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[REBOL] bug fix for popup system

From: rotenca::telvia::it at: 28-Dec-2002 16:06

Hi all, My last try to have a bug-free popup system. Now it seems to me really bug-free. system/view/wake-event: func[ "Patched by Romano Paolo Tenca" port /local event no-btn p-f ] bind [ event: pick port 1 if none? event [ if debug [print "Event port awoke, but no event was present."] return false ] ;*** patch - use p-f instead of pop-face either not p-f: pop-face [ do event empty? screen-face/pane ] [ either all [ event/type = 'key event/key = escape ] [hide-popup] [ either any [ p-f = event/face all [ ;*** patch - some event have none! in the face field event/face ;*** patch - check that the window is the same for show-popup/window (find-window p-f) = find-window event/face within? event/offset win-offset? p-f p-f/size ] ][ no-btn: false if block? get in p-f 'pane [ no-btn: foreach item p-f/pane [if get in item 'action [break/return false] true] ] if any [all [event/type = 'up no-btn] event/type = 'close] [hide-popup] do event ] [ ;*** patch - events which do not hide when the /away refinement is used all [p-f/action not find [move time inactive] event/type hide-popup] ;*** patch - permit only these events outside the popup if find [resize offset time] event/type [do event] ] ;*** patch - search for the right pop-face none? find pop-list p-f ] ] ] in system/view 'self win-offset?: func [ {Given any face, returns its window offset. Patched by Romano Paolo Tenca} face [object!] /local xy ][ xy: 0x0 if face/parent-face [ xy: face/offset while [face: face/parent-face] [ if face/parent-face [ xy: xy + face/offset + either face/edge [face/edge/size] [0] ] ] ] xy ] --- Merry Christmas! Romano