[REBOL] Re: Risen World Technologies
From: gabriele:colellachiara at: 28-Jun-2005 15:10
Hi Petr,
On Tuesday, June 28, 2005, 2:27:23 PM, you wrote:
PK> Nowadays ppl seem to prefer web forums ...
There is one. Haven't seen much people there though.
>>Sorry Pekr, what does "founding out" mean?
PK> ah, my english - I thought that "to find out" just means what I think it
PK> means :-) They simply somehow discovered rebol and visited RT to discuss
PK> with them. No buyout, just a cooperation/licencing the product ....
Hehe, finding out, not founding out. ;-)
Hey, but my english is worse than yours, so... ;)
Gabriele Santilli <[gabriele--rebol--com]> --- http://www.rebol.com/
Colella Chiara software division --- http://www.colellachiara.com/