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Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
[unknown: 9]:
We have a drop down in RebGUI that when we click off does not close, 
any hints?
I have made small fix so the drop-list behaves like Reichart wants 
under View 1.3.x. If anyone is  interested you can grab it here:
[unknown: 9]:
RebGui has some rough edges, but over all it has been really easy 
to build stuff with.  Ashley, on our Qfile client application, we 
are putting in the Credits RebGUI, and a ink to your site.  We will 
post a beta on Qtask and if you want something changed just tell 
And if I didn't, Ashley has a list of clients on his main page at 
Does RebGUI support the 'style  keyword? Ah, didn't knew it.
But I suppose you could do something like:	
	rebgui-widgets: make rebgui-widgets [

  my-widget: make one-of-the-widgets [font: make font [align: 'right]]
***** rebgui-widgets.r *****
Lines which are not present in the other.
419 :       show-popup/window popup parent/parent-face
420 : ;     show-popup/window/away popup parent/parent-face
***** rebgui-widgets.r *****
Lines which are not present in the other.
407 :           feel: system/words/face/feel
420 : ;     show-popup/window popup parent/parent-face
421 :       show-popup/window/away popup parent/parent-face
618 :                   down    [face/data: on]
619 :                   up      [face/action face face/data: off]
Graham, this patch to the area/pane (slider) action makes things 

				action:	make function! [face /local pos new] [

     ;	don't alter scroll if the last function to touch it was edit-text!!!
					unless parent-face/key-scroll? [

      parent-face/para/scroll/y: negate parent-face/text-y - parent-face/size/y 
      + 3 * data

						if system/view/caret [
								offset-to-caret parent-face 
									new: min max 
									(pos: caret-to-offset parent-face system/view/caret)

         0x0 ; <-- should add height of one line of text, to keep caret fully 

         parent-face/size - (face/size * 1x0) ; <- should subtract height 
         of one line of text

       ;print [parent-face/size pos new parent-face/para/scroll/y index? 

						show parent-face
					parent-face/key-scroll?: false

It also needs this patch to work correctly, near the top of rebgui-widgets.r:

 ; Unfortunately, offset-to-caret returns end of the string when offset 
 is between two lines, 

 ; which is only possible when indent/y > 0. This ought to be submitted 
 to rambo as a rebol/view bug.
	; I would not use indent until it is fixed.

 ; offset-to-caret needs to work correctly to allow the new area widget 
 functionality of keeping
	; the caret visible when scrolling. -Anton

 ;default-para-wrap: make default-para [origin: 2x0 indent: 0x2 wrap?: 

 default-para-wrap: make default-para [origin: 2x0 indent: 0x0 wrap?: 
RebGUI 0.4.2 is up. Grab it the usual way with:

	do http://www.dobeash.com/get-rebgui.r

You may want to delete view-root/public/www.dobeash.com/RebGUI first 
as a number of old files are now redundant.

This build is the latest snapshot of the repository and includes:

 - %rebgui.r is now a single monolithic (72Kb single line) script 
 (individual source files are in SVN)
	- Cyphre's drop-list change
	- Anton's quit [not] when only one pane remains
	- clear-text and show-text fixes
	- led widget fix (failed when encap'ed)
	- language file for Italian added
	- %tour.r Opera icons replaced with Tango Desktop equivalents

Also note that the RebGUI home page has moved to http://www.dobeash.com/RebGUI/
and that all active issues / tickets can now be found (and updated) 
at http://trac.geekisp.com/rebgui/report/1
I tried:
REBOL Preprocessor 2.0.0
Copyright 2002 REBOL Technologies

Input file? rebgui-ctx.r
Output file? rebgui.r
***ERROR (widgets/button.r): Cannot load file: button.r
** Press enter to quit...
Using Ladislav's INCLUDE I get: 
>>  include/link %rebgui-ctx.r %rebgui.r

** Access Error: Cannot open /D/Download/rebol/rebgui/widgets/widgets/anim.r
** Where: include-script
** Near: found: load/all found
if header
How can I use the RebGUI LAYOUT function? I just need to get back 
the face that I can append to a PANE. I get the following error:

>> ctx-rebgui/layout material/gui
** Script Error: color needs a value
** Where: append-widget
** Near: color: any [attribute-color color] image: any
to get the face created by the rebgui 'display function, I changed 
all the returns to say, "return view-face" in display.r
Do you have published the build-script that creates rebgui.r?


;	combine source scripts
do/args %prerebol.r [%rebgui-ctx.r %tmp.r]
;	remove header
save/header %tmp.r load %tmp.r []
;	remove indentation
do/args %prerebol.r [%tmp.r %rebgui.r]
delete %tmp.r
;	remove newlines and surplus spaces
gui: trim/lines read %rebgui.r
;	compact block delimiters
replace/all gui "[ " "["
replace/all gui " ]" "]"
replace/all gui " [" "["
replace/all gui "] " "]"
;	compact expression delimiters
replace/all gui "( " "("
replace/all gui " )" ")"
;	final write
write %rebgui.r gui
to get the face created by the rebgui 'display function ...

The last line of the display function is:


so it should already do this without change.
Yes, once you do an "SVN Checkout" the folders and files are displayed 
with a green tick. Editing a file causes it (and the folder it appears 
in) to be displayed with a red changed icon. Right clicking the root 
folder, RebGUI in my case, and selecting "SVN Commit" prompts for 
which changed scripts (and a comment) you wish to save back. Pretty 
straight forward once you've done it.
Ashley, I didn't make a history entry in rebgui-widgets.r for my 
changes, which I have commented next to the changes - would you prefer 
I did make a history entry ?
Not sure whether putting %tour.r up is a good thing as it has dependencies 
on images, dat files and / or dictionaries that don't really belong 
in SVN. I sort of wanted the repository to only contain code needed 
to produce %rebgui.r, while the %get-rebgui.r process delivers an 
"end-user" bundle with %tour.r, demos, etc ready to run (i.e. the 
repository is for developers/documentors only).

Likewise the build script has dependencies on prebol.r and prerebol.r 
so I'll need to extract the bits it uses before I put it up. Any 
ideas on what this script should be called? build.r, merge.r, make.r, 
compile.r, other?
note: the cursor confining code in area.r requires the patch to rebgui-widgets.r 
to work properly.
I guess I must be mix and matching from different versions of rebgui 
How is that possible ? I've just gone into the SVN repository directory 
with rebol and typed:
	do %rebgui-ctx.r
	display "" [area]
I think I am using an older version of rebgui ...
Script: "RebGUI widget tour" (30-Apr-2006)
** Script Error: unit-size has no value
** Where: init
** Near: as-pair unit-size * 1.5 unit-size
I didn't see a way of creating layouts with no borders, so, in rebgui-display.r, 
line 50, I added this to the list of refinements
I'd rather people vet my code first .. I'm just not too familiar 
with the rebgui internals.
does rebgui have a toolbar widget?
Well, the event arrives first in the window feel, so look in there:
>> win: display "" [] ; now press escape
>> probe win/feel
make object! [
    redraw: none
    detect: func [face event][
        switch event/type [
            key [edit/process-keystroke face event]
            move [mouse-offset: event/offset] ...

>> probe get in ctx-rebgui/edit 'process-keystroke
Interested to see Carl is suggesting RebGUi as a possibility for 
Just a note to all of you: I contracted Cyphre to develop some RebGUI 
widgets. In the next couple of weeks you will see two new widgets:
1. drop-tree: Is a mix of a drop-list with a tree view.
2. tree widget as we can derive this from the drop-tree
I will provide this code to RebGUI and hope others can make use of 
it too and maybe helpt to extend it.
1) Vertical pad. No such concept in RebGUI as its layout engine is 
purely left to right carriage return (although you can often achieve 
the desired result by ending a line with a box of the appropriate 

2) group-box and DATA keyword: this is required as a block without 
a keyword is taken to be an action (even though for some widgets 
like tool-bar, tab-panel, group-box, etc it doesn't make as much 
sense ... but I think consistency is more important than concise 
expression for a subset of widgets).
The 'edit-text func (in %rebgui-edit.r) traps ESC. Comment out the 
show-focus and it works. /dialog "works" as ESC is trapped at the 
window level and does a hide-popup.
Hmm. I tried out commenting out the ESC mapping in rebgui-edit.r 
without much luck.
I just want to inform you that Cyphre will work on some RebGUI fixes. 
We will do the fixes first against an internal version and test them. 
As soon as the changes are stable we promote them into the publicj 
Step by step. With List-View we have a very good implementation that 
"just" needs to be made RebGUI compliant.
if anyone wants to help with the port of LIST-VIEW... I know nothing 
of RebGUI.
I expect more changes to come, but I think it would be a good idea 
anyway to figure out a method to quickly update for both VID and 
RebGUI, maybe with separate code sections and a small build script.
;These two work:

display "" [f: field "hello" button "clear" [clear f/text system/view/caret: 
none show f]] do-events

display "" [f: field "hello" button "clear" [clear f/text ctx-rebgui/edit/focus 
f]] do-events
How to create a RebGUI widget http://www.lexicon.net/antonr/rebol/doc/create-a-rebgui-widget.html
sends me to http://w3.eftel.com/home.cms
Now available here:

guys, did you test get-rebgui on systems without view installed? 
I was just informed, that it states that downloading manifest OK, 
but apparently the directory does not exist at all  ....
Hoiw is the svn related to get-rebgui? %tour.r ismissing?
How is the svn related to get-rebgui?

 The SVN is for developers / experienced REBOLers ... it is used to 
 manage individual widget source files. %get-rebgui.r obtains a pre-built 
 distribution (including a merged %rebgui.r, %tour.r, images and demo 
 scripts). It is targeted at 'end users' who don't want to use SVN.

%tour.r is missing

 I want to add it *without* having to also add sample icon images 
 to the SVN. I'll probably just 'inline' the images so it's all in 
 one big file.

min-size: read this very carefully: http://www.dobeash.com/RebGUI/display.html#section-2.1.2

The Note says it all: "The min-size limit will only be enforced upon 
a window resize, and the size is inclusive of an OS specific number 
of border / title pixels. Also note that if any widgets are resizeable 
(#H and #W) and min-size has not been specified then RebGUI will 
assign a default value equal to the initial window size."
why would you want to test rebgui without view installed??
rebgui is a developer's tool.
I have my View\RebGui, View\whatever-project subirs. I do like to 
simply copy on my USB and go. With current aproach, while it follows 
OS customs, for me it is flawed. I can't even spell easily enough, 
where tour.r is located. I would welcome some "look-up" function 
to not care - simply if it is in my sandbox, wherever it is, just 
run it ....
I think this is off topic for Rebgui.
Oh I think I see what the problem is. After running get-rebgui.r 
it's not easy to see where the installation dir is. Well, it's probably 
in the public cache. This should show you where the files went.
list-dir path-thru http://www.dobeash.com/rebgui/
Ashley, don't delay because of icons. SVN can obviously easily handle 
them and you can always remove them later when you have time. But 
we need to test the tour against the latest rebgui changes to make 
sure they're working.
- Why not images in svn? AFAIK it can handle that. (download-size?). 
Would be nice if i could checkout and have the real rebgui-demo after 
running some build-script.

- min-size: it was easy to enforce an initial resize if some dimension 
is to small. I did that with a small example, area only.See the posted 
lines (maybe they need to be reversed. I experimented a bit). But 
it fails with other things. (obviously needs a check for presence 
of /min-size, but then the sizes dont change right.)
Pekr, i was confused too. thought you want to extract rebgui without 
/view, /core only. "not installed" .. :)

No directory: I guess it takes the default sandbox without installation, 
that one it suggest while installing.
Oops, are we are a bit OT here, its not rebuis problem? Was in answer 
mode. Although, get-rebgui could download to  the currenent folder, 
not the sandbox. Its for developers, but developers need to find 
the scripts after running it.
SVN: Yes, can handle binary files very well. SO let's just add everything 
required to build a complete developer and end-user distribution 
of RebGUI.
Had a look at porting Henrik's list-view over to RebGUI. Main challenge 
would be to convert / merge 4 styles (list-icon, list-field, list-text 
and list-view) into a single rebface. This would require quite a 
bit of code restructing. The actual internals don't need too much 
work (functions and feel code are pretty VID/RebGUI neutral), but 
a lot of references to RebGUI 'standards' need to be added; such 

	default-* objects instead of system objects

And the span facet needs to be added (and support logic added) to 
enable dynamic resize / rescale. Given the amount of code that needs 
to be changed, I don't believe a VID and RebGUI version can be [easily] 
built from the same code-base (i.e. the port will in effect create 
a fork).

Also, from a code complexity POV, the list-view widget is almost 
as large as *all other widgets combined* ... and it includes functionality 
that could probably otherwise go into a grid / spreadsheet type widget 
(list-view is almost a GUI framework in its own right now! ;)). If 
anyone's in doubt, I think Henrik's work rocks and fills a much needed 
gap in VID functionality. ;)
In rebgui-functionality too or not?!
I've also thought about splitting the code in more levels to achieve 
better abstraction. Whether this would help for a RebGUI version 
or not, I don't know. I do think that there would be a need to create 
automation for building both for VID and for RebGUI.
I guess I need to make use of RebGUI in the near future and figure 
out how it works. Then I could make the port myself
Having converted (or at least used as a starting base) a number of 
VID styles to RebGUI widgets I've observed that the final code is 
40%-60% smaller (YMMV) and easier to understand in that most of the 
logic resides in the widget itself (i.e. it is self-contained). But, 
once the code to be converted reaches a certain size where I can 
no longer 'grok' it in a single reading (about a hundred lines for 
me) I find it easier to code from scratch. ;)

I'd also break it into two separate widgets: grid and list-view, 
and look at the minimum function set each requires (KISS).

Simplest way to start is to read all the doco under 'RebGUI Documentation' 
at http://www.dobeash.com/RebGUI/then look at the source code of 
a few widgets (start with something simple like %button.r then move 
onto %table.r which shares a lot in common with list-view).

If you run into any brick walls (or find yourself asking, "why oh 
why did they do it that way?") just drop a note here. ;)
I just want to inform you what enhancements I needed and Cyphre did 
so far for RebGUI:

table: Add an API to table that allows to change the columns layout 
at runtime: my-table/set-columns ["Column 1" left 0.25 "Column2" 
center 0.75]

drop-list: fire action only if selection was made/changed, at the 
moment action fires if clicked on field too

general: on-un/focus should be fired if user clicks an other widget, 
not only if carets leaves the widget when TAB is pressed

table: moving bar up/down with keyboard should fire click-action, 
alternativ: pressing RETURN can fire click action

table: align header text like data (left, center, right) at the moment 
always left
table: TRAC #21

TRAC #5 Cyphre: should be fixed but please test it and let me know. 

I'm going to test all those changes and than we are ready to publish 
them back to the official RebGUI repository.

Ashley, do you first want to take a look at the changes or should 
I just check them in?

What about the docs? Who is going to update them? Should the RebGUI 
docs be added to the repository as well?
of rebgui
i hope rebgui has sub-panels.
in rebgui-edit
	tabbed: [area field edit-list password button]

    tabbed?: make function! [face [object!]] [all [find tabbed face/type 
    face]] ; [che] Returns TRUE if a face itself (not one of it's pane's 
    subfaces) is tabbable (NONE otherwise).
Yes, rebgui asserts that certain widget types are tabbable. It is 
not an attribute of a widget instance that can be changed, except 
by a trick such as Volker's, above. Changing the type is not recommended 
because it is bound to break other rebgui behaviour.
So this means Rebgui's behaviour must change or you must accept the 
current behaviour.
But I thought of a better hack. Put the non-tabbing widget into a 
group of its own. Looks like rebgui doesn't recurse into subfaces 
when tabbing.
But rebgui would not know about your new style, and so it may miss 
out on other facilities of rebgui.
Thus the VID style is independant of the tabbability of an instance. 
Rebgui strongly ties tabbability to the rebgui type.
Well, it's referred to a few times in rebgui-edit.r
Ahh, it doesn't work!  Rebgui also tabs into the group-box...

 Docs: the 'Widgets' section of the 'RebGUI Display User's Guide' 
 is already in the Repository (the WidgetList Wiki entry) ... I'll 
 be removing that section from the guide once all the widget details 
 have been copied across. Feel free to update the Wiki with any widget 
 specific usage notes / instructions. Forward any other doc changes 
 to me and I'll put them in. I plan to eventually move all the docs 
 across to the Wiki, just haven't got around to doing it yet.

 "do you first want to take a look at the changes or should I just 
 check them in?" ... Just check them in thanks.
	screenshots: added to the ToDo list

 widget placement: I'm coming around to the idea that BELOW may be 
 unavoidable, even if undesirable from a design / complexity POV
	tabbing: Anton about summed it up

	Type: also used by accessor functions
Ah! No, tabbing in rebgui seems to be very smart. For now does not 
work with iterated faces, say the comments.
Some good choices for the general case in rebgui, from my starter-POV.
Yes to the first question and http://www.dobeash.com/RebGUI/edit.html#section-3
to the second ;)
Wiki WidgetList updated and completed (finally): http://trac.geekisp.com/rebgui/wiki/WidgetList
Anton - as for the get-rebgui, if you are the author, you could check 
following - Bobik's situation was, that he used latest View, the 
script showed following:

connecting to: www.dobeash.com
Script: "RebGUI update system" (21-Feb-2006)
Local RebGUI version ==> none
Remote directory ======> http://www.dobeash.com/RebGUI/

Local directory =======> c:\documents and settings\user-name-here\data 
Downloading manifest ==> OK

the thing is - above directory does not exist, nor was it created 
by the get-rebgui script .... so the thing is, what happened then. 
It did not start downloading particular widgets though ...
Ashley, can you add get-rebgui.r into SVN as well ?
By the way, Ashley, I think get-rebgui.r should be moved into RebGUI/ 
directory so everything is self-contained. It's not going to affect 
the end user, since they don't download it.
can you add get-rebgui.r into SVN
 ... done
should be moved into RebGUI/ directory
 ... on the list
That's rebgui -
display "" [image %skype.png] also works

http://trac.geekisp.com/rebgui/wiki/WidgetList#imageis pretty clear 
(needs a file! or image! *not* a word!)
Why? The main dialect parser of RebGUI can now be expressed in one 
simple parse construct:

parse reduce/only spec words [
	any [
		opt [... evaluate () to return a REBOL value...]
			parse rules to handle REBOL values

compared to the relatively complex parsing logic in VID (which, to 
be fair, has to handle styles amongst other things).

The main functional difference between what this allows in VID and 
RebGUI is that you don't need to parenthesize your expressions in 
VID (and I kind of like the idea of having to parenthesize them anyway, 
it makes expressions stand out just like they do in compose).

Having said that, if someone can show me a RebGUI parser built along 
the lines of VID that is clean and lean I'll willing to be convinced 
otherwise. ;)
Latest SVN change (Rev#17) now evaluates parenthesis without the 
need for compose. This allows code like:

display "" [
	text (my-width + 50) (form now/date)

and the following widgets now reduce their data block: anim, check-group, 
led-group, radio-group ... which allows:

display "" [
	anim data [image-1 image-2]
	radio-group data [idx "One" "Two"]

These changes shouldn't impact existing RebGUI apps (i.e. they are 
backwardly compatible).
Couple of minor administrative fixes:

 - Examples added for every widget in http://trac.geekisp.com/rebgui/wiki/WidgetList

 - http://www.dobeash.com/RebGUI/display.htmlupdated to reflect latest 
 changes (and have information duplicated in WidgetList removed)

 - Updated site with latest build and corrected path to: "do http://www.dobeash.com/RebGUI/get-rebgui.r"
As we have made several, IMO useful changes to RebGUI, now to submit 
them? Is there something like a development branch in SVN? Or should 
I diff the changes and post here or mail Ashley?
The project isn't big enough to justify multiple source trees at 
present, so as long as what gets committed works and is functionally 
complete we should be fine (and get-rebgui.r is based on stable snapshots 
so we can handle temporary breakages). Just make sure the committed 
changes include those made in rev#16 and rev#17, and a point form 
summary of changes posted here. Thanks.
First cut attempt at set- functions to replace various show- functions:

set-attribute: make function! [
	face [object!] "Window dialog face"
	attribute [word!] "Attribute to set"
	value [any-type!]
	/no-show "Don't show"
] [
	face/:attribute: case [
		string? value		[
			face/line-list: none

   all [face/type = 'area face/para face/para/scroll: 0x0 face/pane/data: 
			form value
		series? value		[copy value]
		attribute = 'color	[either word? value [get value] [value]]
		true				[value]
	unless no-show [
		either focus [ctx-rebgui/edit/focus face] [show face]

set-attributes: make function! [
	face [object!] "Window dialog face"
	attributes [block!] "Block of attribute/value pairs to set"
	/no-show "Don't show"
] [
	foreach [attribute value] attributes [
		set-attribute/no-show face attribute value
	any [no-show show face]

Used like this:

	display "" [
		b: box
		button "A" [set-attribute b 'color red]
		button "B" [set-attributes b [color blue effect arrow]]
		button "Clear" [set-attributes b [color none effect none]]
Just to inform you, we are going to publish all our RebGUI changes 
today. Those will fixe and enhance quite a lot of things. Further 
a new widget "drop-tree" will be published as well.
How to edit Wiki pages?

 If you have source access you automatically have Wiki edit access. 
 Follow these steps:

	1) http://trac.geekisp.com/rebgui
	2) login
	3) Click WidgetList
	4) Scroll to end of page and click "Edit this page"
	5) Make changes then click "Submit changes"
were new widgets plus fixes already uploaded? I can't seem them on 
my hd, when I download via get-rebgui ....
ah,never used that tool before ... so get-rebgui will not download 
it helps with merging. if i change something in rebgui and somebody 
else to, we want to merge that, not throwing somebodies work away. 
svn helps there.
if you dont want to work on rebgui itself, use get-rebgui. thats 
the stable one.
how long do you think it will last till some testing stuff is being 
made an official version?

 Once SVN changes are in and working I let it sit for a week or two 
 before taking another snapshot for get-rebgui.r.
Is any work being done to allow VID and Rebgui windows to share the 
same parentage or whatever so that they appear over each other
Might not be a RebGUI related problem, but let's start here: I have 
the following problem from time to time on my system and always on 
the system of one of my testers.

On my system: I start my app, the gui comes up and I click the first 
widget and the app falls back to the console. Without an error. This 
happens as do-events returns.

The same problem is on the other system, but here I only can do one 
click on a widget.
Ok, I finally made it to publish all our RebGUI changes. I hope this 
helps the rest of the community. We did change a lot:
ATTENTION: rebgui-edit.r was not yet merged. Latest revision doesn't 
include older changes. We will do this ASAP. But rebgui-edit.r is 
required in this version otherwise all other changes done by us might 
not work.

FIXED *rebgui/pad: Now only works for horizontal padding. Padding 
should happen depending on the layout direction left-to-right or 
	Cyphre: now PAD works according to the AFTER settigns. Example:
	display "Test" [
		after 3
		pad 5
	    pad 5
	    pad 5
	    pad 5
	    pad 5
	Robert,let me know if it works like you wanted.

FIXED *group-box: When setting a new title group-box/text: "new-title" 
the surounding frame needs to be adjusted to the new text-width.

FIXED *drop-tree: When selecting different quick-access buttons directly 
one after the other, the drop-tree shouldn't close

FIXED *drop-tree: Highlighting the pressed quick-access button with 
green, the hovered one as is in orange. To give user visial feedback.

FIXED *general: a way to sepcify "align ['left]" for all further 
widgets to avoide repeation. Idea: Add disaply keywords: left, right, 
	Cyphre: added keyword TEXT-ALIGN left/right/center. Example:
	display "Test" [
		text-align right
		after 3
	    t: text 20 "test 1"
	    field "test 2"
	    field "test 3"
	    text-align left
	    field "test 4"
	    field "test 5"
	    field "test 6"

FIXED *drop-list: an option that will show the list layered above 
everything (like the tree list of drop-tree).
	Cyphre: added drop-list/popup-mode: 'inside(default) or 'outside
	note: the same works for drop-tree

FIXED *drop-tree: changing state of the drop-tree (a new entry was 
selected) should only be done if the ACTION code returns TRUE. Otherwise 
the old state is kept, the drop-tree is closed and nothing happens. 
This allows the code to check for some pre-conditions before changing 
the state, and give some feedback to the user. Much like the on-unfocus 
functionality of RebGUI.

FIXED *drop-tree: pressing the quick-access numbers doesn't work 
any more as the drop-tree closes now if the mouse is clicked outside 
the drop-tree

FIXED *table: table/selected returns NONE if the table is empty and 
no record is selected. If there was one recrod selected at any time, 
than table/selected returns [none none <repeated for number of columns>]. 
If not row is selected at any time, table/selected should just return 

FIXED *table: If a table is re-used in that the table is reused with 
code like:
	insert clear table/data [...]

and there was a row selected before, than the internal state is still 
in "row selected" but the new row isn't highlighted. Here internal 
state and GUI don't match.

FIXED *drop-tree: clicking a "+/-" in the tree only open/closes the 
tree without calling the action for the node

FIXED *drop-tree: Re-add whole line selection and hovering functionality 
(so that mouse does not have to be over text)

FIXED *drop-tree: Add an option to get big fast-selction keys aligned 
	Cyphre: added drop-tree/expander-mode: 'big(default) or 'small

FIXED *button: Add an option to disable a button my-button/active: 
true/false, if disabled the button is drawn greyed-out
	Cyphre: usage is my-button/active: true/false show my-button

FIXED *field: Support number datatypes for TEXT so that things like 
field-a/text + field-b/text can be used

 Cyphre: you need to set field/edit-mode: 'numbers to activate this 
 behaviour for field(othervise it works like a normal field)
	2nd implementation uses own styel: number-field

FIXED *radio-group: Add an API that allows to provide a new DATA 
specification block at runtime or a way to alter the text of the 
radio fields at runtime.

 Cyphre: now you can just change the data content and do show on the 
 radio-group like:
		my-radio-group/data: ["item1" "item2" "item3" "item4"]
		show my-radio-group

 Note that it won't react on change of number of items. Just change 
 of texts.

FIXED *radio-group: Add a way to select one radio field at run-time
	added accesor select-item item [integer!] usage:
		my-radio-group/select-item 2
		show my-radio-group

 note: you can get the selected item using my-radio-group/picked, 
 you can get the text of selected item using my-radio-group/selected

FIXED *drop-tree/grey-out: Can it be done in that we only show the 
text in a light grey instead of black? Like Windows does it.
	Cyphre: now the masked text is light grey

FIXED *on-focus / on-unfocus: If FALSE is return from the ACTION 
and the user clicked somewhere on the screen, the focus is still 
in the "field" but no cursor bar is visible

FIXED *drop-list: IIRC in your widgets it was possible to start typing 
and the selection list was filtered. A mandatory feature for the 
drop-list :-))

 Cyphre: added drop-list/editable? flag to enable/disable editing 
 of the drop-list field

 also added drop-list/auto-fill? flag which enables automatic text 
 filterin from the selection list

FIXED *general: add hover tooltip help option to every widget (global 

 Cyphre: added TOOL-TIP facet to rebface object. If TOOL-TIP is set 
 to string! value a tooltip is shown when mouseover such widget.
		display "test" [
			button "press me" tool-tip "press this button to continue"

FIXED*drop-list: proivde a much better selection-list opening algorithm 
especially for long lists. Open upward, downward, middle like so 
that as much entries are shown for the given screen space. And an 
option that will show the list layered above everything (like the 
tree list of drop-tree).

 -added droplist/lines - can be 'auto (default) or integer! to force 
 number of shown lines in droplist

 -added droplist/droplist-mode - can be 'auto (default) 'upward, 'downward 
 or 'middle to force way how the list is popped up
	you can use various combination of those settings.
FIXED*table: Add an API that allows to select a row at run-time.
	Cyphre: Usage is for example:
		my-table/select-row 5
		show my-table

FIXED*table: Add an API to table that allows to change the columns 
layout at runtime: my-table/reset ["Column 1" left 0.25 "Column2" 
center 0.75]

 Cyphre: I added the functionality byt the API call is my-table/set-columns 
 ["Column 1" left 0.25 "Column2" center 0.75]

FIXED*drop-list: fire action only if selection was made/changed, 
at the moment action fires if clicked on field too

FIXED*general: on-un/focus should be fired if user clicks an other 
widget, not only if carets leaves the widget when TAB is pressed

FIXED*table: moving bar up/down with keyboard should fire click-action, 
alternativ: pressing RETURN can fire click action

FIXED*table: align header text like data (left, center, right) at 
the moment always left
FIXED*table: TRAC #21

FiXED*TRAC #5 Cyphre: should be fixed but please test it and let 
me know.
Please give all changes a try, and help to enhance RebGUI even more.
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