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Group: #Red ... Red language group [web-public]
Kaj: do you know why __libc_csu_init and __libc_csu_fini are not 
defined in libc in Linux? How am I supposed to pass them to __libc_start_main 
if I can't access them?
Don't pass them.
When I will write app in Red, it will compile to Red/System in the 
first pass, and then to the native code from R/S? So that it means, 
that you write Red in R/S? Hmm, if Carl would release R3 sources, 
it would not help you much, as you plan to write Red in R/S, not 
You can pass a window ID or title to -window.
As we do the compilation and code generation in one pass in current 
Red/System, we can't look ahead to determine the boundaries of each 
expression in a variadic block of arguments in advance, to be able 
to extract their datatype.
Actually, the single pass nature of Red/System strengthened my assumption 
that the computation would be in natural order
I somehow had the idea you lived in/near Paris. I must relocate you 
elsewhere, mountains nearby and cost of living only 400 euro's a 
month. (including the ski-pass in the winter sure thing) :-)
I used to live in Paris, six months ago I moved to Podgorica, main 
city in Montenegro, where life is much nicer and cheaper than Paris. 
One of the main reason is being able to continue working on Red. 
Ski-pass in the winter is about 15€/day.
Just pass the variable name.
Doc, have a look at http://box.lebeda.ws/~rebolek/sintezar.zip

Compile file %sintezar.reds and see function ADSR in %env.reds. Even 
when I pass TRUE, EITHER always executes FALSE block. I tried to 
simplify it, but I wasn't succesfull, so it's bit bigger project 
than just few lines, sorry :)
Is it/would it be possible to pass context as an argument to a function?
If you need to pass a 64-bit integer as argument, currently you would 
need to split it in two integers and pass them instead. A struct 
is passed by reference, not by value (yet).
Nenad, can you give me an example, please? When the function requires 
for example (pseudo-code):
     pointer! [byte!] integer64! struct! ; data, index, metadata
how should I pass the integer64! value?
Yes, except that Red/System is designed to fit Red, and Red will 
pass code to Red/System efficiently in loaded block form, instead 
of text form that the C compilers had to parse again
The main drawback right now to support direct Red script execution 
is REBOL inability to execute native code from memory. The workaround 
would be to provide a DLL to pass the memory pointer and call the 
Red code, but as I aim at a single Red binary, this option wouldn't 
be very satisfying.
All tests pass on Linux and OS X after latest master branch commit. 
Will you be studying RT's code to see how everything was accomplished?

Certainly not!! The GPL precludes me from looking at the code, the 
risk is too high to unconsciously write similar code and infringe 
the license. It is even worse than that, all Red contributions implementing 
a feature that exists in R3, will need to pass through a peer-reviewing 
process to determine if it is a derivative work of R3 or not. The 
reviewing persons would be able to look at R3 sources, but doing 
so, would not be able to contribute code to Red. So I strongly advise 
current and future Red contributors that wants to add REBOL features 
to Red from looking at R3 sources.

so C to Red/System rewrite would have to happen anyway ....

 No!! Porting GPL code to another language falls under derivate work 
 clause too. If it wasn't the case, it would be too easy to workaround 
 GPL terms by porting it from language A to B, then from B to A.

There is a reason why most big software companies prohibit their 
developers from looking at GPL source code.

Yes, that's how GPL can be bad to non-GPL world.
The above string doesn't work as-is in Red though, you should pass 
the codepoints escaped instead of the UTF-8 encoding.
Yes, all actions and natives work from the stack. Sometimes they 
are just wrappers other equivalent functions that pass arguments 
in a classical way, so they can more easily be called internally 
by other parts.
It's about dealing with different Linux kernel incompatible ABI for 
float support on ARM platforms. Red/System uses the FPU unit (named 
VFP in ARM family) directly, but when having to pass/receive float 
arguments from libc or 3rd-party libs, Red/System needs to do it 
respecting the installed system ABI, which might be `softfp` or `hardfp` 
(there's a third one, but it's for not a concern for us). 

Currently, Red/System floats are passed using the `softfp` convention, 
so it works only on ARMEL platforms (while ARMHF platforms require 
`hardfp` convention). `hardfp` is a much more performant, while `softfp` 
is for legacy  systems or systems with no FPU unit).
Normally a function can't be used before it's defined. How could 
I pass a pointer to a function that's not defined yet?
Good to know, but we'll need to make a last testing pass once the 
merge of 0.3.0 done.
Oh, the particular quality of the R3 extension dispatch model that 
makes it well-suited to JIT compiler implementation is that a command 
function contains an indirect reference to the dispatch function, 
and an index integer. When the command is called, the runtime calls 
the dispatch function and passes the integer and a marshalled stack 
frame. For a JIT compiler dispatch function, the index of the command 
can be an index into an array of function pointers or something like 
that, and the dispatch function can just pass the stack frame to 
the appropriate function, then return the results. This means that 
the hard part of JIT compiling - getting the regular runtime to call 
the created functions - is something that you essentially get for 
free with the existing command mechanism.

You could also use the dispatch function to marshall arguments into 
another runtime with a different call model. You could, for instance, 
have a dispatch function that pushes the contents of a marshalled 
stack frame onto a Lua stack and calls Lua functions. Or you could 
do something similar for LLVM functions, or ActiveScripting languages, 
or V8, or ODBC queries, or even Red's JIT.

This all depends on having a good marshalling model in the first 
place that can handle the datatypes you need to support, and it would 
also help if there was a good task-safe callback mechanism that actually 
works (R3's needs a bit of work at the moment). Still, the principle 
is sound.
From top of my head: C has unions and can pass struct by value. Both 
those concerns should be addressed in future Red/System versions.
Pekr: the difference between AOT and JIT compilation is much thiner 
than you think. Just load Red/System compiler code to your R2 app, 
pass it any source code at runtime, use the link?: no option and 
you get compiled code and related data in form of binary! values...and 
voilà! :-) The rest is same as for Cyphre's JIT, you need a way to 
call native code in memory, something that is hardly possible in 
R2, but maybe Cyphre found a hole to achieve it anyway.
Jerry: if I understand correctly, what you want to achieve is:

    Red/System [ ]

    structA!: alias struct! [
        p [structB!]

    structB!: alias struct! [
        fun [function! [a [structA!]]]

As is, it won't compile in Red/System as structB! is not yet defined 
when defining structA! (and the compile is making a single pass only, 
so can't look ahead). 

The workaround is to define `p` as integer! and use type casting 
when accessing it.

Also note that if you reverse the order of definitions and start 
by defining structB!, you could use the same workaround for `a` argument 
type (define it as integer!, then apply type casting when appropriate).
1) Is _zone_ a struct or a struct pointer? If it is a struct, then 
in Red/System, you just pass the struct! variable.

2) Correct, use "as byte-ptr!" in such case.
1. _zone_ is a struct pointer. I need to pass a pointer to a struct 
pointer as the 3rd parameter, that's why I try to use get-word here.
The interpreter will unlock a lot of features that would have needed 
to wait for the JIT-compiler, like DO/REDUCE/COMPOSE natives. These 
natives can be statically compiled as long as you pass a literal 
block to them, but anything else needs dynamic execution. I was refraining 
from adding them to Red compiler so far, because  they could work 
only partially. Now, I can implement them fully, thanks to the interpreter 
acting as a fallback.
Hardly, the symbol table purpose is to provide a mapping between 
an integer value (the symbol ID) and a string representation. If 
we could allow the removal of a symbol, we would need: 

1) to be sure that a symbol is not used anymore anywhere (would require 
an equivalent of a full GC collection pass) before removing it.

2) maintain a list of freed "slots" in the symbol table for re-use.

3) being able to trigger the symbols-GC at relevant points in time.

Even with that, it would still be hard to counter a LOAD-based attack 
on the symbol table.
GC collection pass
 => GC mark pass
The compiler generates code to pass the function! value from :halt 
to quit:, then the interpreter evaluation `quit` by analyzing its 
value, detecting a function!, then processing it.
We are still struggling to make #366 pass in all use-cases (Windows/Linux/OSX, 
run from console vs from shell,...): https://github.com/dockimbel/Red/issues/366
Can I pass function pointer as an argument to another function in 
Also, in some places you have to cast the function pointer to an 
integer to pass it
That will be a problem.  Maybe I'll have to pass the data using slower 
Bo, you could use the 0MQ bindings to pass the images between Red 
and R3
Kaj, about relaxing errors in interpreter (avoiding quiting), it 
is easy to achieve (just remove the `halt` found in interpreter and 
%context.reds), but it is problematic because letting these errors 
pass will let the Red stack in an invalid state which will often 
result in subsequent crashes (until we add proper error support in 

So, I propose an alternative solution: add VALUE? (and maybe other 
natives if required), to allow you to validate the input before DOing 
it. What do you think?
foo: func [code [block!]][repeat i 1000 code]
foo [i]

Doesn't raise an error in Red console for me. It works fine. Delcaring 
the word local to FOO does cause the error for each pass.
Let me finish my pass on boot doc strings, and then I may look at 
Thinking about it, it might be possible to allow an extended catch 
attribut with a integer value to specify the barrier value for catching 
exceptions (and avoid manual re-throwning), something like:

foo: func [[catch 100]][...]

would catch all thrown exceptions with a value <= 100 and let others 
pass up to caller.
Petr, in the currently available code, the GTK binding can't function 
without a callback from Red/System into Red; as Doc says, to pass 
GTK events into the Red GUI dialect engine. So far I constructed 
the callback the ugly way, but there's official support now
Actually, it's fairly simple, think about a GUI app that sends a 
click event to your Red/System binding, how do you pass the event 
to Red code if you can't call it from Red/System. ;-)
There's also the special /options (IIRC) refinement in Topaz that 
allows use to pass a block with set-words/value for each arguments 
(including refinements). That should be also a solution to consider.
Or perhaps two java-do's in a row should do it. I'm not sure how 
to pass the child object, though
Now in Red/System, we can't pass a function as parameter to Red/System 
but we can pass it to external C FUNC, right?

cmp-func!: alias function! [left [byte-ptr!] rihgt [byte-ptr!] return: 
quick-sort: func [
	base	 [byte-ptr!]
	n		 [integer!]
	size	 [integer!]
	cmp-func [cmp-func!]	
	; can't use cmp-func in this function
However, there would currently be no facilities to access the content 
at the Red level, so you would have to pass it to Red/System functions 
to do anything with it
In the case of read-string you get a c-string!, so you can get the 
size with LENGTH?. For read-file-binary that's not possible, so you 
pass a pointer to an integer! to be informed about the read size
So, I gave my new BeagleBone Black (BBB) a quick test. With latest 
Arngstrom Linux, I was able to upload Red ARM tests (generated using 
%build-arm-tests.r). All tests pass, except %function-test, which 
crashes with Runtime Error 1: Access violation ....
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
A first pass at accessing the Etsy API: http://reb4.me/r/etsy

Works similarly to my Twitter API script (a few OAuth differences 
here and there). You can download it, or run it in place (do/args 
... [...Settings...]). As with Twitter, you start with etsy/as and 
go through the authorization process.  It has a few example methods, 
and an open method - etsy/api-call - that can call (as far as I can 
tell) every api function. Will try to document at some point.
I changed the Red 0MQ interface to optimise the memory use during 
receiving of messages:


SEND and RECEIVE have been renamed to send-string and receive-string, 
because they currently handle messages as UTF-8 text. When Red gets 
a binary! type, versions for binary messages will be added, and there 
will probably be type agnostic SEND and RECEIVE wrappers again. Previously, 
you used

message: receive socket

to receive a string message. Now you pass a premade string! (similar 
to call/output in R2):

message: ""
receive-string socket message

This means that you can choose between creating new strings for each 
message (with COPY) or reusing the same string. In the latter case, 
some Red/System code in receive-string makes sure that no extra Red 
memory is used, and that all used system and 0MQ memory is freed 
again. By optimising memory use, this also improves performance of 
message throughput.
Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
Oh, weirdly enough, DELECT and DO-COMMANDS are also interpreters. 
There is an additional gotcha though.

Though DO, PARSE, DELECT and DO-COMMANDS are interpreters, they are 
implemented as library functions. This means that the code that you 
pass to these functions can be closed-source, but the code that *calls* 
these functions needs to be GPL-compatible. If you make a REBOL-in-REBOL 
interpreter or compiler that treats the code it runs as data, and 
the code it runs doesn't call any REBOL functions at all, even indirectly, 
then the code it runs can be closed source. This is basically what 
Red is, so Red would be legal.
Actually not. Brian explicitly stated:

This means that the code that you pass to these functions can be 
closed-source, but the code that *calls* these functions needs to 
be GPL-compatible.

As you may have noticed, my POV is different.
Re: 'Maybe you interpret "these functions" as DO, etc' - I have to 
because the citation actually is:

Though DO, PARSE, DELECT and DO-COMMANDS are interpreters, they are 
implemented as library functions. This means that the code that you 
pass to these functions can be closed-source, but the code that *calls* 
these functions needs to be GPL-compatible
I fear Kaj is right and there is no reason to trust that the reasonable 
standpoints of Ladislav will be accepted in a court of law. Not only 
a costly but also a timeconsuming and mentally draining event. Pass.
if you have to think this much when deciding to use a tool or not, 
I would guess many (most?) would probably pass. Too many nuances 
and interpretations...
Arnold, just FYI, I'm tinkering with your redcompiler script, and 
will send you my version soon. When I started with REBOL, many people 
were kind enough to pass on suggestions, to make my code more REBOLish, 
so I try to do the same from time to time. It's not a critique of 
your code, just ideas you can accept or reject.
Group: Rebol School ... REBOL School [web-public]
A slightly shorter version that does the same, I think:
        localize-file: func [file [file!] ][
            mold to-local-file clean-path file 

I added [file!] to the parameter.....You get the parameter type-checked, 
hence a better error message if you pass it something that is not 
a file name.
On filename quoting, I have an ENQUOTE func (and a more generic ENCLOSE, 
ENCLOSED?, etc.) to make the intent clear. MOLD is shorter, but if 
you pass things around, not knowing if they've already been molded, 
you can get tripped up. At least I have.
you must add merge to the begining of effects, when you want images 
to pass thru faces.
Sometimes you want to allow someone to pass in functions and then 
let them evaluate, as long as you have a good semantic model for 
what is supposed to happen and are careful about how you call them. 
The ARRAY, EXTRACT and REPLACE functions in R3 and R2 2.7.7+ are 
a good example of this.
The PARSE IF method does let you add a /compare function option though, 
so you can be as specific as you want. Instead of if (:p/1 == :e/1) 
you would do if (apply :f [:p/1 :e/1]) then pass :== or :strict-equal? 
as a parameter..
@BrianH I am writing in Rebol, I am not able to write C code.

@Gregg I need to pass an integer! to a function that converts it 
to a binary, and your function expects a struct! how do I change 
That is, use make-LPINT, set the /value, and pass that.
I used a trick not well known.
>> do second function!
allow to execute a function without having to pass its arguments.
Hello, all.

 Back in May I was here asking for lots of help in creating a simple 
 CGI script in REBOL. Wanted to say thanks. It was most appreciated, 
 especially considering how rarely you get new people my questions 
 must have seemed so simple to the point of boring the crap out of 
 all of you hardcore experts. My regular job has insane hours and 
 months pass by in what seems like minutes. The person I was doing 
 it for suddenly had other things come up on his website and business 
 that required attention first so it fell by the wayside. I intend 
 to pick it up where I left off this week during an evening when I 
 have more time. While I had a few minutes I had to send my thanks.

 And I see REBOL might become open source... good to see it  moving 
 forward instead of stagnating.
Thanks for the welcome back message.

 I left off asking about the mySQL driver. So I want to insert into 
 a database a random number the code already generated and associate 
 it with an email address that was provided by a CGI form. Have yet 
 to create this in the real world but for now let us assume I will 
 call the database "customers". The people who process the credit 
 card and collect the email address advised me that the address will 
 be labelled "trnEmailAddress".

 After finding the mySQL driver Here is what I figured out using placeholders 
 for things like password, etc. Would appreicate knowing if this is 

; Loads MySQL driver
do %mysql-driver/mysql-protocol.r
; Opens connection to MySQL server
db: open mysql://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/database

; Send query to database server. Enters random number from above. 
customers is probably the name of the database I will create

insert db ["INSERT INTO customers VALUES (?,?)" "trnEmailAddress" 

 Next I need to insert an existing PDF file (an e-book) into a directory 
 created by the script. The directory will be named after a random 
 number that was earlier generated by the script. I am astounded that 
 I can not find the command to copy a file. So the variable assigned 
 to this random number is called "token".

 So I have the following.

make-dir %token/

 How do I copy a file into this new directory? Also, is that the corecct 
 way to make a directory?
So I have 

mailbox: open [
    scheme: 'pop
    user: "[user-:-domain-:-org]"
    pass: "password"
    host: "mail.domain.org"

and I am getting my email as expected. Two questions. Is my password 
being encrypted by Rebol when it communicates with my mail server? 
How do I know?
Another question. On linux (linux mint debian) these segments of 
code are part of a larger program. I separated them out because they 
are causing trouble when I try to 'enface' them.

    set-net [[me-:-mydomain-:-net] mail.mydomain.net pop.mydomain.net none 
    none none "[me-:-mydomain-:-net]" "PASSWORD"]

    open [scheme: 'pop user: "[me-:-mydomain-:-net]" pass: "PASSWORD" host: 

The code encapsulates without errors, but when I run the program 
after 'enface' it gives the following errors:

    Set-Net not provided.

    ** Access Error: Invalid port spec: scheme pop user [me-:-mydomain-:-net] 
    pass PASSWORD host mail.mydomain.net

    ** Near: open [scheme: 'pop user: "[me-:-mydomain-:-net]" pass: "PASSWORD" 
    host: "mail.mydomain.net"]

I would like to be able to 'enface' these code snippets. Any suggestions 
as to how to fix this would be most welcome?
I have included view.r and now have the graphical elements working 
after 'enface', thanks GrahamC. But I'm still getting the other errors: 
This is all to do with setting up the email parameters:

    Set-Net not provided.

    ** Access Error: Invalid port spec: scheme pop user [me-:-mydomain-:-net] 
    pass PASSWORD host mail.mydomain.net

    ** Near: open [scheme: 'pop user: "[me-:-mydomain-:-net]" pass: "PASSWORD" 
    host: "mail.mydomain.net"]
Ok, so ANY is simply a way to pass back a value that is not false?
The underlying problem indeed is related to a bug in R3. Both directories 
and files are represented by file! in R3. R3 uses a heuristic that 
a trailing slash discernes file file!s from directory file!s. Now 
when you pass a file! without a trailing slash but which actually 
refers to a directory to READ, READ crashes. (Bug#1675)
Actually, the first method I posted above is easier to understand 
for a lot of nested statements.  Compare this real line of script 
from one of my programs.

The way I normally write it:

browse probe rejoin copy [http://www.respectech.com/log/show-invoice.cgi?user=
username "&pass=" password "&submit=" replace/all client "&" "%26" 
"&invno=" invnum either amtdue [rejoin ["&notice=1&amtdue=" to-decimal 
amtdue "&daysdue=" daysdue]][copy ""]]


browse (probe (rejoin (copy [http://www.respectech.com/log/show-invoice.cgi?user=
username "&pass=" password "&submit=" (replace/all (client) ("&") 
("%26")) "&invno=" invnum (either amtdue [rejoin ["&notice=1&amtdue=" 
(to-decimal amtdue) "&daysdue=" daysdue]][copy ""])])))

Heirarchical (takes a lot more space, but is easier to follow -- 
however, doesn't have the parameter enforcement of parens):
Group: !REBOL3 ... General discussion about REBOL 3 [web-public]
Gab, it says here that http 1.1 is partially supported http://www.rebol.net/docs/prot-http.html
 but you still pass 1.0
to pass 1.0 ?
Should get some concensus on this as it will affect all the schemes, 
and may need a little rewriting of the http scheme which uses write 
to pass options
It severely restricts what you can pass to the scheme actors without 
any suitable refinements
Going to change that to

write smtp://smtp.host.com [ 
This is a tip for where you have those pesky @s in a username. You 
still can't get past that by using %40 in a url as Rebol converts 
those when it evaluates the url but you can do this

>> cmd: open decode-url "ftp://user%40rebol.com:[password-:-ftp-:-rebol-:-com]"
make object! [
    title: "FTP Protocol"
    scheme: 'ftp

    ref: [scheme: 'ftp pass: "password" user: "user%40rebol.com" host: 
    path: none
    host: "ftp.rebol.com"
    port-id: 21
    pass: "password"
    user: "user%40rebol.com"
port opened ...
The main problem is that when you pass TO an invalud rule, PARSE 
doesn't complain, it just ignores the rule as if you didn't write 
it at all.
More prot-send.r testing.  Had the hardest time trying to get 'send 
to work with my mail server.  Found I had to change a line in prot-send.r 
to :

 smtp-port: [ scheme: 'smtp host: (user/smtp) user: (user/user) pass: 
 (user/pass) ehlo: (find/tail user/email 
) timeout: 600 ]

as EHLO on my SMTP host was expecting only the domain portion of 
the email address instead of the entire email address which is what 
I had been trying.
In CC #1990 http://issue.cc/r3/1990
I think there a typo in the example :

	>> reword/escape "!bang;bang;" [bang "!"] ["!" ";"]
	== "!blah;"  ; One-pass, continues after the replacement
wait, it should pass the END value.
For i=1 To 1 Step 0 --> infinite loop on  BASIC.
For the moment, assuming all Lad's latest tests and design pass, 
except [1 1 0], as outlined above, are there any other issues Brian?
We are giving developers more control by saying that some stuff is 
under their control (i.e. the code blocks). We are providing some 
safety by saying that some stuff is presumed to be not under their 
control and thus possibly suspect (i.e. immediate-evaluation parameters 
to functions that they didn't write). We do screening of some stuff 
because that cuts down on the screening they have to do themselves. 
That way dvelopers can use functions and assume that they are safe 
to use by default.

For instance, one advantage of #1993 FOR would be that they would 
have to go out of their way to make it do an infinite loop, since 
no combination of start, end and bump would generate one. That means 
that they wouldn't have to wrap calls to FOR in expensive conditional 
code, they can just pass in any values of those parameters and trust 
FOR to never go infinite without them expecting it. Your CFOR would 
not have that advantage, but since it takes code blocks for all parameters 
it is assumed that you are more careful about those code blocks, 
as you should be as a general rule in R3.

It's about providing a balance. Complete consistency in how all parameters 
are treated regardless of their nature would not allow us to help 
developers where they need it. However, having a consistent policy 
that code must be treated more carefully by developers than non-code 
allows developers some flexibility while still allowing them to be 
careful. That is why code that developers provide explicitly is considered 
to be what they want to do, at least from the outside of functions. 
And you can make the distinction between code and non-code using 
simple type tests, which is why we have APPLY and ASSERT/type.
The pass-thru func approach is an interesting thought. I wouldn't 
want to redfine things to do it though.
Group: Community ... discussion about Rebol/Rebol-related communities [web-public]
This is a periodic posting of community links along with activity 
levels for discussion dedicated to Rebol and Rebol-like languages. 
The intent is to bring a dispersed community together by providing 
the current list of places where the community gathers along with 
reasonably accurate activity indicators for each place. This list 
will be posted in each location weekly or bi-weekly so that anyone 
dropping by will not have to look far in order to learn where else 
things are happening.

Currently the activity stats are gathered manually and postings are 
also not automated. This will hopefully change as the requisite scripts 
to scrape and post automatically are developed. This updated list 
will eventually be available at http://rebol.comas the site is cleaned 
up post Rebol open sourcing. 

# Chats

## R3 Chat

This is the primary forum for Rebol 3.0. It runs from any Rebol console 
in a text mode, but a GUI version is planned.
- Run R3, type chat and follow the instructions (all platforms.)

- Type "help" for more information or visit R3 DevBase Chat Forum 

- To view public messages from any web browser go to RebDev mobile/phone 
interface (http://www.rebol.net/cgi-bin/rebdev-web.r).

- Problems? Please contact Rebol Technologies at (http://www.rebol.com/cgi-bin/feedback/post2.r).
Activity: 4 messages this month

## Rebol chat on Stack Overflow (http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/291/rebol)

- Note that you will need a reputation of 20 in order to be able 
to post in the chat. 

- You can gain this minimal reputation (essentially a spam filter) 
by participating in the Stack Overflow group of sites. 
Activity: 380 messages this week

## AltME Worlds

A private instant messaging system where rebolers hang out 24/7. 
The current world dedicated to Rebol and Rebol-like language discussion 
is called REBOL4
- Get client at http://www.altme.com/download.html
- connect to the 'rebol-gate' world with user/pass, guest/guest
- request account on REBOL4 world in the REBOL4 request group

Web archives of public groups, first to last in the most active world, 
REBOL4, as well as the dormant world, REBOL3:
REBOL4 (http://www.rebol.org/aga-groups-index.r?world=r4wp)
Activity: 286 posts last 6 days
REBOL3 (http://www.rebol.org/aga-groups-index.r?world=r3wp)

# Forums

## Rebol Facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/groups/rebol)
A new special interest group for Facebook users.
Activity: 26 messages this month

## Rebol Google+ community (https://plus.google.com/communities/100845931109002755204)
Activity: 4 messages this month

## Rebol Google Group (https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/rebol)
Activity: 43 messages this month

## Synapse EHR Rebol Forum (http://synapse-ehr.com/community/forums/rebol.5)
A web-based forum for R2 and R3, provided by Synapse EHR
Activity: 13 messages this month

## RebelBB France (http://www.digicamsoft.com/cgi-bin/rebelBB.cgi)
A simple forum, written in Rebol, for French speakers.
Activity: 140 messages this month

## Nick's Rebol Forum (http://rebolforum.com/index.cgi)

A micro-forum (just a few lines of Rebol) hosted by Nick Antonaccio. 
(Note: the captcha question is first.)
Activity: 79 messages this month

# Q&A (Question & Answer)

## Stack Overflow questions on Rebol
Activity: 219 questions tagged
Activity: 2 questions tagged

world-name: r3wp

Group: CGI ... web server issues [web-public]
I prefer to use get for variables that are part of a logical location, 
like a page viewer, search variables and such. I use post if the 
data being submitted causes changes (other than logging and such). 
Anything you want to be bookmarked you pass with get.
Personaly I do not like M$ as it is monster. ;-)

But in my last and current work I am not responsible on which web 
server to chose and therefore neither for security of web server.

And I am trying to separate my  resposibility and SP responsibility, 
but of course there is cases when they overlaps.

I am just trying to find  as much as possible info about security 
of web servers and it does no matter if it is M$ or not .

My first installations was on IIS 5.0 in intranet - so I relied on 
firewall. The last case is in public internet. 

So I think if there are no possibility to upload danger cgi scripts 
or pass danger code to existing scripts, than from my side I did 
Group: PowerPack ... discussions about RP [web-public]
If I would have known beforehand the restrictions that gpl would 
place not only on me, but that I would be forced to pass on. . .
Group: Rebol/Flash dialect ... content related to Rebol/Flash dialect [web-public]
Oldes, making some progress thanks to your help. There is one example 
with soem embedded rebol code (the arc example). Is there a way to 
have rebol do some processing then expose what it does to flash? 
I want to write a function in rebol to take a string and create a 
block of characters which I then want to pass to flash. 

For example, I can hardcode a_block: ["h" "e" "l" "l" "o"] but I 
would rather send the string "hello" to a function and have it generate 
that block then pass it to flash. It seems that what I do within 
a "rebol [ ]" block is hidden from flash.
Worked great! Is there any way to pass AS vars to a rebol block? 
You must think I'm crazy but this is an amazing piece of coding and 
I am determined to use it. I'm curious but when you created your 
work for the incredible web pages you've done, did you make libraries 
or are they basically one large script?
How you want to pass AS vars to Rebol? Once you compile the RSWF 
dialect file, you have Flash which has nothing to do with Rebol. 
But you can connect Flash and Rebol using various ways (, getUrl, 
loadVariables or  XMLsocket connections). When I do some bigger projects, 
I do not use one file, but rather more files conected together using 
"include" or "require" tags.
Anyway.. the main reason to rewrite the actions parser was, that 
everything was hardcoded, now it first translates actions into instructions, 
which are compiled on second pass... so it's now possible to better 
dubug the compilers results... for example:

do http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rswf/rswf_latest.r
>> acompiler/translate [a: 1 + 2 + b]
== [["a" 1 2 aAdd "b" aGetVariable aAdd aSetVariable]]
>> compile-actions [a: 1 + 2 + b]
== #{960D0000610007010000000702000000479603000062001C471D}
Group: RT Q&A ... [RT Q&A] Questions and Answers to REBOL Technologies [web-public]
Gabriele - could you please pass my latest comments/links to Carl? 
I looked into Io slide-show and found they do use libevent library. 
I posted links into TechNews group. There is interesting reading 
in-there, also hidden is some links - liboop and The C10K problem 
..... Maybe we will find another libraries for further rebol improvements, 
like Cyphre did find agg.
Carl is pretty busy right now, se we should maybe pass the links 
later on. please remember me about it.
Group: Windows/COM Support ... [web-public]
Just make sure that randoms can't send you scripting commands to 
pass along - Outlook has taught us that.
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
Pass the bottle.
Group: Plugin-2 ... Browser Plugins [web-public]
We need to investigate it. On IE, this is accomplished through a 
COM Interface to the browser object (via IDispatch), and then we 
call the method execScript on the IHTMLWindow object, passing the 
string of the code. But on Mozilla, there is no such COM interface, 
so we need to find if there is an interface available to the plugin 
to pass JS code.
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
but doc, I think many users would like  you to pass by a little more 
often... its just nice to know that an author is actively supporting 
his stuff...
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