-in, but most >would just move on to greener web pages. >
Yes, I know - but there is a difference, at least for me. Rebol is kind of a plug-in to www. Plug-ins are just that - plug-ins - providing special extensions to your www experience. But why to limit me to use IE? That's simply arrogant and I reply to such case with arrogance too. Look, you can surrender, but not me - never :-) I am used to live in small communities (Amiga, Rebol, Lotus Smartsuit vs Ms Offcie). I can understand some arguments, but not those ones. I remember the talk to one folk regarding his site - he told me - IE is standard. So I told him, that I will ban hisr site for our corporate users - I didn't wanted to use the power, but he used power of MS agains freedome of choise to area, which belongs to W3C. You know what - we both studied a bit what is a problem, and it was just few lines he adapted to make it work. It was good experience for both of us ...
>As always, I find your comments interesting and evocative. >
or provokative? :-)
>I don't mean to >sound like I am being critical of your comment (at least not critical in the >negative sense of the word). But your comment implied a likely unintended >hypocrisy >
It was not hypocricy imo - Rebol is different matter, at least for me. But I was banned with browser, which is nowadays FAR MORE standard compliant than IE, they have no good reason to do so imo. And if you can't believe me, just go to see for yourself: But after all - that's their choise, not mine - they want to atract me, so they should care to do so ... I will not download IE 6, XY MBs, which potentially will make some unwanted updates to my system (as usual with such MS updates), and make it unstable ...
> that spurred me to comment. (After all, you complained on Link >that people don't respond enough to your comment, making you look like you >are alone. So here I am! :-) >
Yes, but I complained from the different POV. Ppl here feel, that situation with rebol is strange, that RT is mostly not communicating with ml, there are no new official releases for far too long, no proper answers from feedback, no development roadmap, etc. etc. So I sometimes expressed my opinion, but only very few of you supported me. So in RT's eyes it could be translated as "Ah, Petr complaining once again, nothing new", while OTOH the problem was felt similarly by many of us here ... PS: you should apply for RT's position of Marketing director ... you write and explain things so nicely, without the hype :-) -pekr-