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[REBOL] Re: How to's

From: media:quazart at: 24-Oct-2001 10:56

hi! yes that documentation was all I had when I started using view! its a shame that the virtual coordinate system isn't yet supported (or maybe was dropped ?) anyways, to use the view system directly, its actually quite easy because of the OO nature of it. At the very least, This is how I started to play with it: rebol [] gui: make face [] view gui you should have a brown box in a window... real simple... now just replace any object within it with a local (non shared version) and youre off to your own gui design!. Its mainly a question of understanding what each face element does (basically self-descriptive). To get an idea of what elements the face object contained, I just did "probe make face []" and you should get a pretty Also note that most of the face elements are described near the end of the standard view guide (on RT's web site). The how-to on handling events really gives you all you need to start implementing your own custom buttons and gadgets/widgets/controls) to edit any object in the default face, just remember that you must CLONE the object... not just set its values. that is because all faces share the same objects... so if you just set font, for example, it will set the font for all faces... so, if you followed my latest thread (on this list), you'll know that to clone any object within the face, just do: rebol [] gui: make face [ text: "my first custom face" size: 300x50 offset: 100x100 font: make font [ size: 15 style: 'bold ] ] view gui and voila! any other questions? just shoot 'em cheers! -Maxim