[REBOL] Re: List names
From: carl:cybercraft at: 15-Oct-2000 21:20
On 15-Oct-00, Andrew Martin wrote:
> Rishi, please forgive me for editing your writing, but I found it
> difficult to read.
> Rishi wrote:
>> In my mind, [rebol-developers--egroups--com] is a place where the only
>> things discussed are programming tips, help, solutions, etc.
> That sounds good. I'd like the name of the [rebol-developers--egroups]
> list to be better though. How about these:
> [Rebol-Tips--egroups--com]
> [Rebol-Help--egroups--com]
> [Rebol-Solutions--egroups--com]
> [Rebol-Aid--egroups--com]
> [Rebol-Aide--egroups--com] - I quite like this one.
> [Rebol-Advice--egroups--com]
> [Rebol-Solutions--egroups--com] - Sounds more like a
> consultancy.
> [Your suggestion here.]
I'm coming in a bit late to this discussion it seems, but I take it
the above are alternative suggestions to [Rebol-List--egroups--com] ? If
so, then how about Rebol-General as I feel the other Lists (such as
Core and View) are where people are more likely to go for help.
> The name has to instantly say to the person who's reading about
> it and who's thinking, 'what's it all about?' [Rebol-List--egroups--com]
> doesn't do it (neither did [list--rebol--com] either), but it does serve
> as a name for the [list--rebol--com] replacement.
> Once we've decided on a better name, I'll tranfer people's email
> from this list, [Rebol-List--egroups--com], to the new list
> [Rebol-The-New-Name-Here--egroups--com].
>> Some people were complaining that there was too much advocacy in
>> main list and wanted a separate list just for development
>> discussions.
> As I wrote before, [Rebol-Advocacy--egroups--com] doesn't sound like a
> list for that purpose, sounding instead like a name for a government
> pressure group. How about these:
> [Rebol-Development--egroups--com] - Sounds more like the one
> above!
> [Rebol-Prospects--egroups--com]
> [Rebolution--egroups--com] - I quite like this one!
> [Rebol-Directions--egroups--com]
> [Your suggestion here.]
Well, I'd suggest Rebol-General would cover this too.
>> I don't think rebol-core and rebol-view are good subdivisions.
>> Everything
>> that applies to rebol/core applies to rebol/view. rebol/core is a
>> subset. I also think everyone in rebol/command would be interested
>> in rebol/view since that will probably end up being subset in
>> future.
> I think you're quite right. This also agree with pekr, I believe. I,
> too, would like to be able to have a Rebol/View with /Command
> incorporated.
I personally favour them staying seperate as, if nothing else, it
helps to break up the emails you receive into some sort of order.
It's only new users who wouldn't know where Core ends and View
begins, and the New list's for them and will no doubt cover all
topics. It's not as though we have to join one or other of the
lists. Those interested in View and Command will most certainly also
join Core, though there may be some who're only interested in Core
and some only in View and Core. I didn't join Command for instance
as I don't see myself getting it any time soon.
Also, regarding Rebol-Defects ... This sounds more like it's related
to the design of the language than just bugs, while I believe the
list's main focus is for creating a bug-list, isn't it? If so, then
Rebol-Bugs makes more sense to me.
> Ryan wrote:
>> I think just Core, View, and this one (List) is probably optimum
>> from my
>> perspective, but the others lists didn't seem unreasonable. Myself,
>> I am no longer very interested in Core discussions. I may even drop
>> this one, and just subscribe to View. I like the List, its just a
>> lot emails to deal with.
I feel the same way, and I'd been thinking there should be at least a
seperate newbies' list before the eGroups suggestion was made. The
old list would've been a bit daunting to someone who'd never
programmed before.
> Rishi wrote:
>> Personally, I'd rather just have one rebol list (like this one)
>> where we discuss everything rebol related. I just don't want
>> fragmentation and have to jump around to a bunch of different
>> lists...
> I could alter the description of:
> [Rebol-Core--egroups--com]
> [Rebol-View--egroups--com]
> [Rebol-Command--egroups]
> to emphasize the specific nature of these lists, and to be more
> an announcement list, for when new versions of these producets are
> available from Rebol, and for specific question and answers solely
> about those products.
> That way, Ryan can subscribe to [Rebol-View--egroups--com] and drop
> the others, as that it is his declared intent.
> Andrew Martin
> Rebol brainstorming...
> ICQ: 26227169
> http://members.nbci.com/AndrewMartin/
> -><-
Finally, thanks for running with this Andrew. It's appreciated.
Also, I know someone who finally joined a REBOL list when they heard
the New one existed, so they may help to increase the number of REBOL
users too.
Carl Read.