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world-name: r4wp

Group: #Red ... Red language group [web-public]
I know - the bottom slogan could be replaced by link to webpage ...
read webpage - could not resolve host name when I feed it with http://www.rebol.com
My own website is done with Cheyenne and the HTML dialect and is 
very easy for me to maintain: Makedoc files are rendered on the fly 
to each webpage. I can SSH to the server and edit files as I please 
and there is nearly zero HTML involved.

Granted, there is no blog or comments section, but is another example 
of how a small toolchain (one Cheyenne executable and a few script 
files) can be used to build a good website.
Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
Thanks a lot Bo! To make things easier, all donations for the R3/Droid 
port I'm wokring on are going thru Saphirion's webpage.
What is the link to download r3-gui.r3? There's incrrect link on 
the webpage, leading just to the same page, not target file ...
Group: Rebol School ... REBOL School [web-public]
Recently I switched to R3, as I don't need the gui, just a script 
to do some webpage source code post-processing ....

world-name: r3wp

Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
james; Umm, letting me live in REBOL land.  :)  Debian comes with 
hundreds of web

environments, I'm sticking with REBOL as much possible.  And I can, 
if needed, modify

Cheyenne in a crunch,  a lot faster than I can grok through Apache, 

It's my first crack at being a server.  Lots to learn, and I plan 
on getting knocked to

the ground a few times, but that's ok.  Everything is rsync'ed from 
Spike (the main)

to Chester (the redundant) so I'll do my best to protect client data.

The plan is progressing to have a RebGUI frontend for clients to 
change pieces of 

their webpage,  (through REBOL/LNS running on the server), so the 

of my smalltown can have a web page with zero html experience.   
Fancy stuff, I go
on the clock...cheaply.  It is a smalltown.  :)   Today is day 1.
Group: !AltME ... Discussion about AltME [web-public]
[unknown: 10]:
Its says on the webpage 3r.1.1 but its in fact 1.1.29
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
i understand from the webpage that redmon launches the program and 
send it input, just as a webserver does with cgi. then try it from 
the real program, not from the console. i don't know about xp, but 
in win9x console-pipes are pretty broken.
I think it could have great potential. the AP has a mountain of stats 
that can be read out to a webpage. Imagine piping that out through 
a rebol service to a View app...
it's kind of sad to see its standard firmware version only have the 
possibility to load stats up slowly on a webpage. I did something 
that could poll it through telnet for signal strength in realtime. 
Way more useful.
I think some practical examples are needed, for example in building 
some HTML for a webpage. Something that shows that BUILD is significantly 
easier than a combination of REDUCE and COMPOSE.
building some HTML for a webpage
 - BUILD builds blocks not HTML
For those interrested a Fastbit webpage is good source of docs.
Group: View ... discuss view related issues [web-public]
Does somebody face with the plugin problem that I got!? I tried to 
setup an Rebol script as a Plugin in webpage, but got message Cannot 
run ...script name.r. Then to be shure that all is o'k I just copied 
an example (web page and Rebol script) from www.rebol.com and put 
on my localhost web server. All of those examples works fine on my 
IE6 and WinXP.  But when I tried the same example on my localhost 
web server I got the same message. Of course I changed parameter 
LaunchURL to point to the same (copied) script on my localhost. What 
is a diffrerence in environments that I don't know and how to solve 
this problem?
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
Carlos: Do you mean Magic! - Olivier Auverlot's Rebol in a Webpage 
Group: CGI ... web server issues [web-public]
What I'm thinking about is a webpage with several interconnected 
hierarchies ... e.g.



so you could search for Music in Bavaria, or strings in Germany, 
or ...
Group: AGG ... to discus new Rebol/View with AGG [web-public]
Cyphre thank you for your answer You need more infos on Gradient 
here is the official webpage on the topic hopes it  could help you 
to make a svg gradient complying fonction in draw  ...:)
cyphre :

here you have a tiny example of gradient representation taken from 
the webpage http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/pservers.htmlwitch explain 
the gradient format for SVG 
Simple linear gradient commented by me  ^^
# LinearGradient definitions 
        <linearGradient id="MyGradient">
#first color using 5% of the space to color
            <stop offset="5%" stop-color="#F60" />
# second color using 95% of the space to color
            <stop offset="95%" stop-color="#FF6" />

# HERE you have the rect definition using the LinearGradient witch 
id is MyGradient

   <rect fill="url(#MyGradient)" stroke="black" stroke-width="5" x="100" 
   y="100"  width="600" height="200" />  

So as you can see the color pourcentages
Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
It is also quite possible that the webpage that you are trying to 
download needs some server-side processing to display properly...
Hm... I'm trying to parse a webpage and strip all HTML tags from 
it but my approach isn't work.  Grr!
A new webpage pops up at addons.mozilla.org,  search for "spoof"
I'm using dyndns as I have a dynamic ip. 

If i type my url into the browser from a macine outside my local 
network I get my web page. If I do it from within my local network 
(even on a different machine) I can't not get through to the page 
"Cannot display webpage" error.

It's not just http. I'm accessing a mysql server too with the same 
problem resulting. 

I know I can use "localhost but I would need to change my code everytime 
I'm using it locally.
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
Client side / Inline processing of °7°s within any webpage, anytime, 
anywhere.  The power of ASP type architecture, without the server. 
 See the °7° group for more details and examples.
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
How hard would it be to write a LAYOUT function that will transform 
the RebGUI layout into a HTML page?

 Dynamic or static conversion? I think it's possible to map most VID/RebGUI 
 styles/widgets to CSS and HTML with Javascript required for a few 
 of the more complex widgets; so reproducing simple layout forms online 
 is trivial, more complex apps with tab-panels, etc a whole lot harder.

This reminds me of some of the R&D work I was doing with IBM back 
in the early 90's. Layouts were IODEFs (Input/Output definitions) 
where you hooked a data source (e.g. DB, Terminal, Webpage) to an 
output target (e.g. Screen, printer, Webpage) with zero application/logic 
changes. The entire app was stored in a code repository across a 
couple of simpe DB2 tables. Anyway, I digress.
Group: !Uniserve ... Creating Uniserve processes [web-public]
5) DOc has an improved version which some people got. The webpage 
sounded like he is close to replacing apache.
Group: Hardware ... Computer Hardware Issues [web-public]
Gabriele; Really?  Is it just my small brain...but I can't focus 
on more than a webpage, an editor or altme  and gizmo and that all 
fits fine on on a 15" lcd.  When I work on the 21" that the graphic 
designer uses, I just get distracted.  I sit beside the 21, a 19 
but prefer to work on the 15.
Group: Rebol School ... Rebol School [web-public]
I have dbf specifications printed out.... I'll try to make something 

My table is simple one... just a list of customers with their debt 
status , and that is what my boss wants to have with him where ever 
he is... :)

Thats why I want to upload it to webpage and he can then acces it 
even with his mobile phone......

But table has a lot of records so Ill have to make some filtering....
Thank you for suggestions....
Hi everyone,

 I would really like to be able to capture some text from an html 
 webpage into a block.  Looking at Carl's cookbook at www.rebol.net/cookbook/recipes/0041.html 
 , he has a tiny script called "Tiny HTML to Text converter".

So I thought I could try it in R3, but alas, the /markup refinement 
doesn't seem to be defined.  

What would you suggest I use instead to capture a webpage text using 
Ok, I captured the Rebol Quick Reference webpage, and I've removed 
all html tags.  I now have a lot of individual newlines values inside 
my block. To remove them I tried this:

remove-each item html-blk [newline item]

to which I got == 944

Then I tried to see it's values:

== []

I guess I deleted all the remaining items huh.  What did I do wrong?
Group: AJAX ... Web Development Using AJAX [web-public]
you need to embed it in a webpage somehow
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
It's easy. I made some tools for my Linksys access point, which could 
only read out signal strength about once every 30 seconds with reloading 
the webpage on its internal webserver. By using REBOL and telnet 
access on it, I could get a real time graph for the same thing. It's 
even less stressful and requires less bandwidth for the access point. 
There must be many other things that can be improved like that.
as I said before, I think that the remark about first downloaded 
webpage does mean that TCP & HTTP protocols are ready and does not 
say anything about state of R3 kernel. And IIRC, TCP and HTTP are 
outside the R3 kernel.
and the main web page is really big piece of s..t... I will update 
my proxy to cound number of MB which I have to download to see simple 
webpage with no effects
You need that to deal with multiple "installations"/vendors of a 
ho and is javascript fail to run that just have an impact on the 
javascript part of the webpage that doesn't crash the full webbrowser 
or hang the rendering process
Why any "device" is treated differenly just confused me.  Why can't 
I drag a file from my desktop to a webpage, and if that page is set 
up to handle it, allow it to uploadload the file in the background?

Why can't  I just direct outlput of anything on my computer ot a 
path, a path that could be a website?

Why can't I simply PIPE things from one place to another?  

I get the security concerns, but this can be handled with a requester.

I'm tired of the silliness...
Group: !REBOL3-OLD1 ... [web-public]
In webpage http://www.rebol.net/wiki/VID:_Commands there is an example 
of TEXT-LIST in R3 as follows:
a stronger link betwin 

networking" and "visual" modules ??? hum that's like if Carl was 
preteneding we can't already do that !!??"

I haven't mentioned this, because I was afraid I would get it wrong 
and Carl would bash me for it. :-) What I'm writing here below is 
one of the reasons to switch to a webbrowser mentality. It was also 
one of the the reasons for dumping VID3.

Webbrowser mentality helps building infrastructure, very quickly. 
There is allegedly a stronger link now between VID and networking 
in the same way as there is a link between HTML and HTTP. When you 
create a link in a webpage, it takes only a few tags in one line 
of code (even inline) to do that. You don't do anything else but 
provide the link. The browser takes care of the rest, and you can 
build an entire infrastructure with hyperlinks. You don't have to 
worry about TCP ports or wait for acknowledge from the server. The 
basic philosophy that goes behind hyperlinking is its extreme simplicity, 
which is why it's so widespread. It's easy to grasp and easy to code.

When you for example write in a forum, you are often capable of providing 
hyperlinks. As a result, hyperlinking is available to any users, 
who have just the basic knowledge of coding, which to them is "typing 
funny chars to make a link".

Carl wants the same thing in VID3.4, where you must currently work 
with ports, store things in words and do something with the words 
in order to get where you need to go. You need to do some programming 
and make complex decisions. That level of detail must not go away 
of course, but there is a simplifying element that's missing, and 
that is to use buttons directly as hyperlinks. If successful, anyone 
could code simple VID GUIs.

I'm still sure I'm getting it a bit wrong, so there's not much point 
discussing it right now. He emphasized very strongly about building 
infrastructure through very simple methods that most people can understand 
and use. He talked about this more than about VID itself.
What happened to the stuff Carl was working on to increasing the 
power of the GUI by making it more webpage-like - by incorporating 
services into the widgets? I have not heard any recent talk of these 
What I hate about many websites is that they have very inefficient 
layouts. This is particularly so for forums and certain newssites, 
where perhaps 10 or 20% of the information on the page is relevant 
to you. Now imagine AltME's GUI inside a webpage. It's very efficient.
Pekr, let's say you want to read a blog post on a "rebpage". Would 
you want to download a rebpage, formatted as a webpage from that 
location or would you want to get a custom fullscreen reader that 
downloads only the compressed plaintext as makedoc format, compiles 
it on the fly and displays it?
Another part of the problem, at least from the webpage viewpoint, 
is that each of us could be posting AltME messages in different charsets.

All the HTML emitters for AltME worlds that I know of (AltME's own, 
REBOL.org, REBOL.net) emit a single webpage file, so it can only 
have one charset.

To do it right, each post should be emitted as a separate document/frame 
item. Then they'll each have their own charset.....That's a lot of 
extra work. Let's hope Gabriele's solution (a utf-8 universe) happens 
before that becomes essential.
loading http://twitter.com/rebol3here is a 14 kb webpage for 8 messages, 
excluding images, so it's probably 20-30 kb each time you want to 
read it. With the information amount we want, R3 Chat can probably 
deliver over 200 times more messages in the same bandwidth, assuming 
that each message is < 140 chars. And also R3 chat only retrieves 
them once. After that, they're local. Twitter loses. :-)
i have one problem for example  actually i made an irc bot to  ask 
and difuse the song name on the public channel when asked by users. 
When my bot match the command then it  opens a web connection read 
the radio welcome webpage and retrieve from it the song and artist 
information then it build a nice reply and reply
Group: Plugin-2 ... Browser Plugins [web-public]
there is also another issue, I've been thinking about. is it still 
possible to create an invisble area in the webpage where you could 
drop a rebol script that could work as a keylogger?
The problem here is: "Which REBOL binary to load?" 

Thats why you put the clsid in the webpage. Thats understand by the 
browser as: get interfaceclsid and tellit "run script". Other clsid, 
other interface, run script as 1.3.2, 1.3.3, ..
Should we inform the user is a new update is avalaible?

I think this should be configurable for compatible updates. I guess 
some people might become nervous, if the plugin connects to the rebol.com 
site on every invocation. Even it is only looking for updates, well, 
you'll never know ...

On incompatible updates: The user should get a message along the 
lines: "You have installed the Rebol 1.3.4 plugin, this website needs 
the 3.0 plugin" of course only, if that is true.

I would ask for "download and install" for user convenience. Ver< 
few people would want to download and check the binary before installing 
it. Maybe you _could_ add a checkbox to "only download".

Well, I hate popups, but I hate not getting inmportant info even 
more ... so, I start downloadinf a webpage, while this page is loading, 
I open another tab, and work on this. Now I return to my first page 
later, and I find an embedded message "We're sorry, you first need 
to download the new plugin version" would make me go crazy :-) So 
I would like a popup in this case. 

Well, when there is a new security update, for maximum security, 
the plugin should stop to work until the user has answered, wether 
he wants to update, or go with the old plugin.
I think he means clicking on a link in a webpage, where the link 
is a .r file.
Group: !GLayout ... ask questions and now get answers about GLayout. [web-public]
Glayout webpage: page last updated: 2-Nov-2006
Group: !Liquid ... any questions about liquid dataflow core. [web-public]
The xcript runs in a webpage with plugin so the user cannot change 
the envvars
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
Right, i'll update the webpage for Cheyenne and add some documentation 
for RSP.
So, I need to mock up a webpage to do the same post
it is much more than just providing links to scripts on a webpage.
I downloaded the Cheyenne source. Started the Cheyenne.r. Should 
I be able to connect via a web browser and localhost? I get Internet 
Explorer cannot display the webpage. I looked on the website for 
setup/config documents, but the document section just seems to time 
out. Is there any other service I need to start or should it be straight 
forward? I am on winxp, internet explorer.
Demo includes;
- websocket roundtrip timer
- ATOMDB query timer
- Example of changing a graphic when socket is closed.

- Font-face demo (another HTML 5 feature that allows ANY font in 
a webpage .. see the <style> on the page
I use websockets for passing javascript and JSON to a static page. 
 The pages start off with a single javascript function, then i use 
websockets to lazy load.

Here's  pseudo for an email client using Cy (shorting Cheyenne to 
Cy from C.. keep confusing myself)

- Start with a blank page with the websocket function. No HTML, No 
css.. link to Jquery only  .. this page is under 1k

- Send an initial message to Cy with the page name, Cy responds by 
pushing the necessary HTML (simple email form), CSS and JS (a single 
function to send back the form results to Cy) to the DOM

- User fills out form, and submits.. pushing an array (JSON, string.. 
whatever) with the message details to Cy
- Cy sends the message via rebol mail

... but then 

.. Cy polls the users pop mail acount on a regular basis, and upon 
finding a new message, sends <i> sends a javascript function</i> 
to the page, that gets EVAL 'd . This could do some animation in 
a canvas tag, push some message to the browser's chrome.. whatever.

All using the same tiny webpage. When you look at the source, you 
see 20 lines of code.
Group: !CureCode ... web-based bugtracking tool [web-public]

Is tab the best choice? It's not easy/obvious how to type a tab in 
a webpage; though it's a good choice if you assume we are cutting'n'pasting 
from a text editor.
Group: DevCon2008 (post-chatter) ... DevCon2008 [web-public]
Guys, this is why I want to put up a webpage.

I think in the spirit of crowd sources, no one person should be expected 
to do more than one thing.

Nick, don't worry about the webpage, Gab, or someone will host.
Chris, or I, or someone will do the art and design.

I plan to pound on this tomorrow in fact.   There are no egos here...who 
ever can help or do the best job, step up.
Once the webpage is up, then we can point everyone to one place, 
and quickly update it until it all makes sense.
Group: !REBOL3 GUI ... [web-public]
having multi layers means you can then  multi thread the rendering 
1 layer per thread  this will enhance the complexity of what we can 
display on screen  (think about rendering a webpage or a pdf document 
for example)