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[REBOL] Re: Request-dir minor fix:

From: rotenca::telvia::it at: 24-Dec-2002 21:32

> Also, noticed problem with nested requestors when using request-text (for
making a new dir). If you've got a fix for this in the INFORM function logic, please send it to feedback... otherwise, I'll add it to our list to be fixed. Thanks. At last! Catched! It made me fool for a long time! Now all the popup system works better. It is not a Inform problem, it is a wake-event bug.This is my fix for 1.2.8 (it works also for previous version, adding the automatic detection of escape key added in the last betas): system/view/wake-event: func[ "Patched by Romano Paolo Tenca" port /local event no-btn p-f ; *** patch ] bind [ event: pick port 1 if none? event [ if debug [print "Event port awoke, but no event was present."] return false ] either not p-f: pop-face [ ; *** p-f: is the patch do event empty? screen-face/pane ] [ either any [ pop-face = event/face within? event/offset win-offset? pop-face pop-face/size ] [ no-btn: false if block? get in pop-face 'pane [ no-btn: foreach item pop-face/pane [ if get in item 'action [break/return false] true ] ] if any [all [event/type = 'up no-btn] event/type = 'close] [ hide-popup ] do event ] [ if pop-face/action [ if not find [move time] event/type [hide-popup] do event ] ] none? find pop-list p-f ;*** p-f is the patch ] ] in system/view 'self --- Merry Christmas! Romano