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Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
I do not understand this:
>> x: to-set-word 'y
== y:
>> x 'z
== z
>> probe y
** Script Error: y has no value
** Near: probe y

can somebody explain or point me at some docs?
this structure is the one for MD2 File format it contents vertex 
point position, texture, texture coordinates, frames of animation. 
In MD2 format each animation move is the difference beetwin 2 frame 
content .
parsing binary is a bit different than parsing ASCII...and I have 
done a bit for mp4...but I think your point of making it simple is 
a good thing.
so MD2 format encapsulate many  Frame as array and all those frames 
encapsulate many Vert that discribe for this frame each location 
of every point of my 3d Model
in rebol a: SMD2Header and b: SMD2Header will point to the same memory 
chunk ...
Shadwolf: "in rebol a: SMD2Header and b: SMD2Header will point to 
the same memory chunk ..."

yes, but you should do it as follows: a: make struct! SMD2Header 
b: make struct! SMD2Header
I'm not an expert on struct! far of that (wel in C yes but in REBOL 
no and I think it's because I'm not using load/library capability 
until now) but that's a good discution to point to difficulties on 
this kind of task and I hope help rebol Core to have a bettre handling 
of that
maybe that IS a good point to make it harder to crash at the interface. 
 The toughest code to write is always the in-between stuff.
Cyphre you comming to my main point ;) giving to carl a premaid function 
that allow us to deal easyly with array (int, float, char what ever 
type) but for struct based array that's a challenge too and an horrible 
task to do
Group: Script Library ... REBOL.org: Script library and Mailing list archive [web-public]
[unknown: 5]:
Well, I don't think the text is the issue.  I think its placement 
of the text.  Like maybe throw in some bars or something to give 
the menu spacing a reference point or maybe use different fonts or 
color in the text.
the links on the left are not categorize in a way that the mind can 

you have the 'sections' like Home, About, Contact Us etc... and later 
you have FAQ, New to Rebol etc 

my opinion is to get the high level categories defined first and 
that will be the main entry point a user will access various content
However, you can then point them to the freebell online rebol in 
java interpreter
Yes, you can, Ammon. That's the point of it. To store everything 
The new clickable banner text concept is a great idea. I much prefer 
it to the original.

One comment on the rebcode description - "decimal order of magnitude" 
is probably accurate but seems to read like a "point something" (10%?) 
speed increase. It maybe better to just to say "order of magnitude".

As always, good work for implementing it Sunanda.
To expand on Graham's point:

Libray Data Services.....It pre-dates LNS by 2 years.
I'm not saying its perfect.  never have, but it was supposed to be 
a starting point where people could agree on a platform for sharing 
Peter beat me to it, thanks.

Sorry Oldes, the Library does not support utf-8, despite my confused 
suggestion that it did.

Because we use a charset of UTF-8 in the browser header, it is _possible_ 
that we can more-or-less handle scripts with 2+ byte UTF-8 codings 
in REBOL strings! But that's not been tested.

Good point, Chris -- we already have such a filter, but it is not 
used to turn back conributions.
also, some scripts indexed on google do not have the same url now... 
no example, but just tought I'd point this out... its possible the 
url has changed slightly.
Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
--Type inference from a newbee point of view:

What if I wanted to form true (but un-native) datatypes ?  To program 
them, I shall use the same method as other types in Rebol: 

To mention the type as its value : seasoning!: seasoning!, like the 
definition of the type money!: 'money.

Rather, I would like to do type inference as they do, for example 
in ML (I adapt the example from Felleisen's LittleMLer):

So I would need to define a new type and verify the type of a word 
with type?
seasoning!: ('salt or 'pepper)
Unfortunately this does not seems possible 
** Script Error: Cannot use or~ on word! value
** Near: 'salt or 'pepper
In Rebol:
>> source integer!
integer!: integer!
type? 1
== integer!
natural!: (0 or natural +1)
Type inference:
seasoning? salt
Would like the answer == seasoning
is-of-type? 'salt seasoning
Would like the answer == true

Am I forced to turn to Ocaml to do this?  I am stuck.  Thanks for 
any help!
As far as I know it is not possible to define new types.

Not sure that would solve your problem anyway.  A word can point 
to a value that has only *one* type (ignoring the heirarchy -- eg 
block! is also series!). So complex assertions about something would 
not be easy.

Maybe rethink the need.....Use objects to hold both a value and a 
>> item: make object! [value: 'salt type: 'seasoning]
>> item/type
== seasoning
>> 'seasoning = item/type
== true

You could encapsulate that in a couple of functions and expand the 
scope (maybe make type a block with multiple values)
Hmm, there seems no easy way to make a demo. Gabriele is using an 
include mechanism (prebol.r I think) from the SDK . But it looks 
is the starting point.
about an example: there should be a complex.r in that dir that is 
a bit outdated (lacks support for molding and loading) but should 
be a good start. also template.txt is the starting point to create 
a new type.
[unknown: 9]:
That is  agood point Henrik, I set mine to 100 by default.
That's the View cache directory (or sandbox if you prefer), which 
gets set by the installer. Although stuff is downloaded to it it 
is more like the Windows application data directory for REBOL, a 
place for (perhaps untrustworthy) scripts to put their stuff. It's 
not really a default download directory as such.

If you want to change it, the easiest way (for a newbie) is to uninstall 
REBOL, move the entire View directory (not the public subdirectory) 
where you want it to be, and reinstall REBOL, specifying the new 
location. If you are more ambitious, the View root directory is stored 
in the registry and can be changed from there. You can't move the 
public subdirectory seperately from the entire View directory though.

Keep in mind that the View root directory is under Application Data 
for good reasons, particularly to make it easier for multiple users 
on the same computer to use REBOL. It's the standard way to do this 
on Windows, and a good idea overall. 

I tend to leave the View root in appdata where it belongs and then 
set a junction point (sort of like a symbolic link for directories 
on NTFS) in some more friendly location so I can get to the data 
easier. I use the axwLink shell extension for this, which you can 
get here: http://arniworld.de/downloads.htm
Group: Make-doc ... moving forward [web-public]
Yes, it's possible! :-) It might also be possible without the group:

\note A note


some text


more text



But my point is, that making the standard this way won't prevent 
the writer to type:

\note A note



some text


more text




making an upredictable output. And that's the problem. It's not an 
optimal standard in my view.
eFishAnt for moving text if you arrive to a good solution send me 
a post thru altme I will integrate it asap into MDP-GUI

that could be a good point to explaine to newbies how to influe dynamicly 
to default area text :)
Group: Syllable ... The free desktop and server operating system family [web-public]
My point is just to talk about 7-ZIP on the install instructions 
it's better I think tan talking about WinZip ...
yes if yiu want why not the point is promoting GPL project than yet 
well known shareware :)
Even if I have a personal opinion about it, from the point of view 
of Syllable, we don't care. We just want all that software to run 
on Syllable, and integrate well with our platform
That compilation is done by the compiler. I doubt they have a lot 
of assember in it. But strong point is integration with amiga-apis 
AFAIK, i guess without it its just a forth.
No, we couldn't. It would have to be open source. There's no point 
in Syllable being open source if we would accept closed source into 
the base system
Then in the Syllable installation, just point it to that partition. 
It will just reformat it
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
interpreter can be anywhere, usually /usr/local/bin. the shebang 
(first line, with that #!) needs to point there, but thats not rebol-specific, 
its the way with every language.
Group: CGI ... web server issues [web-public]
REBOL does not have to be in the cgi-bin folder.

If it is elsewhere, have a shebang in the first line of each script 
to point to where the exexcutable is.
(apologies if I'm missing the point of the discussion here)
the perl scripts may point to a common perl interpreter so may not 
help you either.
according to Gabriele, Linux might have some default library locations 
... but e.g. I run sqlite as dll, and I point rebol to load the library 
and it loads it from anywhere. The question is, if the same is right 
for executable dependant libraries
ah, so I really don't understand guys' point on ML, complaining that 
web-hosts are REBOL unfriendly. I tried with two, and those had no 
problem uploading rebol for me ...
Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
we have looked at it and at the same time looked at phpsavant 

for us, our key concerns is maintenance from the developer point 
of view. We want the team to stick to one language (or markup)... 
there will be times in a project, that you may not have the luxury 
of a designer...so the developer still end up working on the apps 
GUI (or look-n-feel).
yeksoon - inteersting point ....
Drat, that is another point I had wanted to make :o)
Group: XML ... xml related conversations [web-public]
Which is the point in my suggesting the DOM :o)
What's the advantage comparing to amke directly a hash! of it ? Did 
 mis the point ?
MichaelB: about unicode handling. That's a point we didn't think 
about, because we're working in iso-8859-1 (western european) and 
not utf-8 or-16. So we've to see what would the cost be of it. If 
here is any suggestion about how to handle this, those are mostly 
welcome ! (I handled a similar problem with a simple replace/all, 
but i don't know if it's the best approach)
About a port-approach... What should be the advantages ?
Volker: i got your point. I don't know yet. I will study it tomorrow.
carsten: I should have kept my mouth shut about XOM and asked you 
before :-)

the port-idea was just that a thought - in any case if one wants 
to use a dialect there has to be an entity to interpret the dialect, 
whether that's an function or something else doesn't matter, but 
a port seams to be a common rebol entity to encapsulate things - 
that's why I thought it would maybe even make sense to use a port 
as abstraction .... opening a port to an xml file and the port will 
parse it in whatever way - by sending (inserting) a dialected block 
into the port the xml document could be worked on - at least from 
the users point of view one wouldn't have to handle the xml-code-block/rebol 
code block separetely - even though it might be nice to access it 
directly .... well maybe I have too little glue about ports so the 
idea might not make too much sense when I forgot about some important 
drawbacks and the like
Group: DevCon2005 ... DevCon 2005 [web-public]
anyway, i guess the main point is "meeting", however considering 
the amount of travel involved one year is not much indeed. but... 
can we really wait two? :)
Consider that many europeans didn't/coudn't came last year, I agree 
with Gabriele, the point is "meeting"
also, while the stream camera would mainly point to the screen, the 
recording camera would point mainly to the speaker, since with minimal 
editing you can just make a screenshot of the slides and insert them 
in the video at the appropriate places.
Milano is more a "business" kind of city. Roma is probably more interesting 
from a tourist point of view. but it really depends. Milano can be 
very interesting too.
someone has to take charge and decide and become the focal point 
of the organisation, otherwise its going to become hard to get there.... 
airfares cost more as deadlines are closer...
reason: first of all, the devcon is for rebolers first, others second. 
second, we need speakers, otherwise there's no point in having other 
people coming; if we have no speakers, then let's just make a "meeting" 
or "party" or whatever you want to call it.
Group: PowerPack ... discussions about RP [web-public]
Ashley I'm Absolutly agreed with your point of view  !!! The way 
to participate actively to a project can take a lot of shapes. 1) 
make doc 2) making code optimisation 3) adding brand new code 4) 
debugging 5) giving feedbacks and needs 6)  making translation 7) 
making sample code (as far as I saw in my peronnal experience it's 
easier to understand how to use a thing if you provide a sample code 
that's an illustration not a goal. Sample code alone are only accessible 
to yet powerred users. Documentation without sample code is abstract. 
That's for example what I like in the rebol documentation diccionnary 
it explains and shows you concretly little sample to pretty understand 
the cancept explain... Making good doc is a hard and painfull task 
... If it belongs only to one people my personnal expirence shows 
me that the effort is not made along a long time... so it's obvious 
that we need a doc commity where people emulates each others and 
fixe periodically new goals. In French speaking community we all 
share teh same point of view that' why we try to put at disposal 
of all the people some usefull tools like a dokuwiki in http://www.rebolfrance.org
and doc collectors in http://www.rebolfrance.frand http://rebdocproj.sourceforge.net/) 
our public is french speaking mainly but we are so few that we can't 
say hey our tools are for french speaking people only. So if those 
tools seems you usefull for any project and any information sharing 
or cooperative work go ahead use them ;)
but the weak point is that REBOL coding is so gorgeous that you mmost 
of the time prefer spend your free time to make script than documenting 
them ;)
the inter documentation referecing is too a weak point some needed 
concept are maybe availlable yet some where but then you need to 
specify it into your documentation to orient the reader :)
ScottT, if the REBOL powerpack spec doesn't allow GPL restrictions, 
then it doesn't. Good point.
I agree about good point. but the posting said nothing about its 
gpl, but we want bsd. it started flaming against gpl, that was all. 
so i responded to that.. ;)
One major point wasn't said: We need a library system to handle all 
this. I won't use code, where I need to 'do zillions of single files 
in a specific order, handle path and lookup things, need local sub-directories 
to load images etc.

I'm still using Slim on my xpeers system, because that's the only 
thing I know about that handles all this quite well. And I can tell 
you, it pays off. Something like this is required.
Group: Rebol School ... Rebol School [web-public]
[unknown: 9]:
Hello Denis,

So, one of the things a group of us have been talking about is doing 
some group lessons (world wide).

We have researched some tools for making this possible.  We narrowed 
it down to Macromedia's Breeze.  In fact last week I talked for about 
2 hours with their team (meaning the people that actually designed 
and programmed it).

This week I'm talking to their OEM leads about integrating Breeze 
from Rebol into Web applications.

So our first Breeze interactive lesson will be in a few weeks is 
my guess.  WE have not idea how good it will be with more than 10 
people, and world wide, but we are going to try.

As to a road map.  Programming languages in general are difficult 
to learn in a methodical method.  Rebol being even more difficult 
(in my opinion), because learning the structure does not help very 
much.  Even learning how Rebol works is not all that usefull (compared 
to lets say Basic, or a Batching system).

I will make some simple suggestions though:

1.	Go to Rebol.com, and read what is offered there.  It actually 
is a good starting point.  Rebol Essentials" which is a PDF on the 
site is worth reading.

2.	Write your own dictionary.  Literally, pick a given word in Rebol, 
use it in a sentence.  And just work your way through all 400+ words. 
 You can do it in a few hours.  All you need to do is try to use 
it in a way the Rebol Dictionary does not use it.

3.	Build something you really want to build.  Unless you have a goal, 
working on anything is going to be boring.  Think of a utility, or 
a game that you have always wanted to understand better, or want 
to play with, and build it.  Another cool concept is to simply copy 
it from an existing version in some other language you already know, 
or that is more simple (like Basic).
I don't think a good path to learning Rebol is the numerous examples 
and how-tos given. With each, you learn how to program the example 
shown, but they are of little help in helping create referents for 
the learner. One needs to grasp the overall "philosophy" of structure 
of the language at one point.
Denis, I am not sure there is a shortcut to learning the philosophy 
or way of any language. A person simply has to read and write in 
that language a lot before the way is realised. Having said that, 
Carl Sassenrath wrote a long time ago a ten-point summary of rebol, 
which, being so short, had to be more philosophical, I think. Now 
to remember where that might be...
[unknown: 9]:
It would be cool to build a sort of proto-tree.  So you can see where 
in the tree a word is related.

I created a graphic language that effectively had two commands:

Draw: at an xy point and
Circle: which had center coordinates, radius, angle and divisor.

The angle and devisor allowed you to pull an interesting trick.  

So to make a square, you simply called it with a divisor of 4.  this 
would build a string (block) with 4 pairs.  If you wanted a diamond, 
set the angle to 45.
You then passed the string to draw.

This may seem like a weird way to do this, but it was perfect for 
a real time rending system that was interactive.  We use this in 
a draw program like Flash.
I'm addicted to Rebol since a few years back in fact. But never got 
to the point of the newcomer stage in the learning process. One excuse: 
to many distractions elswhere.
[unknown: 9]:
Hmmm, I will assume plugin related, but in fact I don't know.  I 
will ask him at some point.
On Rebol plugin.

Opera 9 (still in beta) have a nice way of implementing their version 
of widgets.

Technically, it is no breakthrough. But, the way they place the 'Opera 
Widgets' is similar Mac's dashboard.

The 'Opera Widget' tab' will sit on top of your desktop so long as 
Opera is loaded.

So, even if you have FF open, etc, there will still be this litte 
tab on your 'title bar'. Clicking it will show the various widgets 
you have.

I would think if Rebol could be integrated with the browser in this 
way...it will be a plus point.

Opera test builds can be obtained at http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/
I can't follow your logic:

>>a: b: 4

Both symbols a and b "point" to the value 4

>> b: 3
symbol b now "points" to the value 3.
Peter, yes, but you could read (but as Gab said, pointer semantics 
isn't correct anyway)
a: b: 4

'a pointing to 'b pointing to 4

and if I know change 'b to point ot something else, 'a still points 
to 'b.
And when you bind a, you make it point to another context with another 
slot in it.
A word is basically a value that can be put in a value slot. This 
value includes a pointer to a symbol and a pointer to a context.

A symbol is like a string that is only stored once. The symbol that 
is pointed to by a word is the same symbol (same chunk of data) as 
that pointed to every other word that is made up of the same characters 
as the word (case-insensitively).

A context is like a map from symbols to value slots. When you create 
a context it has the specified set of symbols associated with it 
and each one of these symbols has an associated value slot. When 
you bind a word to a context, you change the context pointer of a 
word to point to the context. If you try to bind a word to a context 
that doesn't include the word's symbol, the bind fails silently and 
the word is unchanged. With the exception of system/words, all contexts 
are of fixed length once they are created (for now).

If the word's context pointer is not set, the word is considered 
unbound. If the corresponding value slot in the context the word 
is bound to is supposedly empty, the value slot really contains the 
unset! value, and the word is considered unset.

(Current implementation) Every word you create is added to the system/words 
context, which expands to include it if it isn't already there. Currently, 
system/words has an upper limit of 8000 words. This effectively means 
that the words your script uses must not exceed 8000 unique symbols, 
including those used by the runtime.
Anton, my explanation above does cover the same word in different 
contexts. Contexts don't really contain words (except as values in 
the value slots). You can think of a context as a hash full of references 
to symbols and a block (of the same length) that contains the value 
slots corresponding to those symbols. A word is just a value that 
points to a context, and another word can point to another context, 
even if both words also point to the same symbol.
I know, nothing against what you describe, I just wanted to point 
out to possible troubles and mistakes by newbies, and am trying to 
find out, how to avoid it ....
The document "Rebol Essentials" starts with an explanation of value, 
word and block. Seems to be a good starting point. Haven't looked 
at how it introduces the syntax of system words later on. That is 
a crucial part. I want to find a subset of the 400 Rebol words that 
sould and can be learned first, giving the beginner a useful and 
powerful subset of instructions to start programming significant 
small apps.
If this set is small enough (400 words is way to large), say 15 to 
30 words, then this would be a good starting point for teaching purposes 
(18-20 year olds with no previous experience in programming).
The pdf manual "Rebol Essentials" comes close to that. It seems to 
be a good starting point.
Here is what I figure would be a good starting point, at the present 
level of my knowledge:
Then reading data somewhere and some simple parsing techniques: find 
a string, extract from one point to a second and saving the data.
I have the feeling that would be a very good starting point. I'm 
a little hazy on what is offered for parsing in Rebol at the moment. 
I'll look into that next. I think that once you have read a file 
into memory, it is in block form and you can use natives like "first", 
"next", "find" and so on on it. If so, then I would be going that 
way for sure.
Group: RT Q&A ... [RT Q&A] Questions and Answers to REBOL Technologies [web-public]
Gabriele -- could you point Carl to Feedback message #5a5e09270?
It's been unanswered for a couple of weeks.

Basically, asks if there is any plans for formating numbers -- as 
per the discussion here (core group, 5-oct)
Briah - Volker surely knows it was a joke ;-) He just tried to point 
out imo, that we could get some features schedule in months or year-quarters 
[unknown: 9]:
Good point, I'll find out.
question: I own a Linksys WAP54G access point which runs on a MIPS 
processor with a small Linux server on it. I tried loading REBOL/Core 
for MIPS onto it, but it couldn't run.

The thing is, there is quite a lot of embedded hardware that runs 
such small linux servers. It would be easy to make control software 
via REBOL, connected to a PC running an encapped REBOL/View application. 
This would allow for rich realtime control software, rather than 
using the normal (slow and non-realtime) built-in webserver. I already 
managed to get realtime readouts on signal strength, by polling the 
access point through telnet and displaying a simple meter in a REBOL/View 
script, something not normally possible. But  you could do much, 
much more, if you could run /Core on it directly. I think there is 
a lot of unused potential here.

Would RT consider such ports of REBOL/Core to various embedded hardware 
products and provide a list of embedded hardware products that can 
run /Core?
very cool, thank you Gabriele ... that is exactly what was missing. 
IMO ppl can wait, even longer then roadmap check-point state, but 
there should really be some roadmap and some more-often releases 
of alpha stuff - at least I found it vital, as ppl were throwing 
in some ideas, bug fixes, etc.
Group: Windows/COM Support ... [web-public]
Still, your point about COM being less-than-well-designed does have 
some merit :)
those are good news, btw im going to make a program for those who 
dont have rebol/pro, using a TCP port, just like i've see in other 
projects, if any one can point me to some sources it would be great.
if any one can point me to some sources it would be great.

 what sources? i thought you wanted to write the proxy in another 
Anyway, disucssion is OT. My point is, if someone can make value 
out of COM support, that getting a /Pro isn't a problem. If it's 
a problem, than I'm sure the COM support is just wanted for playing 
around. Which is OK, but doesn't fit RT's business strategy.
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
exactly, that was my point ...
Joe, Mac mini does have a CPU fan, but it's pretty quiet (less than 
22db from memory). Unit does get pretty hot if you start doing a 
number of CPU intensive tasks at the same time, at which point you 
can actually hear the CPU fan. I've not noticed any performance issues 
with the 5400rpm drive, but I don't run any DB intensive stuff on 
it. The units originally shipped with 256MB RAM, which was just not 
enough for serious use, but I've found the 512MB they now ship with 
to be more than adequate. Most apps run well, except OpenOffice which 
runs like an absolute dog (both the X11 version and NeoOffice).
Group: Plugin-2 ... Browser Plugins [web-public]
but at some point it'll be essential to run encapsulated scripts 
and use secure connections
Josh, to be precise, that's:  "I prefer: ask before (download + install), 
notify afterwards..."  - where "download + install" is one operation 
from the user's point of view.
3) Integration - the toughest part - first - old plug-in way of integration 
was not optimal. REBOL's code  of 'get-net-info is outdated and broken. 
First thing is to get proxy info automatically, if possible, but 
still allow it to be settable. Most corporate users do use proxy, 
without it, plug-in in non-existant product for corporate environment 
imo. Why to allow manual settings? Well, dunno how many companies 
do use it, but our company does :-( ..... "use script for proxy configuration" 
- and the script is JS code, which browser can interpret, but not 
rebol itself, so we need ability to set it manually

... or - second point and probably the main point from the architecture 
pov - do we allow what rebol allows? Do we allow our own networking, 
or will we allow only to tunnel via browser? One one hand, we would 
get https, on the other hand, if we limit it, we are not talking 
about rebol anymore, but sligthly different rebol based product. 
As for me, I am not able to see all the security related concerns, 
so I let it to others here ...
.... on more point to UI - I really don't know, what to do with pop-ups. 
I suggest, for REBOL 3.0 View, to have rebol based windowing system, 
not to use separate native OS dialogs, or we are doomed here. Each 
view/new means new window, and ppl who are used to add-block will 
feel uncomfortable imo ....
pekr, I sort of agree with you, but it's impossible to ignore how 
widespread flash is, not for apps, but for animations, stylish pages 
and now video with youtube and video.google.com. I actually think 
the easiest way to watch video is through flash.

The point is though not really what flash does, it's how it gets 
spread. I think REBOL/Plugin should emulate that behavior as close 
as humanly possible. people who have installed flash, would know 
how to install REBOL/plugin (visit a specific site, wait for download, 
click 1-2 buttons, done). That initial "installation experience" 
is incredibly important for the widespread use of REBOL/plugin. If 
people can't use it within the first 1-2 minutes, they'll forget 
about it and move on.
Henrik, Reichart - there is no need to reply to flash being widespread 
or not, that all is misunderstanding. I did not start talks about 
multi-billion kind of stuff ;-) My only care and point was - how, 
UI wise, do we allow to invoke rebol/plugin configuration, so let's 
please stick to it :-)
so all the point was that Flash does not necessarily mean Rebol is 
in the same league. But it was my non-knowledge - I did not know 
they can change menu, thanks for enlightenment, I thought the menu 
is the same because it (the plug-in)  is only a player .... I would 
vote for context menu, but in rebol, what is menu, right? We don't 
use native OS widgets, so just how to do it ....
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
Maybe I should post a news on slashdot stating that the RAMBO is 
released and point to REBOL.com website ? ;-)) Looks like this method 
works quite well ;-)
The How-To you point us at, is only useful if you want to compile 
stunnel sources for the windows version instead of downloading the 
precompiled binary.
Group: Games ... talk about using REBOL for games [web-public]
on my list there is better keyboard support, but a part from that, 
have any of you trying to do games ever gotten to a point where you 
give up for this or that?
since game play is about improving your agents, and their statistics, 
this is done slowly and true evolution occurs.  you are free to create 
forks at any point too... but having many agents to update will obviously 
mean you loose time, but have better specialised agents... hehe all 
part of the strategy.
or each victory allows you a point count (like xp) where you can 
add it more agent macro code bytes  :-)
[unknown: 9]:
Great start.  Feedback

-	Allow full screen: Stretch to fit.
-	Start with larger tiles (some of us are old)

-	Tiles need to be much brighter and higher contrast (yes I know 
I can change this myself).

-	3D effect should center single point perspective, not isometric.
-	Score?
-	Seed value?
-	Help? (shortcuts, etc.)
-	Undo?
-	Timer?
-	When there are no more moves, you should be notified.
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