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world-name: r4wp

Group: #Red ... Red language group [web-public]
Well, downloaded zip. I was scared it will sync to the same dir and 
will create a mess :-)
It will sync in the same dir, replacing everything that needs to 
be replaced, no mess here, just Git doing its job! ;-)
Auto-sync Git and Mercurial repositories from Bitbucket and/or GitHub 

This add-on is turned on by default for Atlassian On-Demand customer
Not yet ... deleting all the repository. I deleted hello.red, and 
no way I can get tortoisegit to get it sync - it just keeps telling 
me I am uptodate
I will have a look into using Fossil and try again - it may be that 
the examples I have obtained are out of sync with the examples obtained 
through fossil - once I have figured it out I will try again and 
let you know my results -thanks for your help
There is little opportunity for being out of sync, as I tested them 
all the time

; Packet header values (keep in-sync with load-header and mold-packet):
ph-version?: :second
ph-session?: :third
ph-encode?:  :fourth
ph-req-len?: :fifth
ph-pay-len?: :sixth
I have some issues understanding Git again. There is apparently new 
help file for java bridge, as shown in above linke commit, but I 
can't see the changes reflected, when looking into file via files 
section, nor does it sync to my desktop ...
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
Also did some maintenance on the R2 binding. Simplified the send/receive 
interface and added the ventilator source/workers/sync example for 
parallel computing from the 0MQ guide
I've started using a Fossil repository to sync and archive test binaries. 
In case anyone wants to run them:
We have pushed our R3-GUI sources to Github. The project was cleaned 
up, old stuff removed etc. So it should be in pretty good shape. 
We keep the GibHub repository in sync with our internal SVN repository. 
We will further take a look at pull requests and take your feedback 
into our main line. You can find the repository here:

Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
Doc, I would say that you should be one of the masters even if you 
don't have the time in the way of reviewing or coding if only to 
try to help steer R3 future development to be relatively in sync 
with Red's.
>> do http://development.saphirion.com/experimental/oneliner-prime-numbers.r

** Access error: cannot open: tcp://development.saphirion.com:80 
reason: -12
** Where: open open unless sync-op either read
** Near: open conn port
I got a slightly different message when I tried it with 3G instead 
of WiFi, for some reason:

>> do http://development.saphirion.com/experimental/oneliner-prime-numbers.r

** Access error: cannot open: tcp://development.saphirion.com:80 
reason: -12

** Where: open open unless sync-op either read either read-decode 
case load -apply-do
** Near: open conn port
The download script sounds great Kaj. May need to look at Fossil 

What I want is a REBOL wrapper that handles everything for me, let's 
me share and sync simply, and hides whether it's svn, git, fossil, 
Group: Rebol School ... REBOL School [web-public]
(test sync)
Group: Web ... Anything related to the WWW [web-public]
I am new to Git. I'd like to use it (or something similar) to keep 
a distributed copy of a web app I am developing. I'd like copies 
on two local systems (laptop and desktop) with the possibility of 
sharing with another developer based far away and deploying the app 
on my web host.

I sort of get the concept (at least the part about commits, etc), 
but am not really sure how to keep everything in sync. Is it worth 
using a hosting service like GitHub or Bitbucket (I know that perhaps 
defeats the purpose) to assure availability or figuring out how to 
use the web host for this purpose?
To "keep everything in sync" with Git, you have have to do pairwise 
syncs. Each pairwise sync can be initiated from either side, the 
respective commands being "fetch" (from remote to local) and "push" 
(from local to remote).

If you want to keep many separate sites in sync, mediating the sync 
via a central host makes sense (as it avoids the exponential explosion 
of pairwise syncs).

If you have SSH access to your web host, using your web host for 
a central Git repository is trivial (assuming you have - or can get 
- Git installed on the web host).
Group: #Red Docs ... How should Red be documented [web-public]
I'm trying the github Windows client, which should sync, but only 
have my fork in it right now. I thought the target workflow (in general) 
was to fork, push to that, then submit a pull request. My problem 
is spending little time on it, then letting it sit idle while it 
leaks out of my brain.
However, if you just want to follow along with the updates, then 
you don't need your own fork and can just sync a local clone of Nenad's 
Group: !REBOL3 ... General discussion about REBOL 3 [web-public]
so, the http scheme should stick to read for sync ops
Will you try to "sync" your changes with the "official" source in 
the future or let the sources diverge?
Pekr, my schemes are still available on github.  They are all async 
and need to be rewritten as sync.
to get them to work you need to make the following changes:

1. In the header, change from 

module: 'name 


type: 'module
name: 'name

make-scheme => sys/make-scheme

There's also some odd about contexts inside modules.  You need to 
declare your variables inside /local as you can get a context error 
if they are used but not so defined.
Otherwise it's unmanageable. Since there is no single point of R3 
project at the moment, it doesn't make sense to spread information 
on several places, get them out of sync etc. We need one place, where 
people know what they get.

world-name: r3wp

Group: !AltME ... Discussion about AltME [web-public]
would those changes sync back up again?
And I though loss of sync only happened at startup. Strange how this 
has only occurred recently for me.
Another thing would be it it would be possible to save the "most 
interesting folders" the ones I have used most in the last time, 
and to sync them first.
I just tried guest with a password of guest to correct the syncing 

It says guest/guest is no longer valid.

Is that just me, or what?  If not, how are new people to request 
an account? And how do I work around the sync bug?
The guest account has been removed, at least for now. The ML is up 
and running, so that's good for new folks at the moment. Yes, it 
means people will need to be "pre-approved" before they can join 
here. Not sure what to do about the sync issue Sunanda.
why not sync 'AltMe' accnts with rebol.org accnts.
The other day, I cut off my dialup connection about 10 seconds after 
starting AltME. The next day I connected, looked in Advocacy group 
and there were no new messages. I posted a message, and then it synced 
about 10 messages that had occurred during the intervening time. 
Just a bit more feedback on this problem.. in case it helps. I usually 
don't notice any such sync problem.
Maybe once you screw your sync, it stays screwed ? I will watch and 
see if it happens to me, but I have noticed it very occasionally 
and so it seems the problem doesn't stick with me.
Anton: <Maybe once you screw your sync, it stays screwed ?>

That seems most likely -- unless you happen to be online at the moment 
someone else posts a message to the out-of-sync group. That seems 
to resync it.

One way of telling if some of your groups are out of sync is to compare 
with the mirror at http://www.rebol.net/altweb/rebol3/

(only works for [web-public] groups, and only if the archive is not 
suffering from syncing problems).

I can see right now, for example, that I haven't been sent the last 
9 messages in [Tech News]
<<When the bug happens did you see it sync?>>
Very hard to say.

You notice the effects of the bug when a group suddenly disgorges 
many old messages or when looking at the webmirror of the public 

But that may be much later than the point at which the sync went 
When I saw the dot bug then most of the time a lot of the groups 
were syncing correctly and there was one or two groups that just 
didn't sync completely like it got some bad packets or something.
On the Recycle bug,  I often leave my message limit at at least 1000 
I've turned it up to 5000 a couple times because messages I was searching 
for were more than 1000 messages in the past.   If I leave it at 
5000 and then don't log in for about a week then I almost always 
get a recycle bug by logging in and clicking on the first group to 
sync while it is syncing the rest of the groups.  Waiting for syncing 
to complete will usually avoid the Recycle bug.  The number of unread 
messages in the group your switching to while it is syncing seems 
to affect whether or not you see the bug, more unread messages seems 
to increase the chance that you will see it.
the sync bug is also still there
graham: don't sync while drunk
[unknown: 10]:
Yes... And I think that has something to do with a connection interruption 
on my side... clapping Ethernet ;-) the sync was finished but did 
not show it all.. I had to enter "something" in a group and then 
I synced and showed me the messages...
[unknown: 10]:
Altme 1.1.29 just Hung on me... had to press Ctrl-C to close it... 
It happened during startup, I guess during Sync of the msg-groups... 
the window just banked "white" on me..
[unknown: 10]:
And again...Altme Hung !!.. Its a Sync problem for sure ..
[unknown: 10]:
There are 2 problems as it looks...

(1) A Refresh problem of the Altme interface..Under linux with multiple 
desktops it looks like Altme is not refreshing the interface while 
switching desktops (Im using Xfce currently)

(2) A sync problem.. I was just typing inhere while everything stopped 

Would be nice to have some debugging output in de console on whats 
going on...???
As a new REBOLer, I want to "gather" every bit of information I can 
get, especially from the posts, but the groups which I believe would 
be very helpful to me have more than 1000 posts. Through the web 
site, I can't read the earlier posts, and I get disconnected from 
the world everytime AltME resyncs these groups. I have noticed that 
groups with less than 500 posts do get resynced w/o being disconnected; 
although I had to "force" the resync (that's why I had to post the 
dot in several groups, as posting in the dot group doesn't sync me 
to all of the groups).
Does this mean the only way to sync correctly is to have a copy of 
the .set files locally?
[unknown: 9]:
well, one thing you should try is reinstalling.  Letting AltME sync 
only for a few minutes (before it finishes).  close AltME, then go 
again, letting it complete.
We are not sure, but we see that help a lot sometimes.
We may have to bring back the Guest account. I remember being able 
to sync by changing to Guest and back to my original account.
OK, I'm back :D, but this is the only group that has anything in 
it. And I just posted to the dot group, in the hopes that it will 
sync most, if not all the groups...
I think you'll see other groups sync when new posts are made to them.
How about a manual re-sync button?
on the 'dot bug': It seems to me there must be set some short timeout 
during the data transfer. I remember I had this problem when on analog 
modem few years ago too. I guess it looks like Altme is missing handling 
of the situation when timeout on port occure (or something like that) 
and the logic reamin in state the sync was completed succefully. 
Just wild quess.
There does seem to be a problem with syncing when you install Altme.

Today I had was enjoying one of my too regular Windows installations 
on my desktop. I installed altme beta. It synced only 8 chats. A 
dot to myself forced a sync of all personal converstations.  A dot 
to Dot forced a sync of Dot.

So I removed the beta and installed AltME 1.0.1. It synced 10 chats. 
 A dot to myself forced a sync of all personal converstations.  A 
dot to Dot forced a sync of DevCon2005 because I posted in the wrong 
I'm finding the AltME under LInux seems to sync much better than 
AltME under Windows. By checking the web public discussions at rebol.net, 
I found that  some topics hadn't synced. I dotted but no effect. 
So I switched to Linux  where AltME synced everything.
Group: Script Library ... REBOL.org: Script library and Mailing list archive [web-public]
I fixed the ez-plot.r q-plot.r condense.r get-stock.r  script combo 
for View 1.3.2  (get-stock.r had broken) and I sync'ed it to Developer/Users/steve-shireman/ez-plot-updates 
  I tried on both IOS Link and View1.3.2, so hope it works on all 
the others.  Feel free to stick it in the Library.
Thanks for helping. Posting a dot as the first post in the group 
(and sometimes even multiple posts w/ a single dot) is actually, 
quite an embarrassing experience, but at the moment it's the only 
way for me to sync to some of the groups.
after updating refresh-sync-point.txt with an actual timestamp it 
works now
Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
[unknown: 9]:
Hey Brian, there is something else you can try, it is a theory I 
have.  Uninstall AltME. Reinstall, and sync back up.  When you think 
it is finished, close out, and start again, let it sync again.
If you are willing....

I never see this "." problem, but many do.  Most people in our office 
don't, and it just might have something to do with the way it was 
originally synced.
there's also sometimes a thing with how altME detects a lost connection. 
this doesn't always happen, so that could be when sync is lost
[unknown: 9]:
Random or not, it will sync if you log in multiple times in the same 
time frame (like say with in an hour or so)?
sync test
Linux sync test
sync bug: I had a problem when I used a slow (and less reliable) 
connection. When the connection is fast and reliable, the problem 
is not showing itself in my opinion.
sync attempt...
Group: MySQL ... [web-public]
I would like to know the result guys, as I am about to create scripts 
for the partner site, and if I fail, bye bye rebol - the trouble 
simply is - they told us - if you want to sync data to us, prepare 
import utilities for us. So - I would still have to do the job, just 
using php or simply something else - which would be a big time loss, 
as I never used it before ....
Hi Ammon, it is possible that there's some issue maintainin the 2 
buffers size in sync. I've added your patch (with small modifications) 
to the current code.
Group: Syllable ... The free desktop and server operating system family [web-public]
The thing to remember about the file system is that journaling works 
well, unless you had a lot of file activity just before hard booting. 
This can damage your file system. A good thing to do after heavy 
file activity like big copies or downloads is to issue a "sync" command 
in the terminal
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
I'm not really sure in which Linux exe Carl build or not the Freetype 
support. I only tested under Mepis distribution. I agree Carl should 
release new Linux SDK so all versions for all distros are in sync.
Seems they are sometimes out of sync with the kernels. Then they 
need to compile and that does not work.
Ok, if I post a message, then all the messages come up. Isn't there 
a way to sync everythting in one go?
I must say I was pleasantly surprised with the evolution suite. It 
does sync with the palm, and the mailer itself is nice, searching 
is very quick even within large mail databases.
Group: Dialects ... Questions about how to create dialects [web-public]
initial sync...
Stevee: good catch, the commented version is not in sync with the 
decompiled version (as I said, day 1 of this, lots of back and forth). 
 If you run unmush you get:
Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
end of the day... type and thoughts not in sync
Group: !Uniserve ... Creating Uniserve processes [web-public]
what about your sync protocol? Is that separate one, or part of Uniserve 
hmm, and how is your sync stuff going? Is it reliable already? :-)
Your welcome to test the sync service ... if it works, you won't 
need to use IOS :)
Doc, what I want to do is do some text to speech using a 3rd party 
web service.  I need to download the generated wave file and play 
it by inserting it into a sound port.

The read would be blocking if I use sync read, and then playing it 
thru a sound port in my experience does interfere with async tcp.

In a nutshell, is this sort of activity suitable for a task-master 
service .. and is there a simple sample of such a service?
The task would be triggered from an RSP page
Group: XML ... xml related conversations [web-public]
Ashley, I may be missing your question.

Are you asking, how from an IP phone (like a SIP phone), you would 
"sync" your phonebook (contacts) from a website?
Group: Rebol/Flash dialect ... content related to Rebol/Flash dialect [web-public]
initial sync...
Group: Windows/COM Support ... [web-public]
Sounds good, any chance to get my hands on it? I have ported an Excel 
dialect to ComLib and would get it in sync than.
And  I want to import those into IOS/xpeers :-) so that we can sync 
to OL. Maybe even in both ways.
Group: Syncing ... Syncing technologies [web-public]
as for me personally, I first met with syncing with IOS, and I have 
to say, that I was hooked! It was really nice to watch, connecting 
even month later from my notebook, to sync properly what was missing 
.... However, later on, I found some limitation to such aproach. 
I don't want to talk about the speed - that could be corrected by 
using different technique for local storage, e.g. RebDB, but about 
following two problems:
- the problem of IOS syncing is, that it can't work in sync-and-forget 
mode - simply put, once you delete your file locally, there is no 
simple solution of how to tell server, that it is still ok
I would like to post your opinion, links to various sync mechanism 
we could study, etc. IIRC Kaj talked about Groove techniques, so 
if it could be reposted, I would be glad ...
what is to be said the best file-sync for Mac - ChronoSync - http://www.econtechnologies.com
Currently my intention is not to sync with various devices. It is 
simply kind of attempt to improve on IOS syncing, allowing sync-and-forget, 
or even not syncing (typical remote/server only access) and to improve/support 
off-line working reblets ...
I would like to have answered:

1) what technique to use for "timestamping" - do we continue with 
timestamps against one central time, or do we use hashes, or sequencing 
numbers, or mixture of mentioned techniqueues? We might look how 
others do it ...

2) better support for possible conflicts - imagine following scenario 
- you have some reblet, e.g. Contacts - one person starts editing 
it, then another person starts editing it too. First one syncs (saves 
changes), then second one does the same - changes of first ones are 
lost. How to aproach this - introduce some kind of resources locking? 
(not real locking, but we are message based, so could be queued)

It could work as follows - person 1 wants to edit some record. Edit 
button posts request-for-lock. Lock is assigned. I other person tries 
to edit, it will not obtain lock. We could even introduce protocol 
level support, so that the person is informed, who has the lock, 
and how long. The trouble usually comes, when person goes off-line 
after the edit started - we need to remove dead-locks, so by default, 
I would lock for 20 minutes e.g. and the lock would have to be renewed, 
if person 1 wants to work longer with the given document ...

another scenario is, when you actually start editing something which 
might require locking, but you start already being off-line. We could 
create lock-request, just not synced yet. Once you go on-line, you 
simply check seqno, if the lock is possible, and the given record 
not modified. But what if it was modified in the meantime? e.g. you 
might be working with stock system and someone else in the office 
sells few units, for which you may start writing offer for to another 
customer. Tough scenario - would like to know your opinion. Maybe 
some things simply need to be done on-line only?

3) I needed small file-sync scenario - could use IOS, but IOS can't 
sync and "forget". Simply idea is to have different kind of syncing 
techniques, so e.g. for file transfer you have dir to sync, if correctly 
synced, log it, forget it, delete it on client and or server (or 
not, it depends)

as for IOS, local storage could be encrypted (or not), imported into 
RebDB (no single better solution so far introduced for rebol), sync-per-record 
or record-set could remain (record=document). RebDB on Serve would 
speed things up significantly too ...

another possibility is to think outside the IOS terms, in more general 
way - simply thinking about world of objects, being in various states, 
with various life-time around internet and on-line or off-line devices. 
I think that maybe we could find some simpler solution than SyncML 
and the likes ...

another point - such techniques should be transport independent, 
so I would not like to hear that it needs this or that ;-)

So, anyone?
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
initial sync...
pekr, the drives themselves are OK, but the OS'es handle them badly. 
If I under MacOSX store some files on the drive and eject the drive 
as I properly should, the files are just not present on the drive 
according to WinXP, as if the ejection procedure didn't sync files 
to disk. Half the time, they don't work under Linux without hours 
of fiddling and most win98 machines won't handle them at all. Data 
transfer between machines is probably successful about 50% of the 

An internet connection is, for me, a much more reliable way to get 
data onto a machine. It's probably the syncing aspect that makes 
them so unreliable.
Could UNIX commands sync and touch help you? You have them under 
MacOS, and maybe under Windows too with cygwin. A little script could 
run through the dirs and sync or touch (or both) the files.
Group: !RebDB ... REBOL Pseudo-Relational Database [web-public]
Works great.. Thanks!

You know, a really cool feature for RebDB would be to use tables 
stored on an ftp instead of locally. I think it would be possible 
since it's RAM based and you control your commits, but I could be 
wrong :) Now I'll have to sync my database manually every time I 
change computer
Group: SQLite ... C library embeddable DB [web-public].
initial sync...
Group: Plugin-2 ... Browser Plugins [web-public]
[unknown: 9]:
Being out of sync with each other can account for a lot misunderstanding..

I have but one interest, for Rebol to be a self standing usable glue 
for cool little apps on the web the same way Flash is for little 
animated vignettes.

For this to happen we HAVE to support the top 4 (IE FF SA and OP). 
 And Opera is about to GROW, and Rebol and Opera may turn out to 
be a match made in heaven.  Opera is the dominate browser of imbedded 
systems.  It will start making news in the next 4-6 months.
my question was a bit different, though. Let's imagine your proposed 
secure way, so I can use it for some app, to sync some data to user. 
The problem for me is the sandbox placement - in system Temp dir, 
which can be purged via control panel. I am not sure I like it, if 
there is possibility I could loose my synced data. Or am I missing 
Pekr: TS will not include a change to REBOL's security scheme itself....as 
I have said a few times, changes to REBOL itself are out-of-sync 
with the plugin.
Group: DevCon2007 ... DevCon 2007 [web-public]
(i guess the decoder loses sync with the stream)
[unknown: 9]:
Best I can tell, if yoru CPU gets bogged with other stuff (opening 
other windwos, virus checkers, etc.) then it loses sync, and you 
have to refresh.
in sync -- good to go
Group: Games ... talk about using REBOL for games [web-public]
[unknown: 9]:
I don't know where I put it, but I once built a detailed checklist 
of functions we would build for each game platform we worked on. 
 I designed the game interface for WebTV, which also did not have 
Key Up.

The basics are:

Input: Key up, and at least 3 simultaneous key overlap.  This is 
needed because during actual game place, people will press directional 
and fire buttons at the same time.

Video: Double buffer - triple buffer is better.  Without this, one 
needs to know where the beam is (called beam tracing) so that rendering 
happens on the sync.

Threading:  It is very difficult to write a game in a single thread. 
 At the very least it needs to be able to trigger functions.

Sound: Sounds need to be started, stopped, and volume changed on 
the fly.  Multiple channels (4 minimum) for a full experience.
Group: !CureCode ... web-based bugtracking tool [web-public]
[unknown: 9]:
Good reasons, and I agree, the best way to do this.
We nee da universal XML export import with ID compare.  

In other words, CureCode needs to be able to export itself as XML 
It needs to import XML (Easy)

It needs to import XML and update the old XML keying on some ID value. 
 Not so easy.

Once done, building things like RSS feeds with just the top 10 recent 
changes becomes easy.

Also, then we can sync Qtask and CureCode.  There are a lot of cool 
side effects though…

-	We have an integrated file share, so you can link to screen shots.
-	Qtask has the ability to have conversation about each issue.
-	You can throw your issues onto a calendar view.

I know this is not your concern right now, but this is the direction 
we are going in, and need to learn how to best allow this type of 
integration.  Much as you have made one thing to test another, we 
have the same problem constantly.
Group: DevCon2008 (post-chatter) ... DevCon2008 [web-public]
hmm, it would be cool to "sync" two devcons (or even three?) in two 
different sides of the world and be connected somehow. timezone problems 
will be hard to workaround though... but mainly, who gets Carl? ;)
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