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[REBOL] Re: html

From: al:bri:xtra at: 8-Jan-2002 21:32

Andrew wrote:
> > And, if you really want to write HTML fast, have you considered using my
HTML rebol dialect? Louis wrote:
> You told me about it a long time ago, but at the time I didn't know enough
about either rebol or html to know how to use it. Where can I get your dialect? It's on my site: and you'll need: as well. This version won't handle forms. The latest one on my HDD does do forms (added today).
> Is it like webpage.r in Rebol---the official guide?
No. It's much more simpler to use and easier to understand. For example, here's a form that I've been working on: write %Test.html HTML [ Header [ Title "Hello" ] Body [text (Black) bgcolor ("#FFFFFC")][ H1 "Hi!" PostForm http://localhost/cgi-bin/Test.r [ fieldset [ legend "Test" "My Label: " Text Test "Default Text" br fieldset [ legend "Pet Stuff" checkbox/checked Dog "Dog" br checkbox Cat "Cat" br checkbox Bird "Bird" br checkbox Fish "Fish" br "Which pet is your favourite?" br radio/checked Favourite "R" "Raptor" br radio Favourite "B" "Bird" br radio Favourite "C" "Cat" br ] reset "Reset" submit "Go!" br "Please enter test password: " password P "" br button Sample "A sample button" br textarea Area 30x10 "Hello!" br hidden Hiding "Hidden value!" ] ] "This is stuff after the form." ] ] Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169