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world-name: r3wp

Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
My first thought was to introduce a new datatype (like a "lit-integer!" 
(eg. '1) or an "index-integer!" (eg. @1), but it still means there 
will exist a datatype which, in a path, does not SELECT like other 
types, but is interpreted as a direct index PICKer.

So now I think there could be some "escape" path notation which changes 
the PICK-type functionality of integer path members into the SELECT 
type (which all the other datatypes have by default).

eg.  values/^1/dos/new   <-- The ^ causes the path to consider the 
following integer 1 as a series member to be SELECTed like other 
datatypes, instead of the PICK special treatment.
Group: View ... discuss view related issues [web-public]
Anyone done a colour wheel/picker ?
Also check this small GUI experiment:
do http://bolek.techno.cz/reb/efflist-complete.r

rearange the effects using drag'n'drop, duplicate effect whit green 
"o", remove them with red "x" (that's not good idea, as you cannot 
add removed effects back) and set their values with knobs, check 
box and color-picker.
Just that the precision of picking color in the triangle is limited. 
You can test it if you try to move the picker to one of the edges 
and you will see that the sliders won't go to min/max values. There's 
some rounding involved, missing decimal pair! and of course, to be 
really precise, the color wheel should be at least 256pixels wide. 
But you can alwas finetune using sliders.
Nitt Picker !!  But you right its a bit clunky at the moment, its 
only saving grace its that the data entry field remains in a static 
position !! :-)
Oldes, do you still have that nice "color picker" code somewhere? 
 I want to embed that into GLASS as a style, I'd put it in the default 
release with your permission.
ah  battle of the color pickers then...  Rebolek is your picker available, 
I'm curious to see it?
Group: Rebol/Flash dialect ... content related to Rebol/Flash dialect [web-public]
hmm, should say 3, I forgot the second version of the color picker 
to upload, now it's here as well http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rswf/index.php?example=148
Group: !REBOL3-OLD1 ... [web-public]
If you're color blind (as some of you may be), the color is called 
Request in the AltME color picker.
Color picker example - http://www.rebol.net/r3blogs/0153.html- I 
gues now with Carl's frequent enough blogging, there is no point 
in posting such links?
I hope the subject of the example, a colour picker, isn't an indication 
that the new Rebol GUI isn't going to native dialogs. Windows, Gnome, 
KDE and Mac OS X all have native colour pickers don't they?
Can anyone guess, what is "Face DO reactor (event action) reuse" 
in Color picker blog? It is represented by code like:

set-clr: when [enter] do [ ... some code here ...]
Simple answer: I don't think we are currently talking about finalization 
and the color picker was an example, not a feature.

Longer answer: The new GUI is going to be part of the open source 
portion of R3, and open source projects are never really finished 
until they die. So the question here is not "finalized" but "ready 
for a release to the wider developer community". In order to do that 
we need to put together the core design of the infrastructure and 
enough styles to get the new DevBase GUI up and running. Right now 
we are focussing on styles and features that have the most impact 
on the system as a whole, or the most potential to flush out bugs 
in the underlying runtime.

If it all seems low-level, that is because it is. We will have a 
development release before we have most of the styles you mention 
because we will need the help of the developer community to make 
those styles and more. However, don't expect the styles you list 
to be missing - some of them meet the criteria I lested above, like 
helping flush out design flaws or use in DevBase.
Short VID3.4 status:

- Some extra formatting options in the DOC style.

- I added a numeric field today similar to the one on my old blog 
site for VID, except that this one took half a day to do instead 
of a week and was way easier to implement.

- Skin is changing appearance a bit, both to simplify and to extend 
its possibilities. This made it possible to build pixel-perfect text 
areas, lists and other combined faces, finally.

- Some bugs remain in the layout engine which make certain layouts 
look a little messy. Still not sure that MAX-SIZE is the right approach.

- Added CONTAINER to help produce aforementioned pixel perfect styles. 
As a bonus, such styles will have a common border, which we then 
can change in a simple way.

- Looked a bit at a CALENDAR style for a date picker, but decided 
that it is better to wait a bit with that to finish some other base 
styles first.
Group: !Liquid ... any questions about liquid dataflow core. [web-public]
I do want to convert rebolek's famous color picker into using liquid... 
one of the thing which will be made better is the fact that I can 
sample colours from mouse events much more often than actual refreshes 
occur, so that it should feel smoother.