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[REBOL] Re: Giving up Rebol?

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 10-Dec-2002 18:57

OK Patrick, here we go ... ... you know me, so you probably know too, that I was (am) regarded being the most negative voice here. So just don't try to take over my position ;-) OK, now seriously. The last year or even more I felt frustrated by RTs strategy and lack of communication . Each time I voiced my opinion I was accused of being negative, possibly destructive to the newcomers, not doing actually anything usefull (not producing any scripts) etc etc. Then something happened. I received emails or was contacted in conference by various ppl you know here on ml, and suddenly I was not allone. The difference though, was that I am used to express myself loudly. Maybe it is not good tactics, but I am used to it. So ... I talked to Carl in IOS Messenger ... not once, but several times. He explained me few things, which could probably can't be told publicly here back at that time, so I better understood RTs position. OTOH I provided him with nearly all negative reports I received from various users here and tried to convince Carl, that something definitely HAS to happen. I thought to myself - something has to happen, or Rebol id dead. Latest offcial View release nearly one year ago? No new docs? No new IOS reblets? Holger, Jeff, Sterling silently vanishing from this ml? Terrible feedback? And just few hours later, November update was publised at RT's site. And that was just beginning. And I hope it IS just beginning and thigs are starting to be brighter once again with Rebol. Carl's presence here, his willingness to communication, gives us new refreshing feeling that being a Reboller does make sense once again! So you told me there is no feedback, right? Sorry, but don't you lie a bit ;-) I myself sent three reports to feedbacks, others did sent some feedback too, and as for me, I received answers in one day! New feedback is cool, it is as it should be. What is more, I have heard that SDK customers will have access to public bug database - even cooler! GPF? When? How? If so - report it to feedback. Rebol does not behave randomly, if it crashes, it is most time reproducable - so send your feedback in and RT will hopefully tell you, when they'll fix it. Docs? It will come imo. There is new glimpse - SDK docs. They are imo good. And - that is also our position to help RT with new docs. The future? It was already told here by Carl - SKD release first, many bug fixes follows, then various enhancemets will hopefully take place! So, I would very MUCH liked RT turning into core language developments/enhancements! There is plenty of desires here. Async networking, color text and various other View enhancemetns ... I would also like to suggest RT to turn into framework provider. E.g. I feel a bit limited with IOS here or there. Maybe RT could add IOS rmp protocol and app protocol to SDK and sell it for some 500 USD or so, allowing developers to come up with various IOS variants etc etc. Why do I regard frameworks being important? Because others can build upon them, in an unified way .... Rebol itself is a framework, but we need imo protocol/scheme plug-in framework and as for View plug-ins, it is upon Carl to decide and find some working model, as it can be risky too ... I hope we will soon enough here some word from Carl, upon the direction he chooses for Rebol and its core development ... PS: If I can suggest you - don't give up! Or even better - go for Python, Curl or Ruby ... and you will very soon realise, that none of them is ideal (maybe Python is most worked out, as it is older language ...) and you will always miss something you had with Rebol. And at the time you get back, many things you complain about will be hopefully fixed ;-) -pekr- pat665 wrote: